Donald Trump

The Mooch Compares Trump To Cult Leader Jim Jones

The Hill reports: Former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci on Friday compared President Trump to Rev. Jim Jones, the infamous cult leader who led hundreds to their death Jonestown, Guyana, in 1978. “He has gone past the bounds of normalcy on so many things,” Scaramucci said on CNN’s “Cuomo Prime Time” Thursday night. The short-term former aide said there …

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Trump Rages Against “Enemy” Federal Reserve Chair, “Orders” US Companies To Stop Working With China

CNBC reports: President Donald Trump again ripped into Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell on Friday, questioning whether he is a “bigger enemy” to the United States than Chinese President Xi Jinping. Trump tweeted his attack, which misspelled the central bank chief’s name before it was corrected, not long after Powell delivered a speech in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. As he uses …

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China Retaliates With Additional $75 Billion In Tariffs

CNBC reports: China said Friday it will impose new tariffs on $75 billion worth of U.S. goods and resume duties on American autos. The Chinese State Council said it decided to slap tariffs ranging from 5% to 10% on $75 billion U.S. goods in two batches effective on Sep. 1 and Dec. 15. It also said a 25% tariff will …

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The Chosen One Rages: Democrats Are Willing To “Lose Their Wealth” Just For A Possibility To Beat Me In 2020

The Hill reports: President Trump said Friday morning that “the Democrat Party” and “the Fake News Media” are trying to convince the nation that a recession is on the way in an effort to hurt his reelection chances next year. In a pair of tweets, Trump vowed that he would win in 2020 while simultaneously clamping down on warnings of …

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Chinese Cult Hides Connection To New Pro-Trump Ads

NBC News reports: The Epoch Times, a conservative news outlet that has spent more money on pro-Trump Facebook advertisements than any group other than the Trump campaign in the last six months, shifted its spending on the platform in the last month, according to results seen on Facebook’s advertising archive. These new pages obfuscate their connection to ads that promote …

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Trump Had Invited Himself To Denmark Meeting

The Daily Beast reports: Speaking to reporters on the White House’s South Lawn in late July, President Donald Trump revealed that he was “looking at” a stop in Denmark after an upcoming trip to Poland to attend a World War II commemorative ceremony. For officials in Copenhagen, the comment came as a surprise. Although it is customary in Denmark for …

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Trump Joked About Trading Puerto Rico For Greenland

The New York Times reports: It started as a headline seemingly straight out of The Onion. Then it unleashed a torrent of jokes on late-night television and social media. And finally it exploded into a serious diplomatic rupture between the United States and one of its longtime allies. In the latest only-in-Trumpland episode skating precariously along the line between farce …

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US Manufacturing Contracts For First Time In Decade

CNBC reports: U.S. manufacturer growth slowed to the lowest level in almost 10 years in August, the latest sign that the trade war may be exacerbating the economic slowdown. The U.S. manufacturing PMI (purchasing managers’ index) was 49.9 in August, down from 50.4 in July and below the neutral 50.0 threshold for the first time since September 2009, according to …

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Revision: 500,000 Fewer Jobs Created Than Reported

MarketWatch reports: Turns out hiring wasn’t nearly as strong in 2018 and early 2019 as the government initially reported — by about a half-million jobs. The economy had about 501,000 fewer jobs as of March 2019 than the Bureau of Labor Statistics initially calculated in its survey of business establishments. That’s the largest revision since the waning stages of the …

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Trump Clocks 62% Disapproval Rating In New AP Poll

The Hill reports: The majority of Americans in a new poll disapproves of President Trump’s overall performance, despite greater support for the president’s handling of the economy than other issues in the survey. Sixty-two percent of Americans said they disapprove of the job Trump is doing, while just 36 percent approve, according to the Associated Press–NORC Center for Public Affairs …

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GOP Sen. Tom Cotton: Actually, Greenland Was My Idea

Talk Politics reports: Months before President Donald Trump expressed an interest in buying Greenland, U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., said he suggested the idea to the President and met with the Danish ambassador to propose the sale of the large land mass to the U.S. Speaking Wednesday (Aug. 21) at the inaugural Talk Business & Politics Power Lunch at the …

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Former GOP Rep. Joe Walsh May Challenge Trump

The New York Times reports: Joe Walsh, a conservative radio show host and former Republican congressman from Illinois, is expected to announce he is running for president as early as this weekend, presenting President Trump with a challenger from the right his critics hope will weaken the president in the 2020 election. Mr. Walsh stands virtually no chance of wresting …

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Draft Dodger Trump “Jokes” That He Wanted To Give Himself The Medal Of Honor But He Doesn’t Qualify

The following is actually just one of the six or seven reasons that #25thAmendmentNow is currently trending at #1. President Trump joked Wednesday that he wanted to award himself with the Medal of Honor but was told that he didn’t “qualify” by advisers. Trump made the remarks while recognizing Medal of Honor recipient and World War II veteran Woody Williams …

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Trump To Snub UN General Assembly Climate Summit

McClatchy reports: The United Nations General Assembly opens next month with a major summit on climate change – but at least one head of state will be absent from the global stage. Three senior administration officials told McClatchy that President Donald Trump plans to skip the U.N. Climate Action Summit on Sept. 23 hosted by U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres. Environmental …

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Conway To WH Staff: Institutionalize Trump Right Now

Mediaite reports: George Conway, husband of White House adviser Kellyanne Conway and unrelenting critic of President Donald Trump, says its time for his wife’s boss to see the men in white coats. Like many political observers, Mr. Conway noticed Trump’s latest White House pool spray where he called himself “the chosen one,” attacked the “nasty” Danish prime minister for squashing …

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Trump “Seriously” Wants To End Birthright Citizenship

Reuters reports: U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday that his administration was seriously looking at ending the right of citizenship for U.S.-born children of noncitizens and people who immigrated to the United States illegally. “We’re looking at that very seriously, birthright citizenship, where you have a baby on our land, you walk over the border, have a baby – …

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Trump Attacks “Nasty” Danish Prime Minister: You Can’t Treat USA The Way You Used To Under Obama [VIDEO]

NBC News reports: President Trump on Wednesday defended his decision to postpone a state visit to Denmark, accusing the country’s prime minister of making a “nasty and inappropriate statement” in rejecting his desire to discuss possibly purchasing Greenland, an autonomous Danish territory. “I thought it was a very not nice way of saying something. They could have just told me …

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Danish PM “Disappointed And Surprised” By Trump, Former Foreign Minister: Trump’s “Throwing A Hissy Fit”

The Associated Press reports: Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen says she is “disappointed and surprised” by U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to cancel his visit to Denmark after she called Trump’s idea of buying the semi-autonomous Arctic territory of Greenland from Denmark “an absurd discussion.” Trump, who was scheduled to visit Denmark on Sept. 2-3 as part of a European …

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Deficit To Top $1T Two Years Sooner Than Forecast

Bloomberg reports: The federal budget deficit is growing faster than expected, even as President Trump openly considers more tax cuts and other ideas that would add to government debt. The deficit will reach $960 billion for the 2019 fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30, and $1 trillion for the 2020 fiscal year, the Congressional Budget Office said in updated forecasts …

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Cultists Curry Favor With Attacks On The Mooch

Politico reports: It’s open season on The Mooch. As President Donald Trump’s feud with Anthony Scaramucci stretches past the brief flicker of time he served in the White House, the president’s supporters have been taking their own whacks at the man who has suddenly become Public Enemy No. 1. And Trump has been been grateful, reaching out to “give attaboys” …

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