Televangelist “Prophet” Calls On Trump To Rip Off Biden’s “Mask” At Debate To Reveal His Body Double

“This fake Biden, you know, what’s he gonna be like when he shows up? If he shows up. I think it’s going to be more about what are the moderators going to do, how they’re going to set President Trump up, limit what he can say, mute his microphone, and really make it difficult for him. I think that’s going to be the real thing that going to happen in the debate.

“And I said something last night on Flashpoint that the secular media is talking about. Wouldn’t it be great – and I say it for the audience that maybe didn’t see it last night – wouldn’t it be great if President Trump would go and reach out to this Biden guy and move forward and give him a hug and at the same time his hand slips and we see who’s under that mask.

“Wouldn’t that be great for the whole world to see?” – Self-proclaimed prophet Hank “Hairpiece” Kunneman, repeating the QAnon claim that President Biden actually died shortly after taking office and has been replaced by a body double.

Kunneman made the same claim in 2023.

In 2021, he appeared here when he claimed that Trump appeared to him in a dream to say he was about to be reinstated as president.

Also in 2021, Kunneman declared that God would smite his critics with leprosy.

In February 2020, Kunneman and his wife summoned “a supernatural inoculation” to cure Christians of COVID with “the blood of Jesus.”

In 2018, he claimed that God has “anointed Trump to give Christians the blood right to rule America.”