Donald Trump

IDIOT FATIGUE: “Trump Slump” Hits News Outlets

Axios reports: Top news executives tell Axios that a real “Trump slump” is hitting digital, cable and more. The shock factor around President Trump’s unplanned announcements, staff departures, taunting tweets and erratic behavior is wearing off, and media companies are scrambling to find their next big moneymaker. Executives tell Axios that Trump fatigue is very real: Interest in political coverage …

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Trump: Biden Is Lying About Obama’s Endorsement

“There has to be some reason why he’s not endorsing him. He was the vice president. They seemed to have gotten along. President Obama not endorsing him is rather…a big secret. Then he goes and lies and says, ‘I asked the president not to endorse me,’ Give me a break. he’s embarrassed that Obama’s not endorsing him so he goes …

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WSJ Op-Ed Tells Trump To Ditch Pence For Nikki Haley

Mediaite reports: The Wall Street Journal‘s editorial page — which arguably has more clout and influence with leaders on the right than any outlet in America — is floating a bold idea: President Donald Trump should dump Vice President Mike Pence from the ticket in 2020, and instead run with former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley. In a Journal op-ed posted …

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Fox Poll: Trump’s Economic Policies Spawn Pessimism

Fox News reports: Fifty-seven percent of voters feel optimistic about the economy. That’s down from 66 percent who felt that way when President Trump was inaugurated in early 2017, and from 63 percent who were optimistic in February. In addition, a new Fox News Poll finds 31 percent feel everyone has benefitted under Trump’s economic policies, but 48 percent think …

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Trump Praises Hillary Clinton As “Ruthless And Vicious”

Mediaite reports: President Donald Trump had rare praise for Hillary Clinton, his 2016 presidential opponent, in an interview with Chuck Todd that aired on NBC News Sunday. “I went to Michigan. She didn’t go to Michigan enough. I won Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania. I won places that she didn’t do a good job. What can I tell you? No, maybe I …

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Trump Won’t Commit To Pressing Putin On Meddling

The Hill reports: President Trump in a new interview would not commit to addressing foreign election interference with Russian President Vladimir Putin when they meet at the G20 summit later this month. Asked by host Chuck Todd on NBC’s “Meet the Press” if he’d directly address the issue with Putin, Trump said, “I may.” “Are you going to tell him …

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Trump Delays Mass Deportations For Two Weeks

Politico reports: President Donald Trump on Saturday delayed for two weeks the administration’s plans to begin deporting thousands of undocumented families — just hours after defending the controversial proposal. Earlier Saturday, Trump defended the proposed raids that were due to begin Sunday in over a dozen cities. Under the plan, Immigration and Customs Enforcement would have deported up to 2,000 …

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Trump May Live-Tweet During Democratic Debates

Politico reports: President Donald Trump said he hadn’t thought about live-tweeting the first Democratic debates but now that the media has brought it up, he just might. Several people close to the president told POLITICO and The Wall Street Journal that Trump’s closest aides hoped the president wouldn’t unleash a stream of consciousness on Twitter during the debates but were …

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Amash Challenges Trump On Military Strike Authority

Fox News reports: Rep. Justin Amash, R-Mich., joined Democrats on Friday in calling on President Trump to seek Congressional approval for military action against Iran. His comments came after the president called off a military strike against Iran — an offense operation that Amash indicated should have undergone congressional review. “Glad the president pulled back from striking Iran but still …

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Trump Denies Ever Meeting Latest Assault Accuser

CNBC reports: President Donald Trump on Friday denied allegations by writer E. Jean Carroll that he sexually assaulted her in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room in Manhattan in the mid-1990s. The alleged assault was described in detail in an excerpt of Carroll’s new book, which was published by New York Magazine on Friday. “I’ve never met this person in my …

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Trump Tweets Video On Remaining President “4EVA”

Talking Point Memo reports: President Trump on Friday shared an edited video depicting him campaigning for office indefinitely in a play on a Time magazine cover published last October. The actual cover — from the Oct. 22, 2018, issue — was titled “How Trumpism Outlasts Trump” and features campaign yard signs for Trump for every four years from 2024-2044. The …

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Trump Campaign Manager Predicts 2020 Landslide

CBS News reports: President Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign manager predicted in an interview with CBS News that the president would win multiple swing states, including at least three he lost in 2016, if the presidential election were held this week. Brad Parscale, Trump’s campaign chief, said the president would win Georgia, Texas, North Carolina, Florida, South Carolina, New Hampshire, New …

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Whip List: 74 House Reps Currently Back Impeachment

Axios reports: 73 House Democrats and one House Republican now publicly support launching an impeachment inquiry against President Trump, according to an Axios analysis. The whip count surged in the aftermath of Robert Mueller’s statement last week, and again after Trump told ABC News that he would consider accepting intelligence on opponents from foreign nationals. But even still, pro-impeachment Democrats …

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Columnist Accuses Trump Of 1995 Sexual Assault

From E. Jean Carroll’s piece for New York Magazine: The moment the dressing-room door is closed, he lunges at me, pushes me against the wall, hitting my head quite badly, and puts his mouth against my lips. I am so shocked I shove him back and start laughing again. He seizes both my arms and pushes me up against the …

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What If Trump Really Won’t Accept Losing In 2020?

Politico reports: In 2016, Donald Trump waffled over whether he would accept the election results if he lost. Since then, Trump has repeatedly joked about staying in office beyond the two terms the Constitution allows. Jerry Falwell Jr., Trump’s most prominent evangelical supporter, has suggested Trump should get two years tacked on to his first term as “pay back” for …

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Trump On Iran: Our Military Was “Cocked And Loaded”

“President Obama made a desperate and terrible deal with Iran – Gave them 150 Billion Dollars plus I.8 Billion Dollars in CASH! Iran was in big trouble and he bailed them out. Gave them a free path to Nuclear Weapons, and SOON. Instead of saying thank you, Iran yelled Death to America. I terminated deal, which was not even ratified …

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Trump Approved Then Called Off US Strike On Iran

The New York Times reports: President Trump approved military strikes against Iran in retaliation for downing an American surveillance drone, but pulled back from launching them on Thursday night after a day of escalating tensions. As late as 7 p.m., military and diplomatic officials were expecting a strike, after intense discussions and debate at the White House among the president’s …

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Hope Hicks Told House Panel That Trump Was Serious When He Said He’d Accept Foreign Dirt On Opponents

Reuters reports: Hope Hicks, once a close aide to President Donald Trump, told the House Judiciary Committee that Trump was serious in saying there was nothing wrong in accepting derogatory information about political opponents from a foreign government, panel Chairman Jerrold Nadler said on Thursday. “Ms. Hicks made clear that she understood the president to be serious when he said …

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Trump Hints At US Strike On Iran: You’ll Soon Find Out

NBC News reports: President Donald Trump on Thursday told reporters that “you’ll soon find out” whether the U.S. will strike Iran as tensions between the two countries ratcheted up. U.S. officials said earlier in the day that an Iranian missile had shot down an American drone over the Strait of Hormuz. Iran claimed that the drone was above its territory. …

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Apple Seeks Exemptions From Trump’s China Tariffs

Politico reports: Apple wants U.S. trade officials to exclude the iPhone from President Donald Trump’s latest round of proposed tariffs on Chinese-made goods, as the Silicon Valley giant looks to shield its core product from Trump’s trade war with Beijing. Apple contends that a tariff on the iPhone and its other devices, such as tablets and computers, would harm its …

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