Giuliani’s Creditors Subpoena Lindell Over Contract

Law & Crime reports:

Another batch of subpoenas has gone out in Rudy Giuliani’s bankruptcy case, this time targeting MyPillow, its CEO Mike Lindell, and FrankSpeech, Lindell’s streaming app and website.

The former mayor’s creditors are looking to learn more about a contract — “Talent Services Agreement” — between Giuliani and FrankSpeech, seemingly the agreement Giuliani’s attorney Gary Fischoff referenced during a wide-ranging June 17 hearing, revealing a new five-day-a-week internet or radio show that would create $180,000 in additional income.

On top of that, the bankruptcy lawyers and their clients want to know more about the Lindell outlet FrankSpeech’s financial connection to Giuliani and the “alter ego LLC” Giuliani Communications.

Read the full article. Lindell can’t pay his own lawyers but he can pay Giuliani $180,000?