Donald Trump

Trump Quotes Sycophant: I’m Like The King Of Israel

Israel’s Haaretz reports: U.S. President Donald Trump, in a series of bizarre Wednesday morning tweets, quoted praise from a conservative radio host who referred to him as the “King of Israel” and renewed his attacks on Democratic Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib. The Twitter storm follows Trump’s latest controversy on Tuesday when he claimed that American Jewish people who vote for Democrats …

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Half Of Trump Voters Would Blame Him For Recession

The Hill reports: Approximately half of respondents in a new survey who voted for President Trump say they would blame him if the U.S. economy falls into a recession. A Morning Consult poll released Wednesday found that 42 percent of respondents who say they voted for Trump in 2016 would hold him partially responsible for an economic downturn, and another …

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Log Cabin Spox: I Ask If The LGBT Community Is Better Off Now Under Trump And The Answer Is Yes [VIDEO]

“Jennifer is a friend and up until 24 hours ago she was a fellow board member with me on the national board. But like so many disaffected Republicans who have not been comfortable with President Trump and with his record, I look at the question of, ‘Is America is better off now than it was four years ago and is …

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Denmark Furious After Trump Abruptly Cancels Visit Over Their Rejection Of Insane Plan To Buy Greenland

CNN reports: Less than two weeks before his scheduled trip to Denmark, President Donald Trump announced on Twitter that he has postponed his visit to Copenhagen after the Danish Prime Minister disputed his interest in buying Greenland as “absurd.” On Sunday, Trump confirmed his interest in buying the country, telling reporters that Greenland is hurting Denmark. “We are good allies …

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Trump Called His NRA Masters To Cave On Gun Control

The Atlantic reports: President Trump called National Rifle Association (NRA) CEO Wayne LaPierre on Tuesday to tell him that universal background checks for gun purchases are off the table. The decision to oppose an initiative that has strong support in public polling signals an apparent backtracking by the president from initial comments he made following two mass shootings earlier this …

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Trucking Downturn Turns Truckers Against Trump

Business Insider reports: Morris Coffman has been a truck driver for 35 years. And he’s been a conservative for even longer than that — his whole life. “That said,” Coffman told Business Insider, “[Trump] is absolutely a moron. His idiotic ideas will tank the economy even further.” Truckers, like Coffman, lean conservative. A Verdant Labs analysis of Federal Elections Commission …

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Trump: I’ve Done Very Well With The LGBT Community

The Washington Blade’s Chris Johnson today asked Trump if he’s OK with his administration’s recent steps to make it easier to discriminate against LGBT workers.  His response: “Well, you know, I just got an award, or an endorsement yesterday from the exact group. You saw that? They gave me the endorsement yesterday. I’ve done very well with that community and some …

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High-Level Resignations Fracture Log Cabin Quislings After Unexpected Endorsement Of Trump’s Reelection

The Washington Post reports: Jennifer Horn was pushed right up to a line she swore she would never cross. Her GOP organization, where she sat on the board for several years, had just endorsed President Trump for reelection, something she says she would never do herself. Faced with the thought of having to explain that decision to her children in …

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Pro-Trump Chinese Cult Newspaper Furious At NBC “Hit Piece” Calling Them Pro-Trump Chinese Cult Newspaper

From the editor of the Epoch Times: Seeing the success of The Epoch Times as America’s fastest-growing newspaper, NBC News has published a hit piece that is riddled with inaccuracies, blatant errors, and misrepresentations. For example, NBC News mischaracterizes our subscription campaigns for our print newspaper. We provided NBC News with a statement back in June to clarify this, but …

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Newspaper Run By Chinese End Times Cult Places Thousands Of Facebook Ads Supporting Trump 2020

NBC News reports: By the numbers, there is no bigger advocate of President Donald Trump on Facebook than The Epoch Times. The small New York-based nonprofit news outlet has spent more than $1.5 million on about 11,000 pro-Trump advertisements in the last six months, according to data from Facebook’s advertising archive — more than any organization outside of the Trump …

