Donald Trump

House Dems Near Tipping Point On Impeachment

CNN reports: House Democrats are nearing a “tipping point” on impeachment in the wake of the Trump administration blocking a whistleblower complaint’s release to Congress, with moderate Democrats who have resisted calls for impeachment privately indicating they could be swayed. But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who sharpened her rhetoric over the weekend, is still not committing to moving forward with …

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Trump: If A Republican Ever Said What Joe Biden Said, They’d Be Getting The Electric Chair Right Now [VIDEO]

The Guardian reports: Donald Trump today repeated his debunked corruption claims against Joe Biden and accused the media of being “crooked as hell” for not reporting the false accusations as fact. “Joe Biden and his son are corrupt but the fake news doesn’t want to report it because they’re Democrats,” Trump said at the UN General Assembly. The president added, …

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Trump Claims He Deserves The Nobel Peace Prize

Yahoo News reports: President Trump told reporters at the United Nations Monday that while he was deserving of a Nobel Peace Prize, he didn’t expect to be awarded one. “I think I’m going to get a Nobel Prize for a lot of things, if they gave it out fairly, which they don’t,” Trump said following a bilateral meeting with Pakistani …

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Trump’s $28B Bailout Of US Farmers (With More To Come) Is Over Twice Obama’s 2009 Bailout Of Detroit

Bloomberg Business reports: China hawks in Trump’s administration want Beijing to quit subsidizing strategic industries, yet that hasn’t deterred the White House from doling out billions in aid to American farmers, who have become more dependent on government money than they’ve been in years. At $28 billion so far, the farm rescue is more than twice as expensive as the …

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Former Gov. William Weld: Trump Committed Treason, Pure And Simple, Cart Him Off To Save Us All [VIDEO]

The Hill reports: Bill Weld, the former Massachusetts governor seeking to challenge President Trump in a GOP primary, said the president’s efforts to pressure Ukraine’s leadership into investigating former Vice President Joe Biden’s son amount to “treason pure and simple.” “Talk about pressuring a foreign country to interfere and control a U.S. election,” Weld said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “It …

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Trump Tower Tenants Robbed In “Inside Job” [VIDEO]

CBS News reports: Detectives are investigating reports of heists of about $350,000 worth of jewelry from residents in Manhattan’s Trump Tower. The jewelry was allegedly swiped from two apartments in the building where President Trump owns a penthouse triplex, police said. A 33-year-old woman told police her $117,000 Graff diamond bracelet was taken from her 59th floor apartment after she …

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Politico: Impeachment Now “More And More Likely”

Politico reports: Impeachment is becoming more and more likely. Some will tell you it’s approaching a certainty. Think of it this way: President Donald Trump has just admitted that he — the president of the United States — discussed getting dirt on Joe Biden, a domestic political adversary, with a foreign leader. Will more and more fence-sitting Democrats explicitly call …

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Trump Warned Vaping Ban Could Cost Him Election

Axios reports: Conservative leaders are circulating data to White House staff that claims adults who vape will turn on President Trump if he follows through with his planned ban on flavored e-cigarettes, Axios has learned. The data reveals that the number of adult vapers in key battleground states greatly outweighs the margins by which Trump won those states in 2016 …

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NBC Poll: Record 69% Don’t Like Trump “Personally”

NBC News reports: A combined 69 percent of registered voters say they don’t like Trump personally, regardless of their feelings about his policy agenda. A record 50 percent say they dislike him personally and dislike his policies, while another 19 percent say that they dislike him but approve of his policies. Just 29 percent say they like Trump personally, with …

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Trump: My Ukraine Call Was A “Perfect Conversation”

Mediaite reports: President Trump on Sunday went on the offensive against Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and the whistleblower who reportedly raised concerns about the president’s interaction with a foreign leader said to be the president of Ukraine. Speaking to reporters outside the White House, Trump again defended his conduct during the call with Ukraine. He denied that there was …

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AOC Blasts Dems For Dragging Feet On Impeachment

The Hill reports: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) called out Democrats late Saturday for what she called their “refusal” to impeach President Trump. The freshman Democrat’s comments came after Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.), a Democratic presidential candidate, made similar comments Friday evening, tweeting that “Congress had a duty to begin impeachment” against Trump after former special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia report …

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Glorious Leader Predictably Ridicules Bill De Blasio

As every news outlet in the nation breathlessly reports on the still-unfolding whistleblower scandal, which may ultimately prove that Trump extorted a foreign power in order help his reelection campaign, your Glorious Leader devoted his first tweet of the day to his never-ending childish mission to insult and taunt his critics. Oh no, really big political news, perhaps the biggest …

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POLL: Only 13% Support US Military Strike On Iran

Business Insider reports: Only 13 percent of Americans would support the US military joining Saudi Arabia in a conflict as part of a response to a recent attack on two major Saudi oil fields, a new Insider poll of US adults shows. The poll asked participants “what, if any, role do you think the US should take in a response …

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Trump Already Distancing Himself From Netanyahu

Vanity Fair reports: Benjamin Netanyahu is learning the hard way that Donald Trump is a fair-weather friend. The right-wing Israeli prime minister had been among the president’s few steadfast friends on the world stage; Trump, in turn, has long stood strong with Netanyahu. But after Bibi appeared to suffer a stinging loss in the Israeli elections this week, Trump did …

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Tillerson: Netanyahu Often Fed Trump “Misinformation”

Haaretz reports: U.S. President Donald Trump was “played” by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on several occasions, said Trump’s former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Tuesday during a panel interview with Harvard professors. Tillerson, who had a contentious tenure as the U.S.’s top diplomat, said that Netanyahu is “an extraordinarily skilled” politician and diplomat, but “a bit Machiavellian.” He continued, …

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Glorious Leader En Español: No More Fake Asylum

First, a very related story: A former staffer in the George W. Bush administration wrote an op-ed in The Washington Post on Wednesday urging his “fellow Latinos” to vote President Trump out of office in 2020. “I am a Republican. I worked in the George W. Bush White House,” Abel Guerra wrote in the op-ed. “And I say to my …

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Obama Shades Trump’s TV And Twitter Obsessions

Markets Insider reports: If you’re the president of the United States, Barack Obama has two important tips to help make good decisions. The former US president spoke about his decision-making process on Wednesday at an event in San Francisco organized by the data-analysis company Splunk. First, Obama said, you should “make sure you have a team with a diversity of …

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Trump Vows Cars Will Be Safer And Far Less Expensive Because He Banned California’s Emissions Standards

NBC News reports: President Donald Trump said Wednesday that his administration is barring California from setting its own auto emissions standards, setting up a fresh struggle over the president’s push to unravel restrictions on businesses. In tweets announcing the move, the president said the White House “is revoking” a federal waiver that allowed the state to craft its own rules …

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Trump: “Dummy Beto” Has Hurt Gun Control Deal

The Texas Tribune reports: President Donald Trump added Beto O’Rourke to his list of nicknamed politicians, referring to the Democratic presidential candidate as “Dummy Beto” in a tweet on Wednesday morning. O’Rourke first called for mandatory buybacks of assault weapons last month following the deadly shooting in his hometown of El Paso. But the proposal got its widest audience yet …

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Car Crashes Into Lobby Of Trump Building [VIDEO]

The New York Daily News reports: A car plowed into the lobby of Trump Plaza in New Rochelle Tuesday night, injuring two pedestrians, police said. The wild incident unfolded at around 8:50 a.m. when the out-of-control black Mercedes-Benz slammed through the glass-door entrance of the 40-story luxury residential building on Huguenot Street and into the marble lobby. A New Rochelle …

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