Donald Trump

Trump Claims Nancy Pelosi’s Teeth Are Falling Out

The Washington Post reports: President Trump opened a new, dental front Sunday in his periodic feuding with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, suggesting on Twitter that her teeth were falling out as she answered a reporter’s question about why bribery was not made an article of impeachment. The president has frequently jeered at his political rivals, often resorting to jabs about …

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Fox News Poll: 50% Say They Want Trump Shitcanned

Fox News reports: Weeks of congressional hearings and debate have failed to move the electorate on impeachment, according to the latest Fox News Poll. At the same time, approval of President Trump’s job performance has climbed three points. Currently, 45 percent of voters approve of the job Trump’s doing, up from 42 percent in late October. Over half, 53 percent, …

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Trump: Only Pro-Trump Fox News Shows Do Well

Newsweek reports: Trump hit out at Fox News ahead of the network airing interviews with former FBI director James Comey and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, claiming “only pro Trump shows” on the network attract high ratings. On Twitter, Trump claimed the conservative cable network is “trying sooo hard to be politically correct” by interviewing two of his critics. …

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Trump To Announce Afghanistan Force Drawdown

NBC News reports: The Trump administration intends to announce the drawdown of about 4,000 troops from Afghanistan as early next week, according to three current and former U.S. officials. The withdrawal will leave between 8,000 and 9,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan, the officials said. The announcement would come just days after Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad rejoined diplomatic …

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Trump Wails: The Dem Haters Are So Unfair To Me

The Washington Post reports: President Trump claimed on Friday night that Democrats had become the “Party of Hate” hours after the House Judiciary Committee approved two articles of impeachment on party-line votes accusing him of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. The full House is expected to vote to impeach Trump next week, though Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell …

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WH Defends Trump’s Ridiculing Of Greta Thunberg

CNN reports: The White House on Friday issued a statement in response to questions about why the first lady did not respond to her husband’s ridiculing of 16-year-old Greta Thunberg after she was named Time’s “Person of the Year.” #BeBest is the First Lady’s initiative, and she will continue to use it to do all she can to help children,” …

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Yet Another Example Of Trump’s Bizarre Mental State

The Washington Post reports: Touting his accomplishments during a second Hanukkah reception at the White House on Wednesday, President Trump recalled a conversation he said he had with real estate developer Charles Kushner. “I said, ‘Charlie, let me ask you what’s bigger for the Jewish people: Giving the embassy to Jerusalem, it becomes the capital of Israel. What’s bigger? That …

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Six House Democrats Attended WH Christmas Ball

Axios reports: Half a dozen House Democrats attended the White House Congressional Ball last night while their colleagues on the Judiciary Committee worked late into the night on articles of impeachment, according to two sources familiar with the event. If you’re looking for clues about which House Democrats might vote against impeaching President Trump next week, one tempting place to …

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REPORT: Trump Views Impeachment As Humiliation, Takes No Blame, Rages Against His Perceived Enemies

The New York Times reports: As the House moves toward what even he says is an inevitable vote to impeach him for high crimes and misdemeanors, Mr. Trump toggles between self-pity and combativeness. He looks forward to a Senate trial that he seems sure to win and thinks that it will help him on the campaign trail when he travels …

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Live Video: House Panel Approves Impeachment Articles

The Associated Press reports: The House Judiciary Committee is expected to approve articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump on Friday after abruptly shutting down a 14-hour session late Thursday following a marathon slog through Republican amendments aimed at killing the charges. Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., said the committee would resume at 10 a.m. Friday. “It is now very late …

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Michelle Obama Tweets Encouragement To Greta

The Hill reports: Former first lady Michelle Obama sent a message of encouragement to 16-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg early Friday morning after she faced ridicule from President Trump, telling the teenager to “ignore the doubters.” Trump tweeted Thursday that it was “ridiculous” that Time magazine chose Thunberg as its 2019 “Person of the Year,” an honor he was …

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Pentagon Struggles On Rules For Pro-MAGA Troops

Politico reports: Rank and file troops sharing candidates’ positions on social media. MAGA ball caps on display at military bases. Former soldiers, pardoned of war crimes charges, appearing on stage with the commander-in-chief at a political fundraiser. These and other examples of partisanship seeping into the armed forces are prompting generals and admirals to confront what they see as a …

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Trump May Dodge 2020 General Election Debates

The New York Times reports: President Trump is discussing with his advisers the possibility of sitting out the general election debates in 2020 because of his misgivings about the commission that oversees them, according to two people familiar with the discussions. Mr. Trump has told advisers that he does not trust the Commission on Presidential Debates, the nonprofit entity that …

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“Jews Go To Hell” Pastor Speaks At WH Hanukkah Event

The Independent reports: President Donald Trump hosted an evangelical pastor who once said Jewish people were going to hell at the White House Hanukkah reception on Wednesday. Robert Jeffress is a prominent Christian leader from Dallas and has spoken at several religious events, including the opening ceremony of the new American Embassy in Jerusalem in 2018. During the White House …

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Bill Weld: Six GOP Senators Would Privately Convict

The Hill reports: Former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld (R) said Thursday that as many as a half-dozen GOP senators are privately in favor of voting to convict President Trump at a likely impeachment trial. “I know most of the senior Republicans in the Senate,” Weld, a long-shot candidate for the GOP presidential nomination, said in an interview at The Hill’s …

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SC Court Boots Suit Over Canceled GOP Primary

Fox News reports: A county judge in South Carolina has dismissed a lawsuit against the Palmetto State’s Republican Party over its decision to cancel a presidential primary next year. Richland County Circuit Judge Jocelyn Newman’s ruling effectively seals the near unanimous vote earlier this year by the state GOP’s executive committee to forgo its “First in the South” primary status …

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Pentagon Tests Previously Banned Ballistic Missile

Here’s one more thing to worry about: “On Thursday, Dec. 12, 2019, at 8:30 a.m. Pacific Time, the U.S. Air Force, in partnership with the Strategic Capabilities Office, conducted a flight test of a prototype conventionally-configured ground-launched ballistic missile from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California,” Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Robert Carver said in a statement. Such a missile was prohibited …

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Trump Names Himself TIME’s Person Of The Year

The Associated Press reports: President Trump’s reelection campaign tweeted an edited cover of Time magazine’s “Person of the Year” issue on Thursday which depicted the president’s head on the shoulders of Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old climate change activist. The tweet suggested that the magazine had erred in naming Thunberg “Person of the Year,” and listed accomplishments of the administration. When …

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Trump Has Tweet-Raged 100+ Times Already Today

Politico reports: Just hours before a House panel was set to approve articles of impeachment against him, President Donald Trump flexed his Twitter fingers, blasting out more than 80 tweets and retweets in less than three hours, and covering everything from the impeachment proceedings and trade to his upset for TIME Magazine’s Person of the Year honor. The deluge began, …

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Trump Tweets Praise Of “Thug Nasty” MMA Fighter For Vowing To Physically Assault “DC Politicians” [VIDEO]

Law & Crime reports: President Donald Trump mocked the far-left Antifa movement on Twitter, Thursday, in response to an MMA fighter offering to beat up the president’s enemies. Colby Covington has previously met President Trump, Donald Trump Jr., and Eric Trump, and has been interviewed by former Turning Point USA figurehead Candace Owens. Watch the clip if you can bear …

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