LIVE VIDEO: British Parliament Election Returns

The Associated Press reports:

People throughout the United Kingdom will elect all 650 members of the House of Commons, one for each local constituency. There are no primaries or run-offs, just a single round of voting today, July 4. Britain uses a “first past the post” system of voting, which means that the candidate that finishes top in each constituency will be elected, even if they don’t get 50% of the vote.

This has generally cemented the dominance of the two largest parties, Conservatives and Labour, because it is difficult for smaller parties to win seats unless they have concentrated support in particular areas. The party that commands a majority in the Commons, either alone or with the support of another party, will form the next government and its leader will be prime minister.

The BBC reports:

At 22:00 BST, polls will close across the UK in the general election. Anyone who is in the queue at a polling station before then will still be allowed to vote. As soon as as polls close, we will learn the results of the exit poll, which will give us an estimation of who has won the election.

The exit poll is carried out by polling company Ipsos, jointly for BBC News, ITV News and Sky News.

Voters at more than 130 polling stations will have been approached by Ipsos researchers as they leave today and asked to fill in a mock ballot paper to indicate how they voted. The results allow BBC analysts to forecast approximately how many seats each party has won across Britain.