Vaseline Woman: God Told Me I’ll Win My Senate Race

The Christian Post reports:

U.S. Senate candidate Kari Lake called for the return of God in American culture Friday as she claimed at a Christian conservative summit that it was God’s plan, not her own, that she run for public office. She proclaimed, “I want to bring Him back,” as she pointed to Heaven, indicating that she was referring to God. “We need to bring Him back into our culture, into our lives, into our hearts and souls.”

“At that time, I grabbed my Bible,” she said. “I literally opened the Bible; I didn’t know where I was opening it.” Lake opened to 1 Timothy 6:7, which declares, “You bring nothing into this world and it is for certain you take nothing out.” She asked the audience, “Can you believe that is the answer God gave me?” Lake continued to elaborate on God’s plan for her: “You’re going to run for an office, you’re going to run for another office and you’re going to actually win.”

Read the full article.