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Trump Promises Not To Build Hotel In Greenland

USA Today reports: A day after President Donald Trump said he was “looking at” purchasing Greenland, he tweeted an edited photo of a small village that also features a high-rise building with his name emblazoned at the top. Trump shared the edited image Monday evening of what looks like Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas, which is a gold high-rise …

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EPIC: Hillary Shades Trump’s Insane Google Claims

The Washington Post reports: Shortly before noon, Fox Business aired a segment discussing testimony offered to the Senate last month. Robert Epstein, a psychologist who at one point was editor in chief of Psychology Today, told senators on July 17 that his research suggested Google had given millions of votes to Trump’s opponent Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. A …

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Glorious Leader Spews Yet Another Insane Claim

The Independent reports: Donald Trump has accused Google of manipulating the 2016 US election in favour of his democratic rival Hillary Clinton, citing a conservative judicial activist site that frequently makes false accusations and spreads conspiracies against liberals. Trump has regularly claimed that Clinton did not win the popular vote in 2016, even though official tallies showed she received roughly …

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Trump Explodes At “Highly Unstable Nut Job” Mooch, Who Is A Mental Wreck And Probably Getting Divorced

Raw Story reports: President Donald Trump exploded with rage on Monday after former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci once again hammered him during a CNN segment in which he said he wanted to gather together former Trump cabinet officials to denounce the president. Scaramucci recently turned on the president after he made racist comments about four Democratic lawmakers by …

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Danish PM: Selling Greenland Is An Absurd Discussion

The Associated Press reports: Greenland is not for sale and U.S. President Donald Trump’s idea of buying the semi-autonomous Danish territory in the Arctic from Denmark is “an absurd discussion,” Denmark’s prime minister said. Mette Frederiksen, who was visiting the world’s largest island to meet Premier Kim Kielsen, told reporters: “Greenland is not Danish. Greenland is Greenlandic. I persistently hope …

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Trump: Greenland Is A Large Real Estate Deal [VIDEO]

“Greenland, it got released somehow. It’s something we talked about. Denmark essentially owns it. We’re very good allies with Denmark. We protect Denmark like we protect large portions of the world. So the concept came up, and I said, certainly, strategically it’s interesting and we’d be interested, but we’ll talk to them a little bit. “It’s not number one on …

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Mooch: Trump Cultists Needs To Be Deprogrammed

“We recognize the president is a clear and present danger for the American society and the American culture. There are many people inside the White House and inside the cabinet – I would ask the left, let’s create an off ramp for those people because when you’re trying to deprogram people from a cult you have to allow them to …

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Trump Calls Out Antifa As Terrorists As Pro-Trump White Supremacists Assemble For Rally In Portland, Oregon

CBS News reports: The serenity of downtown Portland will be tested yet again on Saturday afternoon. Stores began closing Friday night ahead of dueling protests between groups of right-wing extremists and anti-fascist demonstrators. Several extremist groups are expected to show up, but no one has applied for any type of permit. Police learned about the protest from monitoring social media, …

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Bill Maher: A Recession Is Worth Getting Rid Of Trump

The Hill reports: Comedian Bill Maher on Friday continued his calls for another economic recession, claiming it would tank President Trump’s shot at reelection in 2020 and be “very worth” ending his policies. Speaking with a panel including political consultant Rick Wilson and journalists Betsy Woodruff and Carl Hulse, Maher dismissed criticism from people who “get mad” at rooting for …

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The Mooch: “Jackass” Trump Will Drop Out By March

Mediaite reports: Anthony Scaramucci, the former (brief) communications director for President Donald Trump who has turned on the administration in recent days, gave an interview to Vanity Fair in which he presented a lofty psychoanalysis — including a prediction that Trump will drop out of the presidential race in March 2020. “He’s gonna drop out of the race because it’s …

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