Donald Trump

US Troops Will Deploy To Protect Syrian Oil Fields

USA Today reports: The Pentagon is preparing to send tanks and armored vehicles to Syrian oil fields, according to a U.S. official – a stunning reversal of President Trump’s decision to withdraw U.S. forces from the war-torn country after he declared victory over ISIS. The deployment of heavy armor to Syria would represent a significant escalation in the fight, requiring …

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Trump Plans To Attend World Series Game 5 In DC

The Washington Post reports: President Trump said Thursday that he plans to attend Game 5 of the World Series at Nationals Park on Sunday if the Washington Nationals and Houston Astros are still playing, though he did not confirm if he had been asked to throw out the ceremonial first pitch. “I don’t know. They’ve got to dress me up …

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Springsteen: Life Under Clueless Trump Is Frightening

CBS News reports: Legendary singer and songwriter Bruce Springsteen says Americans are living in “a frightening time” because of the country’s leadership. In an interview with “CBS This Morning” co-host Gayle King, Springsteen responded to President Trump’s comments at a Minneapolis rally earlier this month on how he “didn’t need little Bruce Springsteen” and other celebrities like Beyoncé and Jay …

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NYPD: Yes, We’d Arrest Trump For Shooting Someone

Politico reports: President Donald Trump will get arrested if he shoots someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue — despite his lawyer’s claims to the contrary, Mayor Bill de Blasio and the NYPD said Thursday. “If anybody shoots someone, they get arrested. I don’t care if they’re the president or anybody else,” de Blasio told reporters. NYPD First Deputy Commissioner …

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Trump: I Was Kidding About Colorado Border Wall

The Hill reports: President Trump early Thursday morning sought to clarify remarks he made regarding his long-promised wall along the southern border, saying he was only kidding when he mentioned that a barrier was being constructed along the non-border state of Colorado. Trump sparked mockery from several Democratic lawmakers Wednesday night after telling a crowd at the Shale Insight conference …

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Trump Attacks Republican Critics As “Human Scum”

USA Today reports: Having attacked some of his critics as “Do Nothing Democrats,” President Donald Trump reserved a harsher term Wednesday for “Never Trumper Republicans” who continue to opposed him amid an impeachment inquiry. “Human scum.” “The Never Trumper Republicans, though on respirators with not many left, are in certain ways worse and more dangerous for our Country than the …

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Bloomberg: Trump Had Advance Knowledge, Supported Plan By Republican Reps To Storm Secure Intel Facility

Bloomberg reports: Trump had advance knowledge and supported a protest by Republicans who told him they planned to barge into a secure hearing room on Capitol Hill where Democrats are holding impeachment testimonies, according to four people familiar with the matter. Trump on Tuesday met with about 30 House Republicans at the White House to talk about the situation in …

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Trump Scrubs Name From Manhattan Skating Rinks

ABC New York reports: At two of President Trump’s oldest businesses — a pair of ice rinks in Central Park, which Trump has run since the 1980s — Trump Organization employees did something unusual in the past few weeks. They started removing the Trump name. Now, as skating season begins, the president’s name is gone from the boards around each …

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Trump Shown Map Of Syria In Attempt To Change Mind

NBC News reports: In the days after President Donald Trump paved the way for Turkey to invade Syria, several of his closest allies went to the White House — twice — to try to change his mind, according to four people familiar with the meetings. Retired Gen. Jack Keane, a Fox News analyst, first walked the president through a map …

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Russia And Hungary Pushed Trump To Distrust Ukraine

The Washington Post reports: President Trump’s effort to pressure Ukraine for information he could use against political rivals came as he was being urged to adopt a hostile view of that country by its regional adversaries, including Russian President Vladi­mir Putin, current and former U.S. officials said. Trump’s conversations with Putin, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and others reinforced his …

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Experts: Trump Gave ISIS Its Biggest Victory In Years

The New York Times reports: American forces and their Kurdish-led partners in Syria had been conducting as many as a dozen counterterrorism missions a day against Islamic State militants, officials said. That has stopped. Those same partners, the Syrian Democratic Forces, had also been quietly releasing some Islamic State prisoners and incorporating them into their ranks, in part as a …

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Latest Russian FB Trolls Attacked Biden, Hailed Trump

The Washington Post reports: Facebook on Monday said it removed a network of Russian-backed accounts that posed as locals weighing in on political issues in swing states, praising President Trump and attacking former Vice President Joe Biden, illustrating that the familiar threat of Russian interference looms over the next U.S. presidential race. Facebook said the network bears the hallmark of …

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Trump Blows Off Climate Special With Other Candidates

The Associated Press reports: The Weather Channel is moving beyond cold fronts and heat waves to wade into the politics of climate change, with a special planned for early next month that includes interviews with nine presidential candidates on the topic. The campaign’s most prominent climate change skeptic — President Donald Trump — declined an invitation to participate. The hour-long …

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Trump Demanded Parade At First Pentagon Briefing

Guy Snodgrass writes for Politico: Long before real planning for it began, and long before the first news stories about it, those of us in the top levels of the Pentagon heard President Donald Trump demand the military parade he would eventually get. The bizarre request was one of the first signs I had of the enormous rift between my …

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Hillary Trolls Trump With Mock JFK Letter To Krushchev

Politico reports: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Sunday trolled President Trump over his recent letter to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, tweeting a mock archival letter from former President Kennedy to former Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev that originally appeared on ABC’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live.” “Don’t be a dick, ok? Get your missiles out of Cuba. Everybody will say …

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Facebook Takes Down Trump Ad For Using Profanity

Business Insider reports: In the three days after Trump’s impeachment inquiry was announced on Sep. 24, the Trump campaign spent $1 million on Facebook ads, many of which included false or misleading claims. One of these Trump ads even referred to Joe Biden as a ‘bitch’ — which violated Facebook’s ad policies against profanity and was taken down upon review, …

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Trump Quotes Defense Secretary “Mark Esperanto”

USA Today reports: President Donald Trump once again took to Twitter to defend his decision to pull U.S. troops out of northeastern Syria, opening the door to a Turkish assault on Kurds who had helped America combat the Islamic State, but in the process, he incorrectly identified his secretary of defense. On Sunday, Trump quoted “Mark Esperanto, Secretary of Defense” …

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Los Angeles Times: Undo The “Great Mistake Of 2016”

From the editorial board of the Los Angeles Times: As the 2020 election approaches, the United States is deeply and bitterly polarized, shaken by acts of random and not-so-random violence, with wages still rising too slowly, income inequality continuing to increase and the American Dream feeling more and more out of reach for too many people. Despite low unemployment and …

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Turkey Accused Of War Crimes Against Kurdish Civilians

Newsweek reports: Turkey, a NATO member, has allegedly used chemical weapons against civilians in northern Syria. Multiple sources have reported that white phosphorus-loaded munitions are believed to have been dropped in the border town of Ras al-Ayn after images and video surfaced of civilians, including children, suffering gruesome burns associated with the chemical. Anthony Loyd, a journalist for The Times …

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Trump: We’ve Taken Control Of Middle East Oil [VIDEO]

CBS News reports: President Trump insisted Friday that Kurdish allies who were being forced from northern Syria to avoid slaughter are “very happy about the way things are going,” describing the already breached ceasefire brokered with Turkey like a business deal. The president also said the U.S. has taken control of oil in the region, although it’s unclear what he …

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