Donald Trump

Trump Prepped For Hearing With Fox News Binge

Vox reports: In the hours leading up to an especially pivotal day in his presidency — the House begins public impeachment hearings Wednesday morning — President Donald Trump indulged in an epic Fox News binge. Trump started watching Lou Dobbs on Fox Business sometime around 7:30 pm last night. He later flipped the channel over to Fox News to catch …

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MSNBC Brings On George Conway For Hearing Analysis

Law & Crime reports: Kellyanne Conway’s attorney husband George Conway, daily Trump nemesis and critic, made an appearance Wednesday morning on MSNBC ahead of the first public impeachment hearings in the House of Representatives. “The problem with Donald Trump is, he always sees himself first,” he said. “Trump is all about Trump. And that’s why it was inevitable he’d get …

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LIVE VIDEO: Trump Impeachment Hearing Day One

The Associated Press reports: The closed doors of the Trump impeachment investigation are swinging wide open. When the gavel strikes at the start of the House hearing on Wednesday morning, America and the rest of the world will have the chance to see and hear for themselves for the first time about President Donald Trump’s actions toward Ukraine and consider …

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BUS TRACKS: GOP To Distance Trump From Giuliani

Axios reports: Top House Republican sources tell Axios that one impeachment survival strategy will be to try to distance President Trump from any Ukraine quid pro quo, with Rudy Giuliani potentially going under the bus. What they’re saying: A Republican member of one of the impeachment committees told Axios: “[T]his is not an impeachment of Rudy Giuliani, it’s not an …

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GOP Senators: We Won’t Watch Impeachment Hearings

You know he won’t be able to resist: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) says he will be paying attention to the Senate’s business Wednesday instead of the first day of the House’s public impeachment hearings. McConnell is one of several Republican senators who said Tuesday that they don’t plan to watch. “Tomorrow, I’m going to be paying attention to …

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POLL: Majority Of Voters Unmovable On Impeachment

The Morning Consult reports: Most voters say there is little to no chance they will change their minds about the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump’s conduct, even as public hearings are set to kick off on Wednesday, according to a new Morning Consult poll. A majority of voters, 62 percent, say there is no chance they could change their …

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Ann Coulter: DACA Kids Can Stay But Trump “Must Go”

Mediaite reports: Conservative pundit and apparent former big-time Donald Trump supporter Ann Coulter has finally had enough, she says, of his policies not meeting expectations. “I give up,” she said on Tuesday after Trump tweeted about Dreamers. Coulter has been increasingly agitated about Trump’s seeming lack of commitment to the hard line on immigration, and has expressed her frustrations publicly …

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INSANE: Trump Claims Ivanka Created 14 Million Jobs

The New Yorker reports: At a speech to the Economic Club of New York today, President Trump declared that his daughter, Ivanka, has personally created 14 million new jobs. The president announced this figure — so astonishingly ludicrous it would embarrass a Stalin-era pronouncement — and then repeated it twice more as the crowd applauded politely. The entire U.S. economy …

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Turkey Threatens To Unleash ISIS Prisoners On Europe

The Associated Press reports: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday issued a veiled threat suggesting Turkey could release the Islamic State group prisoners it holds and send them to Europe, angered at a EU decision to impose sanctions on his country over its drilling for gas in Mediterranean waters off Cyprus. Speaking to reporters before a visit to the …

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What If The Senate Impeachment Vote Were Secret?

An interesting hypothesis from a GOP strategist: A secret impeachment ballot might sound crazy, but it’s actually quite possible. In fact, it would take only three senators to allow for that possibility. According to current Senate procedure, McConnell will need a simple majority — 51 of the 53 Senate Republicans — to support any resolution outlining rules governing the trial. …

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GOP Issues 18-Page Memo On Impeachment Strategy

Axios reports: Confronted with a mountain of damaging facts heading into tomorrow’s opening of the public phase of impeachment, House Republicans plan to argue that “the President’s state of mind” was exculpatory. “To appropriately understand the events in question — and most importantly, assess the President’s state of mind during his interaction with [Ukrainian] President Zelensky — context is necessary,” …

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Trump Deletes Tweet Urging Cultists To Vote For Sean Spicer After Spicer Gets Voted Off The Show [VIDEO]

People Magazine reports: Sean Spicer‘s Dancing with the Stars days have come to an end. At the wrap of the Boy Band and Girl Group Night episode on Monday, President Donald Trump‘s former White House Press Secretary was sent home after landing in jeopardy against fellow contestant Lauren Alaina. Prior to his elimination, President Trump, 73, asked his Twitter followers …

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TODAY: Veterans Group Flies Banner Planes In Multiple Key States Calling Trump A “National Security Threat”

Politico reports: One of the largest progressive veterans groups in the country is launching a new campaign against President Trump on Monday that seeks to raise pressure on several Republican senators up for reelection next year. To mark Veterans Day, VoteVets will fly planes over key Senate battleground states like North Carolina, Arizona, Kentucky and Colorado Monday morning, with a …

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Trump Celebrates Lack Of Booing At Football Game

NBC News reports: President Donald Trump knew where to go Saturday for home field advantage, finding comfort in the Deep South with college football fans cheering the nation’s top two teams — and him. His reception at the showdown between Louisiana State and Alabama contrasted with the scene at Game 5 of the World Series in Washington, where he was …

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CBS To Preempt Regular Programming For Airing Of Impeachment Hearings, Others Likely To Do The Same

Deadline reports: CBS is the first U.S. broadcast network to announce its plans to pre-empt regular daytime programming for coverage of next week’s first public hearings in the impeachment inquiry. All of the broadcast networks are expected to join cable news channels and news streaming services to cover the hearings, which will start Wednesday with the testimony of Bill Taylor, …

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Trump Denies Talks Of Post-Presidency Reality Show

The Hill reports: President Trump in an early morning tweet on Saturday dismissed a report that he and “Apprentice” creator Mark Burnett are discussing another show. The Daily Beast reported on Thursday that Trump and Burnett were discussing their next show. The news outlet, citing three unidentified sources, reported that Trump and Burnett have kept in contact since the former …

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House Dems Plan To Impeach Trump By Christmas

CNN reports: House Democrats are signaling they are now on a fast-track in their impeachment proceedings, avoiding court battles that could delay their inquiry and limiting the number of witnesses at public hearings — all signs that President Donald Trump could be impeached as soon as next month. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has not shared her thinking on the final …

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Trump: “Little Michael” Bloomberg Just Is A Nothing

“There’s nobody I’d rather run against than Little Michael. I‘ve known Michael Bloomberg for a long time. He said a lot of great things about Trump. But I know Michael. He became just a nothing. He’s not going to do well, but I think he’s going to hurt Biden, actually. But he doesn’t have the magic to do well. “He’ll …

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Trump May Attend Russia’s May Day Military Parade

Reuters reports: President Trump said Friday he is considering visiting Russia next year to attend its May Day Parade. “I was invited. I am thinking about it. It is right in the middle of our campaign season,” Trump told reporters at the White House. Trump said he would like to attend the parade, which Russian President Vladimir Putin invited him …

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Trump Says US Will Raise Vaping Age To 21 [VIDEO]

Bloomberg reports: President Donald Trump said Friday he wants to raise the legal age for vaping as the industry comes under fire for targeting youth and questions emerge over the health impacts of e-cigarettes. Trump, speaking to reporters as he left the White House, said the U.S. would announce a plan next week that would likely raise the legal age …

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