Donald Trump

Fox Anchor Chris Wallace: Trump Is Engaged In The Worst Attack On Freedom Of The Press In Our History

“I believe President Trump is engaged in the most direct, sustained assault on freedom of the press in our history. Our is a great profession — maybe the best way to make a living anyone ever came up with. “Think of it. We are paid to tell the truth—to cut through all the spin — all the distractions — and …

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Live Video: House Panel Votes On Impeachment Articles

The Hill reports: The House Judiciary Committee will resume debate on two articles of impeachment against President Trump on Thursday morning ahead of final votes on them expected later in the day. Clashes between lawmakers late Wednesday highlighted deep divisions on the panel, which is poised to pass the resolutions along strict party lines. The full House is expected to …

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Philadelphia Inquirer Endorses Impeaching Trump

From the editorial board of the Philadelphia Inquirer: Trump has severely disrespected his office and the document he swore to protect and uphold. Should this process end with a trial and a Senate vote to remove him from office — a prospect that seems highly unlikely — it’s not hard to imagine that he would insist that the process was …

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Joe Manchin “Very Much Torn” On Convicting Trump

Axios reports: Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) told CNN on Wednesday that he’s “very much torn” on voting to convict President Trump in a Senate impeachment trial. Why it matters: Manchin, a moderate representing West Virginia, is widely regarded as among the most likely senators to defect from fellow Democrats in a potential vote to remove Trump from office. What he’s …

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Live Video: House Panel Debates Impeachment Articles

ABC News reports: The House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday evening takes up the two articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump for debate and approval, holding a “markup” — a public meeting where members can debate and offer amendments to the charges. Each lawmaker on the 41-member committee will have the opportunity to make a five-minute opening statement Wednesday night …

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Top General: Trump’s Pardons For War Crimes Won’t Turn Military Into A “Raping, Burning, Pillaging Gang”

Politico reports: The military’s top officer today defended efforts to maintain discipline in the ranks amid stiff questioning from lawmakers on whether President Donald Trump’s intervention in the cases of three service members accused or convicted of war crimes will create chaos on the battlefield. “We do maintain, and we will maintain, good order and discipline,” Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. …

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Trump Tells Rally: The “Scum FBI” Spied On Me [VIDEO]

Business Insider reports: President Donald Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania on Tuesday night lashed out at the FBI calling staff of the agency “scum.” He also doubled down on discredited conspiracy theories following the release of a report which undermined the president’s claims that the Russia probe was a “deep state” plot to damage his presidency. During the rally …

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Trump Exec Order Defines Judaism As A Nationality

The Independent reports: Donald Trump will sign an executive order effectively defining Judaism as a nationality, not just a religion, in what the White House has described as an order to combat antisemitism on US college campuses. The move has already been criticised by free speech advocates, who were concerned a broader definition of antisemitism could be used to limit …

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Federal Judge Blocks Military Funds For Border Wall

The Washington Post reports: A federal judge in El Paso on Tuesday blocked the Trump administration’s plan to pay for border barrier construction with $3.6 billion in military funds, ruling that the administration does not have the authority to divert money appropriated by Congress for a different purpose. The Trump administration was planning to use those funds to build 175 …

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Trump Tweets Bonkers Clip Of Himself As Marvel Villain Who Got Killed By The Good Guys In The Last Movie

Mediaite reports: Team Trump shared a video today mocking Democrats on impeachment depicting President Donald Trump as Marvel supervillain Thanos. Thanos, for the unfamiliar, is the main antagonist of Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame. His goal is to collect all of the Infinity Stones, because once he does he can snap his fingers and wipe out half the population …

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Budget Deficit Spikes $342B In First Two FY20 Months

Fox Business reports: The U.S. government deficit spiked 12 percent to $342 billion during the first two months of fiscal year 2020, according to data from the Congressional Budget Office. The CBO says the U.S. budget deficit will average $1.2 trillion a year from 2020 to 2029, amounting to 4.4 percent to 4.8 percent of gross domestic product. The federal …

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Graham: Don’t Call Any Trial Witnesses, Just “End This”

From the right wing Washington Examiner: Senate Republicans do not expect to call witnesses President Trump might want to hear from most in an impeachment trial, conceding there are not the votes to summon key figures such as Hunter Biden and the unidentified government whistleblower whose complaint sparked the process. Senate impeachment rules require a majority vote to call witnesses, …

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Pelosi Announces Deal With Trump On Trade Pact

The Associated Press reports: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday announced agreement on a modified North American trade pact, handing President Donald Trump a major Capitol Hill win on the same day that Democrats announced their impeachment charges against him. The California Democrat said the revamped U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement is a significant improvement over the original North American Free Trade Agreement, …

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WH Rages That Trump Expects To Be “Fully Exonerated”

NBC News reports: The White House press secretary, Stephanie Grisham, accused Democrats of “manufacturing an impeachment inquiry and forcing unfounded accusations down the throats of the American people.” Their goal, she said, was to try to use the House’s impeachment power to weaken Mr. Trump’s chances of re-election. “The announcement of two baseless articles of impeachment does not hurt the …

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New Book Claims Trump Called For Evacuating Seoul

The Guardian reports: Donald Trump called for the population of Seoul to be moved during an Oval Office meeting when tensions between the US and North Korea were at their height, according to a new book about the president’s relations with the US military. In Trump and his Generals: The Cost of Chaos, the national security and counter-terrorism expert Peter …

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ARTICLES: Abuse Of Power, Obstruction Of Congress

The Associated Press reports: House Democrats unveiled two articles of impeachment Tuesday against President Donald Trump — abuse of power and obstruction of Congress — pushing toward historic votes as the president insists he did “NOTHING” wrong. Speaker Nancy Pelosi said ahead of the morning announcement that Trump tried to “corrupt our upcoming elections” and remains a “threat to our …

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LIVE VIDEO: Democrats Unveil Articles Of Impeachment

The Guardian reports: House Democratic leaders hold news conference Tuesday morning to announce at least two articles of impeachment against Trump. The committee plans to vote on the articles on Thursday, each of which would have to be approved separately. The articles are expected to pass out of committee, where Democrats hold a 24-17 majority, along party lines. Upon arrival …

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House Democrats Signal Two Articles Of Impeachment

The New York Times reports: House Democrats signaled that they would unveil articles of impeachment on Tuesday morning that charge President Trump with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress for conduct they called a “clear and present danger” to the 2020 election and national security. The House Judiciary Committee was expected to work through the night on Monday readying …

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IG Report: FBI Agents Celebrated Trump’s 2016 Victory

Mediaite reports: Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report, which examined the conduct of the FBI toward President Donald Trump’s campaign, uncovered text messages from agents celebrating Trump’s 2016 victory. The report goes on to detail in footnotes that there were also FBI agents who texted about their support for Trump on page 339, where it is also recorded that a supervisory …

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Trump: The IG Report Shows Attempt To Overthrow Me

“They fabricated evidence, and they lied to the courts, and they did all sorts of things to have it go their way. And this was something that, uh, we can never allow to happen again. The report actually, and especially when you look into it, and the details of the report are far worse than anything I would have even …

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