Donald Trump

James Mattis Rips Trump’s Policies In New Book: Storm Clouds Are Gathering, America’s At The Breaking Point

The Associated Press reports: Former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis warns bitter political divisions have pushed American society to the ‘‘breaking point’’ in his most extensive public remarks since he resigned in protest from the Trump administration. Mattis also goes into some reasons he left the Trump administration in an excerpt from his book published Wednesday by The Wall Street Journal. …

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Trump Attacks San Juan Mayor As Storm Approaches

The Hill reports: President Trump on Wednesday criticized the mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, as the island braced for a tropical storm nearly two years after it was devastated by Hurricane Maria. San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz, a vocal critic of the president and the administration’s response to Hurricane Maria, said Tuesday night that Trump should “get out …

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TAKE THE LAND: Trump Tells Aides To Break The Law To Get Wall Built, Promises To Pardon Them If Convicted

The Washington Post reports: President Trump is so eager to complete hundreds of miles of border fence ahead of the 2020 presidential election that he has directed aides to fast-track billions of dollars’ worth of construction contracts, aggressively seize private land and disregard environmental rules, according to current and former officials involved with the project. He also has told worried …

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Trump Wails: Media Lies About Warren’s Crowd Sizes

Every accusation is a confession, part 87. President Trump on Tuesday complained about press coverage of the crowds at Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D-Mass.) campaign events, bemoaning that his own rallies don’t get the same treatment. Warren, who has steadily risen in polls of the Democratic presidential race in recent months, has attracted impressive crowds at some of her latest campaign …

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Trump Hotels Partner Charged With Stealing Luggage

The New York Times reports: A former business partner of President Trump’s company was arrested last week on felony charges of stealing two pieces of luggage from the Memphis airport. Dinesh Chawla and his brother were partners with the Trump Organization on multiple hotel projects in the Mississippi Delta until earlier this year. Last year, The New York Times profiled …

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Trump’s Approval Rating Sinks In Battleground States

Axios reports: President Trump’s net approval rating has plunged in every key battleground state since taking office in January 2017, according to Morning Consult’s tracking poll. These are the states that Republicans and Democrats are vying for in 2020, and where, as of now, the campaigns think the presidential election will be decided, according to conversations with several Trump and …

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Live Video: Trump Holds Joint Presser From G7 Summit

Reuters reports: U.S. President Donald Trump will participate in a joint news conference with French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday at the conclusion of the G7 summit in France, the White House said on Sunday. The session will take place in Biarritz at 3:30 p.m. (1330 GMT), following the G7 closing session, the White House said in its daily press …

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Trump Blows Off G7 Meetings On Climate, Amazon

Forbes reports: U.S. President Donald Trump did not show up for a workshop on environmental issues at the G7 Summit here today, but French President Emmanuel Macron said it came as no surprise. “When it comes to the Paris Agreement, we know his position, it has always been clear, and it is not an objective of the French presidency to …

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China Denies Trump’s Claim They Called To Make Deal

NBC News reports: President Donald Trump said U.S. and Chinese officials spoke Sunday and he is optimistic China wants to make a deal after the trade war between the two countries escalated in recent days. “They want to make a deal,” Trump told reporters Monday. “That’s a great thing.” Speaking to reporters, Trump heaped praise on Chinese President Xi Jinping …

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The Chosen One Denies Wanting To Nuke Hurricanes

USA Today reports: President Donald Trump on Monday described as “ridiculous” a report that he discussed using nuclear weapons to alter the course of hurricanes. Trump, who is meeting with world leaders at the G-7 in France, took to Twitter to swipe at an Axios report that he had raised the idea with senior Homeland Security and national security officials …

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Trump Allies Target Journalists Over “Hostile” Coverage

The New York Times reports: A loose network of conservative operatives allied with the White House is pursuing what they say will be an aggressive operation to discredit news organizations deemed hostile to President Trump by publicizing damaging information about journalists. It is the latest step in a long-running effort by Mr. Trump and his allies to undercut the influence …

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Walsh: The 25th Amendment “Should Be Looked At”

Mediaite reports: Stephanopoulos asked Walsh about whether the he thought the 25th Amendment — which allows the removal of a president for incapacity — should be invoked. “It should be looked at,” Walsh replied. “We’ve never had a situation like this. You can’t believe a word he says. And again, I don’t care your politics, that should concern you.” “He’s …

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Trump: The Fake News Wants To Prevent My Reelection

The Hill reports: President Trump early Sunday lashed out at the news media, accusing it of trying to hurt his reelection chances. The comments from Trump came after a tumultuous week in which the tit-for-tat trade war between the U.S. and China escalated further. The president on Friday triggered a drop in U.S. stock markets and ignited deeper concerns about …

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Joe Walsh Woos George Conway For Trump Challenge

The New York Times reports: Joe Walsh, a conservative radio show host and a former Tea Party congressman from Illinois who is expected to announce a long shot primary challenge to President Trump in the coming days, is wooing the husband of Kellyanne Conway for a senior role in his campaign — a signal of his intent to troll Mr. …

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The Chosen One: I Do Not Have A “Messiah Complex”

Fox News reports: “Somebody had to do it. I am the chosen one.” They were the words from President Trump about the escalating trade war with China that sparked outrage from commentators across news media outlets this week. But on Saturday, while tweeting from the G-7 Summit in France, Trump claimed that the joke’s on them. His comments were made …

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Trump Appeals Ruling That He Can’t Block On Twitter

CNN reports: The Justice Department asked a federal court of appeals on Friday to reconsider a case where President Donald Trump was told he couldn’t legally block Twitter users from seeing his tweets. The 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals has not yet said if it would rehear the case. The request comes following a three-judge appellate panel having decided …

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Trump: I Can Totally Make Companies Cut Off China

The Hill reports: President Trump defended his declaration on Friday that American companies were “hereby ordered” to find alternatives to manufacturing in China, claiming that the 1977 International Emergency Economic Powers Act gave him the power to make such a pronouncement. Trump had previously cited the 1977 Act, which gives the president the power to regulate commerce during exceptional international …

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The Chosen One Raises Tariffs On China Again

CNBC reports: President Donald Trump will hike tariff rates on most imports from China in response to the latest shots in the trade war between the world’s two largest economies, he said Friday. The White House will raise existing duties on $250 billion in Chinese products to 30% from 25% on Oct. 1, the president tweeted. The tariffs on another …

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Trump Mocks Having Caused Stock Market To Crater

USA Today reports: After President Donald Trump’s tweets on China and blasting Fed chairman Jerome Powell, not to mention the Dow plunging today, the president tweeted out a reaction to the news by… trolling Congressman Seth Moulton. No, seriously. Moulton, a former Marine and three-term congressman, announced Friday morning he would no longer seek the Democratic nomination. He told reporters …

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Putin Orders Reciprocal Response After US Missile Test

Reuters reports: Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday ordered a like-for-like response to a recent U.S. missile test, which he said showed that Washington aimed to deploy previously banned missiles around the world. The Pentagon said on Monday it had tested a conventionally-configured cruise missile that hit its target after more than 500 km (310 miles) of flight, its first …

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