Donald Trump

Bloomberg: It Seems Trump Wants To Be Impeached

From an op-ed published today by Michael Bloomberg: One could be forgiven for thinking that President Donald Trump wants to be impeached. On Thursday, on live television in front of the White House, Trump reiterated his call for Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden, his leading rival in the 2020 election. He then invited China to do the …

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Trump Orders Military To Abandon US Allies In Syria

The Guardian reports: The White House has given the green light to a Turkish offensive into northern Syria, moving US forces out of the area in an abrupt foreign policy change that will in effect abandon Washington’s longtime military partners, the Kurds. Kurdish forces have spearheaded the campaign against Islamic State in the region, but the policy swerve, after a …

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Russia Celebrates Report That Trump Told British PM Theresa May He Doubted They Were Behind Poisonings

The Guardian reports: Donald Trump disputed that Russia was behind the attempted murder of a former Russian spy in a tense call with Theresa May, it has emerged. Despite the widespread conclusion that Vladimir Putin’s regime was behind the poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia last year, the US president is said to have spent 10 minutes expressing …

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GOP Senator: Trump Was Joking About Chinese Help

Politico reports: Senate Rules Committee Chairman Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) on Sunday expressed skepticism President Trump was “serious” when he called for the Chinese government to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter. “I doubt the China comment was serious …the president loves to go out on the White House driveway, he loves to bait the press to see what …

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GOP Senator Defends Trump In Wild Interview [VIDEO]

NBC News reports: Wisconsin Republican Sen. Ron Johnson defended President Donald Trump’s recent calls for China and Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden in a combative “Meet the Press” interview Sunday morning where he accused Democrats and the media of trying to sabotage the Trump administration. “Let me tell you why I’m pretty sympathetic with what President Trump …

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Jordan Dodges On Trump Asking For Foreign Help

ABC News reports: Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) on Sunday repeatedly refused to say whether he believed it was inappropriate for President Trump to call for Chinese authorities to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter. “You really think he was serious about thinking China’s going to investigate the Biden family? I think he’s getting the press all …

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Trump Calls For Impeachment Of Sen. Mitt Romney

Yesterday Mitt Romney tweeted out relatively tepid criticism of Glorious Leader that was notable only because he was the first and so far only prominent sitting Republican to speak out. Other Republicans doubtlessly feel like Romney does, but have so far refused to say anything, probably in part because they rightfully fear the nuclear firestorm of abuse and death threats …

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Replica Border Wall Climbing Contest To Be Held

From the climbing aficionado site Rock & Ice: Many in the climbing community were amused a couple weeks ago when our POTUS held a press conference at a section of his latest border wall design—a series of parallel square steel posts with a 5-foot-high plate at the top. “Impossible to climb,” he stated. He boasted that “the federal government tested …

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SCOTLAND: Trump’s Golf Resort Is Deeply In The Red

The Scotsman reports: The US president’s Trump International Golf Links firm in Aberdeenshire posted annual losses of £1.07m in 2018, marking the seventh consecutive year it has failed to turn a profit, according to documents lodged with Companies House. The figures are based on an annual turnover of £2.76m. The company remains reliant on interest free loans provided by Mr …

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Trump Rages Against “Pompous Ass” Mitt Romney

Politico reports: President Trump lashed out at Sen. Mitt Romney (Utah) on Saturday after the Republican senator criticized Trump over his dealings with Ukraine. Trump maintained that his public call this week for China to also investigate former Vice President Joe Biden “pertained to corruption, not politics.” Romney, who has at times been a vocal critic of Trump’s policies and …

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Coming Trump Proclamation Will Require Immigration Visa Applicants To Show Proof Of Health Insurance

The Wall Street Journal reports: President Trump plans to sign a proclamation requiring immigrant-visa applicants to show they can afford health care, people familiar with the matter said. The action, which is set to take effect in 30 days, would require applicants, including people with ties to family members in the U.S., to show they can get health insurance or …

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BOOK: Trump Flew Into Rage Over Drudge Headline

Mediaite reports: According to the forthcoming book Border Wars, by New York Times reporters Julie Hirschfeld Davis and Michael Shear, Trump — on Dec. 18, 2018 — was irate after seeing the Drudge headline: “USA Giving $4.8 Billion to Mexico.” And the president went on to dress down the aides who convinced him to make the agreement with the country. …

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House Dems To Pence: Hand Over Your Ukraine Docs

Axios reports: House committees leading the impeachment inquiry against President Trump requested documents on Friday from Vice President Mike Pence to examine the extent of his participation in or knowledge of Trump’s actions while he allegedly pressured the Ukrainian president to investigate Joe Biden and his son. The committees are requesting these documents by Oct. 15 — if Pence fails …

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Trump Admits Democrats “Have The Votes” To Impeach

The Washington Post reports: President Trump said Friday that Democrats “unfortunately have the votes” to impeach him in the House, but he predicted he would “win” in a trial in the Republican-led Senate. “The Republicans are very unified,” Trump said, as he again insisted he had said nothing inappropriate during the July call in which he pressed Ukrainian President Volodymyr …

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Anti-Muslim Hate Group To Hold Mar-A-Lago Gala

From the SPLC’s Hatewatch report: An anti-Muslim hate group that claims to have close ties to the White House is hosting its annual gala at President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort, with tickets starting at $1,500. ACT for America is going in a new direction with the Mar-a-Lago event in Palm Beach, Florida. The group has traditionally held its annual conference, …

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Romney Blasts Trump’s “Appalling And Brazen” Call For Two Foreign Governments To Investigate His Opponent

CNBC reports: Republican Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah said Friday that President Donald Trump’s explanation for asking foreign countries investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son “strains credulity.” The rebuke from Romney, one of the only Republicans in Congress to criticize Trump’s calls for Ukraine and China to investigate his potential opponent in the 2020 election, follows Trump’s …

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REPORT: Jared Kushner To Lead Impeachment Defense

Raw Story reports: President Donald Trump has reportedly tapped son-in-law Jared Kushner to lead the fight against House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry. As reported by CNN on Friday, the president is relying on Kushner and chief of staff Mick Mulvaney to come up with a plan aimed at beating back investigations launched by House Democrats into the president’s efforts to get …

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Sasse Slams Trump’s Call For Chinese Probe Into Biden

The Omaha World-Herald reports: Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., took issue Thursday with President Donald Trump urging China to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son’s business dealings there. “Hold up: Americans don’t look to Chinese commies for the truth,” Sasse said in a written statement to The World-Herald. “If the Biden kid broke laws by selling his name …

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Biden Camp Warns Fox Not To Run Lying Trump Ads

Politico reports: Joe Biden’s presidential campaign is urging Fox News not to run a Trump 2020 campaign advertisement it claims “spreads false, definitively debunked conspiracy theories.” In a letter to Fox News and Fox Business general counsel Lily Claffee, Biden campaign manager Greg Schultz wrote that the ad “falsely states” that “Biden offered Ukraine $1 billion to fire the prosecutor …

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POLL: Trump Underwater In Key Battleground States

Mediaite reports: A poll tracking President Donald Trump’s approval ratings across the country month-by-month again finds him underwater in multiple 2020 battleground states. The Morning Consult poll for September shows that Trump’s approval remains virtually unchanged on a national scale, with a net approval of -12 among registered voters going unchanged from an August poll. He is heavily favored by …

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