Ex-HUD Sec. Julian Castro: Biden Should Step Aside

“Joe Biden is a good man and has been a good president. But last week’s debate disturbingly demonstrated that he is unable to effectively prosecute the case against Donald Trump—much less inspire and mobilize voters to the polls.

“President Biden passed transformative legislation. He helped bring us out of the pandemic—and led one of the greatest economic recoveries in the world.

“But unfortunately, a strong record is not enough when the stakes are this high. Sadly, President Biden is not the campaigner he was in 2020—and looks very likely to lose to Trump, one of the weakest candidates in presidential history.

“I am convinced that a number of other Democrats, including Vice President Harris, stand a better chance of winning. Defeating Donald Trump is too important for Democrats to do nothing.

“With the understanding that the stakes are so high, President Biden should make the difficult decision to withdraw from the race. President Biden should fulfill his promise to be a bridge to the next generation of leadership—and allow a stronger Democratic candidate to prevent a disastrous second Trump term.

“Time is running out.” – Former Obama Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro, in a series of posts made last night to X.