Donald Trump

Trump Unable To Resist Attacking UK Ambassador

The Hill reports: President Trump on Monday said he would “no longer deal with” the U.K.’s ambassador to the U.S. after leaked cables revealed he told top government officials Trump is “insecure” and “incompetent.” The president also criticized outgoing British Prime Minister Theresa May, who expressed “full faith” in Ambassador Kim Darroch, over her handling of Brexit. Trump also said …

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Trump Backpedals On WH Invite For World Cup Team

The Washington Post reports: Following the World Cup triumph by the U.S. women’s national team, President Trump appeared to backtrack on a promise he made last month to invite the squad to the White House regardless of Sunday’s outcome. “We haven’t really thought about it,” Trump said, according to Voice of America, after the 2-0 U.S. win over the Netherlands …

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Trump Rages Against Fox News’ Weekend Anchors

Deadline reports: Donald Trump decided to throw an early evening Twitter tantrum on Sunday, lumping in Fox News with news outlets he regularly complains about including CNN, NBC, MSNBC and the New York Times. It is not certain what triggered Trump to go on this surprising-but-not rant. Earlier, during a live broadcast on Fox News after the U.S. won the …

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Trump Congratulates “Exciting” World Cup Winners

CNN reports: The US Women’s National Soccer Team captured a record-extending fourth World Cup Sunday with a 2-0 win over the Netherlands in the championship game. Megan Rapinoe — who has publicly feuded with President Donald Trump in the lead up to Sunday’s win — scored a penalty goal in the second half to give the Americans a 1-0 lead. …

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Live On Fox: Bar Crowd Chants “Fuck Trump!” [VIDEO]

Mediaite reports: Fox News viewers got an earful when the crowd at a sports bar in France began chanting “F*ck Trump!” live on the air as the network covered reaction to the U.S. Women’s Soccer team’s World Cup victory. But as Fox’s Greg Palkot gamely tried to report on the goings-on, the patrons of the bar loudly chanted “Fuck Trump! …

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George Conway Links Trump To Accused Pedophile

Raw Story reports: George Conway, the conservative attorney married to senior presidential counselor Kellyanne Conway, tweeted out a series of links that tie Donald Trump to accused child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein following the millionaire’s arrest. Epstein was taken into custody late Saturday night for allegedly sex trafficking dozens of minors in New York and Florida between 2002 and 2005 and …

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Amash: High-Level Republicans Back What I’m Doing

The Hill reports: Rep. Justin Amash (Mich.), who announced last week that he was leaving the GOP to become an independent, said Sunday that “high-level” Republican officials have thanked him for his support of impeachment against President Trump. “When I was discussing impeachment I had fellow colleagues and other Republicans, high-level officials, contacting me and saying thank you for what …

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Nigel Farage Demands Firing Of British Ambassador To US Over Memos Dissing Trump As In Bed With Russians

British tabloid The Sun reports: Nigel Farage has slammed the British ambassador to the US and demanded he be sacked for calling Donald Trump “inept”. Farage said Sir Kim Darroch was “totally unsuitable” to be London’s link with Washington after the diplomat blasted the US President as “incompetent” in a number of leaked memos. The Brexit Party leader fumed: “The …

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Trump: AOC Is A “Raving Lunatic” Version Of Eva Peron

The Guardian reports: Donald Trump has compared Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to Eva Perón, saying that though he first saw the New York congresswoman “ranting and raving like a lunatic on a street corner” and thinks “she knows nothing”, she has “a certain talent”. “That’s Evita,” he said. The president’s remarks are contained in American Carnage: On the Front Lines of the …

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Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein Arrested For Sex Trafficking

The New York Times reports: Jeffrey E. Epstein, a billionaire New York financier long accused of molesting dozens of girls, was arrested on Saturday and charged with sex trafficking by federal prosecutors, an extraordinary turn of events in a long and sordid criminal case. Two people with knowledge of the charges said on Saturday night that Mr. Epstein had been …

