Donald Trump

Jimmy Carter: A Full Investigation Would Show That Trump “Didn’t Actually Win” The 2016 Election [VIDEO]

Politico reports: Former President Jimmy Carter questioned the legitimacy of Donald Trump’s presidency on Thursday, saying he would likely not be in the White House if the Russians did not interfere in the 2016 presidential elections. “I think a full investigation would show that Trump didn’t actually win the election in 2016. He lost the election, and he was put …

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Trump And Putin Bond On “Getting Rid” Of Journalists

The Independent reports: Donald Trump has joked with Vladimir Putin during a meeting at the G20 in Japan over their shared disdain for journalists who write stories they do not approve of. “Get rid of them. Fake news is a great term, isn’t it? You don’t have this problem in Russia, but we do,” Mr Trump was quoted as telling …

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SCOTUS To Hear Challenge To Trump’s DACA Policy

The New York Times reports: The Supreme Court will decide whether the Trump administration may shut down a program that shields some 800,000 young, undocumented immigrants from deportation, the court said on Friday. The court will hear arguments in the case during its next term, which starts in October, and will probably issue its decision in the spring or summer …

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Trump Poses Next To Saudi Prince For G20 Group Photo

The Hill reports: President Trump and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman posed next to each other for a photo of world leaders on Friday at the Group of 20 Summit in Japan, exchanging pleasantries in the process. Trump and the crown prince could be seen making conversation and smiling as they stood next to each other for the “family …

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Smirking Trump Tells Putin “Don’t Meddle, Please”

The BBC reports: US President Donald Trump has appeared to make light of Russian election interference during a meeting with the country’s leader, Vladimir Putin. A smirking Mr Trump wagged his finger at the Russian president and said: “Don’t meddle in the election, please.” The pair were holding talks on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Japan. It was …

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Trump Calls For Delaying Census After SCOTUS Ruling

Reuters reports: U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday he will see if the 2020 census can be delayed following a Supreme Court ruling that blocked his administration’s addition of a citizenship question for now. “I have asked the lawyers if they can delay the Census, no matter how long, until the United States Supreme Court is given additional information …

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Twitter To Post “Abusive Behavior” Disclaimer On Posts By World Leaders That Will Stay Up In “Public Interest”

CNN reports: Twitter plans to place a disclaimer on future tweets from world leaders that break its rules but which Twitter decides are in the “public interest,” the company said in a blog post Thursday. This policy change could face its most prominent test in President Trump. Trump has repeatedly tested Twitter’s community standards with his regular tirades on the …

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Trump Attacks US Allies Ahead Of G-20 Summit

The New York Times reports: President Trump, arriving in Japan on Thursday, opened his latest foreign trip much as he did his last one, lashing out at America’s allies, including his hosts, just before sitting down with them to talk through differences on issues like security and trade. In the hours before and after leaving for an international summit meeting, …

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Trump’s DC Hotel Billed Secret Service $200K In 2017

NBC News reports: During the first year of Donald Trump’s presidency, the Trump International Hotel in Washington charged the Secret Service more than $200,000 in taxpayer money, including a bill topping $30,000 for two days of use, according to expense documents obtained by NBC News. The documents, obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request covering Secret Service expenditures, detail …

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Glorious Leader Ridicules “Boring!” Democratic Debate

Yahoo News reports: President Trump, who earlier Wednesday said he wouldn’t watch the first round of the first Democratic presidential debate, because he was “off to save the free world,” initially tweeted just one word about the event in Miami: “BORING!” Trump tweeted from Air Force One, which had stopped off Anchorage, Alaska, en route to Japan, where the president …

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US Soccer Star Ali Krieger Defends Teammate: Trump Just Hates Women That He “Cannot Control Or Grope”

Yahoo Sports reports: U.S. soccer star Ali Krieger defended her teammate Megan Rapinoe after President Trump criticized her on Wednesday. Krieger tweeted that like Rapinoe, she also would turn down an invitation to the White House if the U.S. women’s national team wins the World Cup. Krieger is the first USWNT player to turn down Trump’s invitation, not counting the …

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George Conway: Trump Needs To Be Institutionalized

Via Mediaite: Kellyanne Conway’s husband has established himself as a major critic of his wife’s boss, with Mr. Conway frequently expressing his view that Trump is mentally unstable. In response to Trump’s bombastic interview on Fox Business Wednesday, he implored White House Acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney to whisk the president off to Walter Reed Army Medical Center — …

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Trump Claims War With Iran Wouldn’t “Last Very Long”

The Washington Post reports: President Trump said Wednesday that a war with Iran would not “last very long” or involve ground troops, as he seemingly dismissed warnings that limited U.S. military action could spiral into a larger conflict. Trump reiterated his desire to avoid a war but said “we’re in a very strong position if something should happen.” “It wouldn’t …

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Trump Accuses Mueller Of Being A Criminal [VIDEO]

The New York Times reports: President Trump lashed out at the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, on Wednesday, dredging up false accusations about the conduct of investigators after House Democrats announced that Mr. Mueller would testify publicly next month. The president offered no evidence as he repeated earlier accusations that Mr. Mueller destroyed text messages between two former F.B.I. …

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Trump 2020 To Launch Dem Debate Night Offensive

Politico reports: As Democrats spar on the debate stage this week, the president’s campaign will be unleashing dozens of Donald Trump backers on the airwaves in 2020 swing states, blasting out any embarrassing moments on social media and dispatching talking points to ensure everyone stays on message. It’s all part of a robust response Team Trump has rapidly pulled together …

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Trump Rages After Diss By Lesbian US Soccer Star

This is what Glorious Leader is ranting about: As if we needed more reasons to root for Megan Rapinoe, here she is dropping this gem [clip below] in an interview that hit Twitter Tuesday. She previously talked with Jenny Ventras of Sports Illustrated and said she won’t visit the White House if the USWNT won the World Cup. But not …

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Trump Calls On Feds To Sue Google, Twitter, Facebook For Trying To Rig 2020 Election In Favor Of Democrats

Fox Business reports: President Trump on Wednesday said the U.S. should sue tech giants like Google and Facebook and lambasted the platforms, including Twitter, for allegedly trying to rig the 2020 elections in favor of Democrats. “They make it much harder for me to get out the message,” he told FOX Business. “These people are all Democrats, it’s totally biased …

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Melania’s Spox Tapped As Next WH Press Secretary

CNN reports: Melania Trump’s spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham will get a major new role as both White House press secretary and communications director, the first lady tweeted Tuesday. President Donald Trump didn’t look far for his next press secretary in Grisham, who for the past two years has been the communications director for the first lady. Grisham will keep her current …

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Poll: One-Third Back Preemptively Nuking North Korea

The Hill reports: More than 1 in 3 Americans would back a preemptive nuclear strike on North Korea if the nation tested a missile capable of reaching the U.S., according to a poll conducted by YouGov and the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. “For many of these hawks, support for an attack, even in a preventive war, does not significantly …

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Iranian President: Trump’s WH Is “Mentally Retarded”

The Associated Press reports: Iran on Tuesday sharply criticized new U.S. sanctions targeting the Islamic Republic’s supreme leader and other top officials, saying the measures spell the “permanent closure” for diplomacy between the two nations. For his part, Iran’s president described the White House as “afflicted by mental retardation.” President Hassan Rouhani went on to call the sanctions against Supreme …

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