TOMORROW: Viktor Orban Assumes Presidency Of EU

The Associated Press reports:

When Hungary takes over the helm of the European Union on July 1, many politicians in Brussels will have the same thing on their minds: whether populist Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will use the role to further his reputation as the bloc’s main spoiler.

Orbán in recent years has seemed to relish opportunities to block, water down or delay key EU decisions, routinely going against the grain of most other leaders on issues like the war in Ukraine, relations with Russia and China, and efforts to defend democracy and the rule of law.

His public opposition to EU policies and stances has long frustrated his partners in the bloc and pushed him to the margins of the continent’s mainstream. Hungary’s motto for its presidency — Make Europe Great Again — raised eyebrows for its resemblance to the famous tagline of former U.S. President Donald Trump.

Read the full article. The largely ceremonial (so far) presidency of the EU rotates between member countries every six months. Today, Orban announced a new alliance with far-right leaders in Austria and Czechia.