Donald Trump

Trump Campaign Vows To “Drive Liberals Crazy” With “Supreme Court Champs” T-Shirt Featuring McConnell

Peter Montgomery reports at Right Wing Watch: President Donald Trump’s campaign committee is teaming up with the RNC and Senate Majority Mitch McConnell’s campaign committee to offer campaign contributors a T-shirt proclaiming “Back to Back Supreme Court Champs”—but the profiles on the shirt are not of Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh but of Trump and McConnell. “President …

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The Mooch Compares Trump To Chernobyl

Axios reports: Anthony Scaramucci, who famously served as President Trump’s communications director for 11 days, says Republicans may need to pick a different candidate in 2020. In a phone interview on Sunday afternoon, Scaramucci compared Trump to a melting nuclear reactor and said he may support a Republican challenger to Trump. “We are now in the early episodes of ‘Chernobyl’ …

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Trump Mimicked Asian Accents At Hamptons Event

The New York Post reports: President Trump cracked jokes about the Equinox scandal, the old days of rent-controlled New York and his dealings with North and South Korea among deep-pocketed pals in the Hamptons on Friday. Trump also made fun of US allies South Korea, Japan and the European Union — mimicking Japanese and Korean accents — and talked about …

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US Farmers Face Growing Crisis Over Trump’s Tariffs

CNBC reports: U.S. farmers lost one of their biggest customers this week after China officially cancelled all purchases of U.S. agricultural products, a retaliatory move following President Donald Trump’s pledge to slap 10% tariffs on $300 billion of Chinese imports. China’s exit piles on to a devastating year for farmers, who have struggled through record flooding and an extreme heat …

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The Mooch: Trump Will Turn On The Entire Country

The Huffington Post reports: Donald Trump’s short-time communications director and one-time pal Anthony Scaramucci attacked the president on Twitter with a chilling warning that Trump will eventually “turn” on the “entire country.” Trump lashed Scaramucci on Twitter earlier for his former friend’s criticism of him. Scaramucci, who served as White House communications director for a mere 11 days in 2017, …

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Trump Accuses Bill Clinton Of Having Epstein Killed

NBC News reports: President Donald Trump retweeted a conspiracy theory on Saturday evening alleging without evidence that former President Bill Clinton was connected to the death of wealthy financier and accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, hours after Epstein was found dead by apparent suicide in his federal prison cell. The stoking of conspiracy theories about his political rivals is nothing …

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Universal Scraps The Hunt After Trump Condemns Film

Variety reports: Universal Pictures has canceled the release of its upcoming thriller “The Hunt.” The film was previously set to hit theaters Sept. 27. “While Universal Pictures had already paused the marketing campaign for The Hunt, after thoughtful consideration, the studio has decided to cancel our plans to release the film, ” a spokesperson for Universal said. “We stand by …

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Pope Francis: Nationalist Rhetoric Sounds Like Hitler

From the National Catholic Reporter: Pope Francis called for a united Europe in an interview published by Italian daily La Stampa, saying recent political rhetoric has echoed that of Nazi Germany. “I am concerned because we hear speeches that resemble those of Hitler in 1934,” he said. ” ‘Us first. We . . . We. . . . ‘ These …

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Trump Aides Say Vacation Is “Golf, Cable News, Twitter”

The Week reports: Trump has long bristled at the term “vacation” and is expected to hold a handful of official events and trips while settled in New Jersey’s horse country. But aides say his attention will be focused on golf, cable news and Twitter. They often worry about the scattershot outbursts — such as his “fire and fury” to North …

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Glorious Leader Explodes At “Liberal Racist Hollywood”

The Guardian reports: Donald Trump has claimed that Hollywood is racist in a new attack on the entertainment industry. While Trump offered up no examples, his comments came after Universal’s forthcoming satirical thriller The Hunt found itself caught in controversy this week. The film, starring Hilary Swank, imagines a vision of America that allows elites to hunt so-called “deplorables” for …

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Rocker Tommy Lee Goes Viral With Anti-Trump Rant

“You Trumpsters better pray that liberals never gain control of the WH again because we are going to pay you back so fucking hard for all of this shit. Planned Parenthoods on every damn corner. We’re going to repaint Air Force One, pussy hat pink and fly it over your beloved Bible Belt 6 days a week, tossing birth control …

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Coulter Rages After Trump Backs Background Checks

Talking Points Memo reports: Conservative commentator Ann Coulter mocked President Trump on Friday for signaling support for negotiations in the House and Senate over stricter background checks for gun purchases in the wake of several mass shootings. Coulter was an initial supporter of the president, even penning a book, “In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome!” during the 2016 campaign, …

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WaPo: Trump Org Still Employs Undocumented Workers

The Washington Post reports: For nearly two decades, the Trump Organization has relied on a roving crew of Latin American employees to build fountains and waterfalls, sidewalks and rock walls at the company’s winery and its golf courses from New York to Florida. Other employees at Trump clubs were so impressed by the laborers — who did strenuous work with …

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Trump: Biden Isn’t “Playing With A Full Deck” [VIDEO]

The Hill reports: President Trump on Friday mocked former Vice President Joe Biden after the Democratic presidential candidate committed a gaffe by telling supporters that “poor kids” are “just as talented as white kids” before correcting himself to say “wealthy kids.” “Joe is not playing with a full deck. He made that comment, I said ‘woah.'” Trump told reporters as …

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Trump: I Got Another “Beautiful” Love Letter From Kim

Politico reports: President Trump on Friday said he received a “beautiful” letter from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as the country continues to test ballistic missiles, alarming U.S. allies in the region. Trump told reporters as he left the White House for a fundraiser in the Hamptons that the two men could meet again in the future to discuss …

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Grinning Trump Gives Thumbs Up In Photo With Baby Whose Parents Were Murdered In El Paso Terror Attack

Mediaite reports: One day after President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump visited with victims of the mass shooting in El Paso, Texas, Twitter erupted in disgust at an image Tweeted out by the @FLOTUS account that showed the pair broadly grinning — and with Trump inexplicably flashing a thumbs-up — while holding a two-month-old baby who lost both …

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Republicans To Trump: Leave Blagojevich In Prison

The Hill reports: House Republicans in the Illinois delegation are calling for President Trump to not commute the prison sentence of former Democratic Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, who is serving 14 years on federal corruption charges. The push comes in the wake of Trump telling reporters Wednesday he was “very strongly” considering commuting the sentence of the former Celebrity Apprentice …

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Pelosi To Trump: Call Back The Senate For Gun Action

Just in from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi: In light of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s continuing obstruction, Speaker Nancy Pelosi sent a letter to President Donald Trump today requesting he call the United States Senate back into session immediately under his powers in Article II Section 3 of the Constitution to consider House-passed bipartisan gun violence prevention legislation, in the …

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Lindsey Graham Promises Obamacare Will Be Repealed If Trump Is Reelected (And If The GOP Wins The House)

“If we can get the House back and keep our majority in the Senate, and President Trump wins reelection, I can promise you not only are we going to repeal Obamacare, we’re going to do it in a smart way where South Carolina will be the biggest winner. We’ve got to remind people that we’re not for Obamacare.” – Sen. …

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Trump Accuses Fed Reserve Of Hindering US Exports

The Hill reports: President Trump on Thursday put renewed pressure on the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates, arguing the strength of the U.S. dollar is hurting American manufacturers. In a series of tweets, Trump accused the Fed of hindering U.S. exports by keeping interest rates relatively high compared to other economic powers. He suggested the central bank should weaken …

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