Donald Trump

Kremlin Worries US Will Publish Trump/Putin Transcripts

The Associated Press reports: Russia voiced hope Friday that the U.S. administration wouldn’t publish private conversations between the two nations’ presidents, like it did with Ukraine. The rough transcript of Trump’s call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy released by the White House Wednesday shows that Trump urged Ukraine to “look into” his Democratic political rival Joe Biden. The July 25 …

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Trump Issues Bizarre Misspelled Rant On Misspellings

Mediaite reports: It seems that CNN claimed that Trump misspelled “little” as “liddle.” The word “liddle” however, is not a word found in any reputable dictionary, though the Commander in Chief is clearly using a unique spelling on purpose, as he has used that term before. The other problem for Trump is that CNN did not accurately cite the use …

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Hillary Clinton: Trump Is A “Corrupt Human Tornado”

CBS News reports: Former Secretary of State and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton calls President Trump a “threat” to the country’s standing in the world and a “corrupt human tornado,” in an interview with Jane Pauley for “CBS Sunday Morning” to be broadcast September 29. In a wide-ranging interview with Clinton and her daughter, Chelsea, about their new book, …

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NEW POLL: Support For Impeachment Spikes 13 Points

Morning Consult reports: Voter support for impeachment matched its highest point of Donald Trump’s presidency as he faced a whistleblower allegation that he pressured Ukraine’s president to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden, with more impeachment supporters than ever before saying he committed an impeachable offense, according to Morning Consult/Politico polling. The new Sept. 24-26 poll of 1,640 registered voters …

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Booker: Some GOP Senators Will Back Impeachment

Politico reports: Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey, a Democratic presidential hopeful, said on Thursday he was convinced that an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump could gain bipartisan support among his colleagues in the upper chamber. “And I think that we are just on the foothills of a mountain of evidence that will come out in the coming days …

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LIVE VIDEO: Intel Chief Testifies Before House Panel

CBS News reports: The nation’s top intelligence official is expected to face fierce interrogation from lawmakers on Thursday morning over his decision to withhold a whistleblower’s complaint about a phone call between President Trump and Ukraine’s leader that has prompted congressional Democrats to open a formal impeachment inquiry. Joseph Maguire, the acting director of national intelligence, will be testifying before …

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Trump Claims Impeachment Will “Crash” Stock Markets

Fox Business reports: President Trump said Thursday stock markets would “crash” if he were to be impeached. The president was reacting to a tweet of a Wednesday segment from FOX Business’ “Mornings with Maria,” in which Karl Rove, who served as a senior adviser to former President George W. Bush, discussed the impact of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s formal impeachment …

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Axios: Trump’s Anti-Biden Plan Is Hillary 2016 2.0

A keen observation from Axios: President Trump is reviving his 2016 playbook, trying to sully or smear the Biden family reputation, like he did with the Clintons during his last campaign. When Trump was running against Hillary Clinton, he seized on her email servers and past scandals. He hammered her on the issue, and used it to define her with …

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Hillary Clinton: Trump Has Betrayed The United States

Fox News (LOL) reports: Hillary Clinton on Wednesday said President Trump “has betrayed our country” following the White House’s release of a transcript of the call he had with Ukraine’s president in July, that showed he sought a review of the Biden family’s business dealings. The former secretary of state tweeted that her words were “not a political statement — …

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Justin Amash: This Isn’t About The Transcript Of A Call

The Hill reports: Rep. Justin Amash (I-Mich.) on Tuesday responded to President Trump shortly after House Democrats formally launched an impeachment inquiry against him, telling Trump that “it’s not about the transcript of a call.” Amash previously called for impeaching Trump on the grounds that the president obstructed justice in his attempts to impede former special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation …

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McConnell Rages: Pelosi Caved To the Dem Far-Left

Via press release from Mitch McConnell’s office: “Washington Democrats have been searching for ways to reverse their 2016 election defeat since before President Trump was even inaugurated. “The result has been a two-and-a-half-year impeachment parade in search of a rationale. When investigations by Special Counsel Mueller and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence deflated their breathless accusations of a campaign …

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The Mooch: Trump Is Done, It’s Only A Matter Of Time

Mediaite reports: Amid Donald Trump’s scandal-packed week, former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci said the president is “done.” “He is gone. It’s only a matter of time now and negotiation. @realDonaldTrump is done,” wrote Scaramucci on Tuesday as news broke that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) will be opening a formal impeachment inquiry in response to Trump repeatedly pressuring …

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Trump Wails: Dems Have RUINED My Big Day At UN

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had hardly finished announcing an impeachment inquiry before Glorious Leader snatched up his phone at Trump Tower to wail that those meany Democrats have just RUINED his big day at the United Nations. According to Trump, Democrats have launched this “garbage witch hunt” without even reading the alleged transcript of his call with the Ukrainian president, …

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Pelosi Announces Formal Impeachment Inquiry [VIDEO]

AND IT’S ON. The New York Times reports: Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced on Tuesday that the House would begin a formal impeachment inquiry of President Trump, opening a fresh chapter of confrontation in response to startling allegations that the president sought to enlist a foreign power for his own political gain. “The president must be held acccountable,” she said after …

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Senate Unanimously Approves Nonbinding Resolution Calling On Trump To Release Whistleblower Complaint

Roll Call reports: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday would not speculate about how the Senate might handle articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump. At his weekly media appearance after the Senate policy luncheons, the Kentucky Republican did say that in conversations with top Trump administration officials, including the secretary of Defense and the secretary of State, he …

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Pelosi To Announce Formal Impeachment Proceedings

NBC News reports: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., who for months resisted efforts to launch impeach proceedings against President Donald Trump, will announce later Tuesday a formal inquiry, according to two Democratic sources close to her. Pelosi’s change of heart comes as dozens of House Democrats — now totaling more than two-thirds of the caucus — have come out in …

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Trump: I’ve Ordered Release Of Ukraine Call Transcript

As the Democrats finally get serious about impeachment, Glorious Leader this afternoon reacted by claiming to have ordered the release of the “unredacted transcript” of his call with the president of Ukraine. This move comes after Trump has offered several different reasons for having temporarily withheld nearly $400 million in US aid. Now we get to see if this has …

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Joe Biden To Back Impeachment Proceedings If Trump Won’t Comply With Dem Demands For Ukraine Details

USA Today reports: Former Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday plans to call on Congress to begin impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump if he does not comply with all of Congress’ request for information about a July call he made to Ukraine’s president in which he discussed Biden, according to a senior Biden campaign official. Biden is scheduled to …

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LIVE VIDEO: Trump Addresses UN General Assembly

CNN reports: He mocked their marble. They laughed in his face. The United Nations and President Donald Trump are not, by most measures, easy friends. Nevertheless, Trump traveled for the third time this week to the UN General Assembly more intent than ever on promoting his America First agenda in the place that appreciates it least. It’s one presidential tradition …

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Trump Ridicules Teen Climate Activist Greta Thunberg

USA Today reports: President Donald Trump posted a mocking tweet of a 16-year-old climate activist who drew headlines this week for her speech at the United Nations. Trump quoted a particularly emotional line from Greta Thunberg’s address to the Climate Action Summit in a late night tweet on Monday. In it, the Swedish teen said that “people are dying” and …

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