Donald Trump

Conway: Trump Is An Unfit Pathological Sociopath

Time Magazine reports: George Conway accused President Donald Trump of being so mentally unfit for the office he holds that it is impossible for him to carry out his constitutional duties because he is incapable of putting others’ needs above his own. The attorney and arch-Trump critic is a former Republican who the president had at one time considered for …

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Trump Also Wanted Bayonets For US Border Forces

The Washington Post reports: President Trump told aides last year he wanted U.S. forces with bayonets to block people from crossing into the United States across the Mexico border, one of several proposals he floated at moments of peak frustration with his inability to contain a migration surge, according to current and former administration officials involved in those discussions. Trump …

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Facebook Policy Change: Politicians Can Lie In Their Ads

Popular Information reports: Last week, Facebook quietly changed the language of its advertising policies to make it easier for politicians to lie in ads. On Tuesday, the Trump campaign launched a new ad on Facebook, which includes a claim that was ruled false by Facebook-approved third-party fact-checkers. On the surface, such an ad appears to violate Facebook’s rules against false …

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Nickelback’s Copyright Complaint Zaps Trump Tweet

The Guardian reports: A video posted by Donald Trump has been removed from Twitter following a copyright claim by the rock band Nickelback. The video took aim at the Democratic candidate Joe Biden, opening with a clip of him saying he had never discussed business dealings with his son Hunter. Trump’s efforts to encourage the Ukrainian president to investigate Hunter …

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Trump To Impose 25% Tariffs On Some EU Exports

The Hill reports: President Trump will impose 25-percent tariffs on certain E.U. agricultural exports and 10-percent tariffs on European-brand aircraft on Oct. 18, the White House announced Wednesday. A senior administration official told reporters during Wednesday briefing that the full list of European goods subject to tariffs will be released as soon as this evening by the White House Office …

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Trump: Biden And His Son Are “Stone Cold Crooked”

Cox Media reports: In an increasingly acidic political atmosphere, President Donald Trump on Wednesday repeatedly lashed out at Democrats in Congress for pursuing an impeachment investigation, again saying his conversation with the leader of Ukraine was ‘perfect,’ and not an effort to get compromising information about former Vice President Joe Biden and his son. Some of Mr. Trump’s toughest words …

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Pelosi: Trump Is “Scared” Of The Impeachment Inquiry

ABC News reports: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Wednesday that President Donald Trump is “scared” of the impeachment inquiry she launched last week centered on a whistleblower complaint alleging he pressured Ukraine to help investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and interfere in the 2020 presidential election. “I think the president knows the argument that can be made against him, …

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Live Video: Trump Holds Presser With Finnish President

NPR reports: Finnish President Sauli Niinistö again meets his US counterpart Donald Trump at the White House on Wednesday. Ahead of the meeting and joint press conference, press attention focused more on Ukraine than Finland. Before meeting Niinistö, Trump had not taken part in a press conference for more than a week, during which time Democrats in the House of …

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House Dems Probe “Ghost Bookings” At Trump’s Hotels

Politico reports: House investigators are looking into an allegation that groups — including at least one foreign government — tried to ingratiate themselves to President Donald Trump by booking rooms at his hotels but never staying in them. It’s a previously unreported part of a broad examination by the House Oversight Committee, included in Democrats’ impeachment inquiry, into whether Trump …

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Trump: I Never Asked For A Moat With Alligators!

The Hill reports: President Trump Donald on Wednesday disputed press reports that he wanted a border wall with spikes and moat filled with alligators or snakes at the U.S. southern border with Mexico. Trump tweeted that the press had “gone crazy” after the New York Times reported that he privately mused about placing an electrified border fence and moat at …

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Trump Rages: This Is A Coup, Sick Schiff Must Resign

Reuters reports: President Donald Trump is escalating his rhetoric against the impeachment investigation being led by House Democrats. In a tweet, Trump says he has come to the conclusion that the inquiry is not really an impeachment, “it is a COUP, intended to take away the Power of the People.” In fact, a coup is usually defined as a sudden, …

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GOP Worried Trump Has No Real Impeachment Plan

Politico reports: On Tuesday night, a very seasoned and well-known GOP operative sent us this stunning note, underscoring GOP alarm with how the Trump administration is handling impeachment: “GOP lawmakers and operatives are concerned at what appears to be a lack of urgency from the Trump administration in forming an organized, unified response engine to the Democratic impeachment threat. There …

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New Book Claims Trump Screamed At Pompeo And Others: “You’re Making Me Look Like A Fucking Idiot”

The Independent reports: Donald Trump reportedly told aides and cabinet ministers they were making him look like an “idiot” in an expletive-laden rant over his failure to clamp down on the nation’s southern border. In a March Oval Office meeting in which he called for entry to the US from Mexico to be completely shut down, the president is said …

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Trump Asked Johnson For Help Discrediting Mueller

The Times Of London reports: President Trump personally contacted Boris Johnson to ask for help as he tried to discredit the Mueller investigation into possible connections between Russia and his 2016 election campaign, The Times understands. Mr Trump also contacted the leaders of countries including Australia and Ukraine to ask them to help William Barr, his attorney-general, to gather evidence …

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Trump Campaign And RNC Raise Record $125M In Q3

The Associated Press reports: President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign and the Republican National Committee raised $125 million in the third quarter of the year, a presidential fundraising record. The pro-Trump effort said Tuesday that it has raised more than $308 million in 2019 and has more than $156 million in the bank. Republicans aim to use the fundraising haul to …

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Trump Wanted Border Moat Stocked With Alligators And An Electrified Wall Topped With Flesh-Piercing Spikes

The New York Times reports: Privately, the president had often talked about fortifying a border wall with a water-filled trench, stocked with snakes or alligators, prompting aides to seek a cost estimate. He wanted the wall electrified, with spikes on top that could pierce human flesh. After publicly suggesting that soldiers shoot migrants if they threw rocks, the president backed …

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Trump Again Demands Treason Arrest Of Adam Schiff

Vox reports: President Donald Trump is defending himself against allegations he pressured Ukraine to investigate a potential political rival in part by working to cast doubt on one of the men leading the investigation into these allegations: Rep. Adam Schiff. Trump began by attacking Schiff’s character and stature (calling him “corrupt” and “liddle”), but in recent days has accused the …

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WINNING: US Manufacturing Contracts To Decade Low

MarketWatch reports: Manufacturing contracted for a second consecutive month in September, falling to lowest its level of activity in a decade, according to the Institute for Supply Management (ISM). The group’s production manufacturing index slid to 47.8, down from 49.1 percent in August. Any reading below 50 percent indicates contraction. Trade was one of the main factors weighing down manufacturing. …

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Impeachment Poll Sees 20-Point Swing In One Week

Just in from Quinnipiac Polling: American voters are divided on impeaching and removing President Trump from office, 47 – 47 percent – closing a 20 point gap from less than a week ago, according to a Quinnipiac University Poll released today. In the poll released on September 25th, voters said that the president should not be impeached and removed 57 …

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McConnell: I’d Have No Choice But To Hold Trump Trial

“Well, under the Senate rules, we’re required to take it up if the House does go down that path, and we’ll follow the Senate rules. It’s a Senate rule related to impeachment that would take 67 votes to change, so I would have no choice but to take it up. How long you’re on it is a whole different matter, …

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