Donald Trump

Pelosi: Trump Will Be Impeached Forever [VIDEO]

“Let me just say, it’s Sunday morning, I’d like to talk about some more pleasant subjects than the erratic nature of this president of the United States, but he has to know that every knock from him is a boost. He’s the president who said I should have impeached George Bush, because of the war in Iraq, and now he’s …

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Esper “Didn’t See” Evidence Of Plot Against Embassies

CBS News reports: Secretary of Defense Mark Esper said he “didn’t see” specific evidence that top Iranian military commander Qassem Soleimani was planning attacks on four U.S. embassies, but said he believed such attack would have occurred. “The president didn’t cite a specific piece of evidence. What he said was he believed,” Esper said Sunday on “Face the Nation.” “I …

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Amash: Trump Is Selling Our Troops To Saudi Arabia

Politico reports: Rep. Justin Amash (I-Mich.), a vocal critic of President Trump, on Saturday accused the president of selling U.S. military support to Saudi Arabia. Trump said in an interview with Fox News’s Laura Ingraham the day before that he had pressured Riyadh to compensate the U.S. for a recent deployment to the Middle East. “We have a very good …

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POLL: Majority Say Trump’s Airstrike Made US Less Safe

USA Today reports: Americans by more than 2-1 said the killing of Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani has made the United States less safe, a nationwide USA TODAY/Ipsos Poll finds, amid broad concerns about the potential consequences ahead. A majority of those surveyed, by 52%-34%, called President Donald Trump’s behavior with Iran “reckless.” Americans were divided on the wisdom of the …

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Trump Campaign Shifts Attack Focus To Bernie Sanders

Buzzfeed News reports: President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign is beginning to aggressively attack a rising threat to his power: Bernie Sanders. Until now, the Trump campaign has focused much of its messaging on former vice president Joe Biden. The Trump campaign put out two statements centered on Sanders this week, and the Vermont senator was at the top of the …

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Pelosi To Transmit Articles Of Impeachment Next Week

The Washington Post reports: “I have asked Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler to be prepared to bring to the Floor next week a resolution to appoint managers and transmit articles of impeachment to the Senate,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) Pelosi said in a letter to colleagues Friday. The House voted Dec. 18 to impeach Trump on two charges — …

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Trump Sent “Happy Birthday” Message To Kim Jong-Un

Bloomberg News reports: U.S. President Donald Trump asked South Korea to deliver a birthday message to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, in the latest exchange of personal greetings between the two leaders whose countries have been adversaries for decades. South Korea’s National Security Adviser Chung Eui-yong told reporters at Incheon International Airport on Friday that Trump made the request …

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Trump Takes Credit For Cancer Drop, Experts Howl

CNN reports: President Donald Trump insinuated in a tweet on Thursday that his administration played a role in the US cancer death rate hitting a record low in 2017. The American Cancer Society says that’s not true. Trump’s tweet appeared to be referring to the findings of an American Cancer Society report released on Wednesday, which said the rate of …

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House Votes 224-194 On War Powers Limits Resolution

Vox reports: The House of Representatives on Wednesday sent President Donald Trump a decisive message on conflict with Iran, voting overwhelmingly to block his ability to engage in further military action without congressional approval. Three Republicans and one Independent joined Democrats in order to advance a war powers resolution introduced by Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-MI) that closely mirrors a proposal …

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LIVE VIDEO: House Votes To Limit Trump’s War Powers

CBS News reports: The House is set to vote Thursday afternoon on a resolution limiting President Trump’s ability to engage in hostilities against Iran under the 1973 War Powers Resolution, as Democrats attempt to reassert Congress’ constitutional authority to declare war amid a tense standoff with the Islamic Republic. Speaker Nancy Pelosi unveiled the resolution on Wednesday, and lawmakers debated …

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Trump Admits Climate Change Is Not A Hoax [VIDEO]

The Daily Beast reports: President Trump said during a White House briefing on Thursday that he is a “big believer” in climate change and that it is “not a hoax” soon after his administration announced a plan to overhaul an environmental policy act. When asked by a White House pool reporter if he believes climate change is a hoax, the …

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Trump Brags About Economy: How’s Your 409K Doing?

Trump’s latest comes as #SniffyMcAdderall trends at #2. President Trump pointed to gains in the stock market on Thursday as evidence of a strong economy under his presidency, imploring Americans to check how their “409Ks” were doing. The erroneous reference to “409ks” — which appeared to be a typo — drew fire on social media, with critics of Trump mocking …

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TOMORROW: House To Vote On War Powers Limits

The New York Times reports: Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced on Wednesday that the House would vote on Thursday to force President Trump to quickly wind down military action against Iran unless he is given explicit authorization from Congress, opening what promised to be a searing debate over presidential war powers. Ms. Pelosi made her announcement as lawmakers breathed a sigh …

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Trump Runs Hundreds Of FB Ads Praising Iran Killing

Buzzfeed News reports: President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign is wasting little time capitalizing on the assassination of Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani. Just three days after the death of the head of Iran’s Quds Force, the president’s reelection campaign began to run hundreds of ads praising Trump for ordering the killing — a decision that had been declined by presidents George …

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Ex-Marine Busted Trying To Access Air Force One

And he very nearly made it. Fox News reports: A 37-year-old Naples, Fla. man was arrested Sunday after allegedly lying about being an active Marine Corps member to gain access to Palm Beach International Airport prior to President Donald Trump departure, a report said. Brandon Mark Magnan, who was dishonorably discharged from the U.S. Marine Corps and required to register …

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Pew Research: Majority Outside US Do Not Trust Trump

Reuters reports: Most people around the globe don’t trust Donald Trump to do the right thing when it comes to foreign affairs, according to a survey released Wednesday, but they do have positive overall views of the United States. The Pew Research Center survey of 37,000 adults from 33 countries via phone and face-to-face interviews found that 64% of respondents …

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Trump Org To End Bidding On DC Hotel On Jan. 23th

The Wall Street Journal reports: The Trump Organization plans to cut off bids on its Washington, D.C., hotel on Jan. 23. The Trump Organization leased the property, within the Old Post Office building, from the federal government, and, with extensions, the lease lasts almost 100 years. A new lease owner could adjust the branding and managing of the building. President …

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Trump: “Iran Appears To Be Standing Down” [VIDEO]

NBC News reports: President Donald Trump said on Wednesday that Iran “appears to be standing down” after its missile attack on U.S. targets in Iraq, and he vowed to keep up the pressure on Tehran with “punishing” new economic sanctions. Trump made the comments in an address to the nation Wednesday from the White House less than a day after …

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LIVE VIDEO: Trump Addresses Nation After Iran Strike

NBC News reports: President Donald Trump plans to address the nation on Wednesday morning after Iran on Tuesday night launched dozens of missiles at a pair of Iraqi bases that house American troops. The attacks caused no American or Iraqi casualties, Iraqi officials told multiple outlets. Iranian leaders, who vowed to avenge last week’s U.S. drone strike that killed Revolutionary …

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NY High Court To Consider Trump Defamation Suit

Reuters reports: New York state’s highest court will consider whether U.S. President Donald Trump must face a defamation lawsuit by a former contestant on “The Apprentice,” in a showdown that could help determine whether Trump can be sued while in the White House. The Appellate Division in Manhattan, an intermediate-level court, on Tuesday granted Trump permission to ask the state …

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