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Trump Attacks “Not Salvageable” Biden With More Lies

Newsweek reports: President Donald Trump attacked leading Democratic candidate Joe Biden on Saturday morning, claiming the former vice president can not win the 2020 general election, but that countries who do not have America’s best interests in mind were “begging” for a Biden victory. This was the second time in two days that the president had come out publicly against …

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Undocumented Former Trump Golf Club Workers Seek White House Meeting To Plead Against Being Deported

The Associated Press reports: A group of immigrant workers fired from President Donald Trump’s golf clubs say they want to meet with him at the White House to make the case that they should not be deported. The 21 maids, groundskeepers and other workers fired earlier this year from five of Trump’s clubs asked their former employer in a letter …

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Trump Blames “Kaput” Teleprompter For Airports Gaffe, Claims He Knew Rest Of The Speech By Heart [VIDEO]

“The teleprompter went out, it went kaput. So I could have said — and actually right in the middle of sentence it went out. That’s not a good feeling. I knew the speech very well so I was able to do it without a teleprompter. But the teleprompter did go out. And it was actually hard to look at anyway …

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Trump: “I Don’t Think I’m A Bully At All” [VIDEO]

The Hill reports: President Trump on Friday responded to former Vice President Joe Biden’s remarks that the commander in chief is a “bully.” “I don’t think I’m a bully at all,” Trump told reporters on the White House lawn before he departed the White House to visit his golf club in Bedminster, N.J. “I just don’t like being taken advantage …

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Veterans Call For Trump’s Impeachment In New Video

The Huffington Post reports: As Donald Trump insisted military leaders he ordered to join him at his controversial July Fourth bash were “thrilled” to be there, a group of veterans issued a video Thursday calling for the president’s impeachment. “Not only is [Trump] cruel — I believe he’s also a criminal,” says Marine Corps vet Marie Delus, one of several …

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Trump Mangles US History In Fourth Of July Speech

“In June of 1775, the Continental Congress created a unified Army out of the Revolutionary Forces encamped around Boston and New York, and named after the great George Washington, commander in chief. The Continental Army suffered a bitter winter of Valley Forge, found glory across the waters of the Delaware and seized victory from Cornwallis of Yorktown. “Our Army manned …

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Company That Donated Fireworks To Trump’s Ego Rally Had Successfully Lobbied Against Tariffs On Fireworks

NBC News reports: President Donald Trump’s Fourth of July celebration will feature $750,000 of donated fireworks from an Ohio retailer who has lobbied the White House against expanded tariffs on Chinese imports. And last week, the same day the donation was announced, the company — Phantom Fireworks of Youngstown, Ohio — got what it wanted: Trump decided to hold off …

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Hillary Clinton Slams Trump’s DC Ego Rally: A President Shouldn’t Need A Military Parade To Show Patriotism

The Hill reports: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Thursday spoke out against President Trump’s 4th of July celebration and his controversial decision to display tanks and other military hardware on the National Mall during the festivities. Clinton joins other Democrats in slamming Trump’s Independence Day “Salute to America. Trump confirmed to reporters in the Oval Office Monday that …

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Trump Mulls Executive Order To Force Census Question

Axios reports: President Trump is considering an executive order to try to move forward with a citizenship question on the 2020 census, top sources tell Jonathan Swan and me. “We didn’t come this far just to throw in the towel,” said a senior administration official with direct knowledge of the conversations. A senior legal source said: “The administration is considering …

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Trump Attacks “Dumb And Disloyal” Rep. Justin Amash

Glorious Leader is reacting in predictable fashion: Rep. Justin Amash, the only congressional Republican who publicly argues that President Donald Trump has engaged in impeachable conduct, announced Thursday he is quitting the GOP. Amash didn’t mention the President by name, but his decision to abandon the party comes after months of escalating criticism not just of the President but of …

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