Donald Trump

Trump Attacks Don McGahn: I Was “Never A Big Fan”

Politico reports: President Donald Trump lashed out at Don McGahn late on Saturday, tweeting that he was “Never a big fan” of the former White House counsel amid an ongoing battle between House Democrats and the administration over documents and testimony related to special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. “I was NOT going to fire Bob Mueller, and did not fire …

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Trump To Hijack DC’s Fourth Of July Celebration, Move Fireworks, Give Speech, Turn Event Into Campaign Rally

The Washington Post reports: President Trump has effectively taken charge of the nation’s premier Fourth of July celebration in Washington, moving the gargantuan fireworks display from its usual spot on the Mall to be closer to the Potomac River and making tentative plans to address the nation from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, according to top administration officials. The …

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Trump Rages With Early Morning 60 Retweet-Storm

The Huffington Post reports: Donald Trump hit the retweet button hard on Saturday morning. The president went on yet another retweet rampage as he re-shared 60 posts in around 45 minutes that praised him, defended him or echoed his main talking points. Posts from ultra-conservative website Breitbart News, Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, GOP chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, Sen. Lindsey Graham …

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Mayor Pete Says “I Had To Google That” After Trump Calls Him 1950s Cartoon Character “Alfred E. Neumann”

Politico reports: President Donald Trump dismissed Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg on Friday in a single sentence. “Alfred E. Neuman cannot become president of the United States,” the president told POLITICO in a 15-minute telephone interview, when asked what he thought of the South Bend, Ind., mayor. Neuman’s freckled, gap-toothed face and oversized ears have for decades graced the cover …

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London Mayor: PM Should Call Out Trump During State Visit, He’s Not In The Same Class As His Predecessors

The BBC reports: Theresa May should “call out” Donald Trump on issues where she thinks he is “wrong” during his visit to the UK, London Mayor Sadiq Khan has said. In an interview with LBC, the Labour politician said the US and UK were “closest mates” with a “special relationship” that allowed frank talk. In May 2016 Mr Trump challenged …

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POLL: Support For Impeachment Rises 5 Points To 45%

Reuters reports: The number of Americans who said President Donald Trump should be impeached rose 5 percentage points to 45 percent since mid-April, while more than half said multiple congressional probes of Trump interfered with important government business, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released today. The opinion poll, conducted on Monday, did not make clear whether investigation-fatigued Americans wanted House …

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Sportswriter: Trump’s Golf Championships Are Fake

Vox has interviewed sportswriter Rick Reilly about his book Commander In Cheat, which made a lot of news a few months ago. A new tidbit from Reilly: Once a year, every country club has a club championship for the best players. It lasts two or three days, and it’s a big thing if you win it. The best player I …

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China Vows Retaliation As Trump’s Tariffs Go Into Effect

The Associated Press reports: President Donald Trump’s latest tariff hike on Chinese goods took effect Friday and Beijing said it would retaliate, escalating a battle over China’s technology ambitions and other trade tensions. The Trump administration raised duties on $200 billion of Chinese imports to 25% from 10%. China’s Commerce Ministry said it would impose “necessary countermeasures” but gave no …

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Trump Rages After James Comey Says He Would Have Been Charged If He Weren’t Sitting President [VIDEO]

CNN reports: Former FBI Director James Comey said Thursday night on CNN that it appears President Donald Trump obstructed justice and that there is “no doubt” he would have been charged with crimes if he weren’t the sitting president, which shields him from prosecution. Comey said he agrees with the more than 800 former federal prosecutors who said this week, …

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White House Issues New Restrictions On Press Access

Slate reports: The White House imposed new rules on reporters’ press access that some journalists say may disqualify “almost the entire White House press corps.” The White House press office implemented a new policy this week that aims at cutting down the number of journalists who can have a “hard pass,” a two-year press pass that allows reporters entry to …

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Trump Calls For Prosecuting John Kerry Under Logan Act: He Has Been Telling Iran Not To Call Me [VIDEO]

Newsweek reports: President Donald Trump acknowledged the United States was “risking military confrontation” with Iran and said former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry should be prosecuted under the Logan Act for interfering with potential negotiations with Tehran. Trump repeatedly accused the former Obama administration secretary of state of violating the Logan Act—a federal law dating back to 1799 which …

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Trump Blames Bolton After Venezuela Uprising Fails

The Washington Post reports: President Trump is questioning his administration’s aggressive strategy in Venezuela following the failure of a U.S.-backed effort to oust President Nicolás Maduro, complaining he was misled about how easy it would be to replace the socialist strongman with a young opposition figure, according to administration officials and White House advisers. The president’s dissatisfaction has crystallized around …

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John Kelly Dodges On Trump’s “Stable Genius” Claim

The Washington Examiner reports: Former White House chief of staff John Kelly took a pass on Wednesday on the question of whether President Trump is a “stable genius.” The president has labeled himself as a “stable genius” on multiple occasions, and during an event in Las Vegas, former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci asked his former boss what his …

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White House Welcomes Champion Boston Red “Socks”

Boston’s CBS News affiliate reports: It looks like someone on the White House staff doesn’t know much about Boston or baseball. The Boston Red Sox will meet with President Trump at the White House Thursday afternoon to celebrate their 2018 World Series championship. The event has already been clouded by issues of politics and race. Now there’s the embarrassing typo. …

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Trump Laughs At Rally Call To Shoot Migrants [VIDEO]

New York Magazine reports: “You have hundreds and hundreds of [migrants] and you have two or three border security people that are brave and great — and don’t forget, we don’t let them and we can’t let them use weapons,” Trump said, in Panama City Beach. “We can’t. Other countries do. We can’t, I would never do that. But how …

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Trump: Maybe I’ll Stay In Office For “10 Or 14” Years

Politico reports: President Trump on Wednesday joked he could stay in office for “10 or 14” years, saying it would be a good way to provoke the news media. Trump told supporters at an outdoor rally that if he suggested he might stay in office past two terms, the media would respond by saying, “See, he’s a despot.” “There’ll be …

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Space Force To Cost Billions More Than DoD Estimate

Space News reports: The Congressional Budget Office estimates the new space organizations proposed by the Pentagon would require thousands of additional personnel and cost several billion dollars more than what DoD has projected. In a new report released on Wednesday, CBO lays out personnel requirements and cost estimates for several proposed space organizations. The most controversial, an independent military branch …

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NEW YORK: State Senate Passes Bill Allowing Congress To See Trump’s State Tax Returns, Gov. Cuomo To Sign

The Hill reports: The New York Senate on Wednesday passed legislation that would allow Congress to obtain President Trump’s tax returns from the state. The bill passed by a vote of 39-21. The measure now heads to the state assembly. Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) has signaled he would sign the bill into law. The state Senate also passed a bill, …

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Trump Taunts China As US To Hike Tariffs To 25%

Reuters reports: The United States announced on Wednesday it would hike tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese imports from 10 to 25 percent effective Friday, according to a notice posted on the Federal Register. Sources with knowledge of the talks told Reuters that China has sought to alter previously agreed provisions specifying changes to Chinese laws affecting nearly every …

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BREAKING: New York Times Gets Trump’s Taxes From 1985-1994, Numbers Show Massive $1.17 Billion Loss

The New York Times reports: Printouts from Mr. Trump’s official Internal Revenue Service tax transcripts, with the figures from his federal tax form, the 1040, for the years 1985 to 1994 — represents the fullest and most detailed look to date at the president’s taxes, information he has kept from public view. Though the information does not cover the tax …

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