Donald Trump

REUTERS: On Tape, Michael Cohen Recounts When Jerry Falwell Jr. Had Him Get “Racy Pics” Destroyed

Reuters reports: Months before evangelical leader Jerry Falwell Jr.’s game-changing presidential endorsement of Donald Trump in 2016, Falwell asked Trump fixer Michael Cohen for a personal favor, Cohen said in a recorded conversation reviewed by Reuters. Falwell, president of Liberty University, one of the world’s largest Christian universities, said someone had come into possession of what Cohen described as racy …

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White House Claims Trump Was Only Joking About Two Extra Years To Replace Those “Stolen” By Mueller Probe

The Washington Post reports: President Trump for months has griped, complained and tweeted about what he says is the unfair Russia “witch hunt” investigation that has consumed nearly half of his presidency. Now, the president has floated a possible solution: two bonus years. White House officials and others close to the president said he was joking and is not serious …

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Trump Pardons Former Soldier Who Killed Iraqi Prisoner

The Associated Press reports: President Donald Trump has pardoned a former U.S. soldier convicted in 2009 of killing an Iraqi prisoner, the White House announced Monday. Trump signed an executive grant of clemency, a full pardon, for former Army 1st Lt. Michael Behenna, of Oklahoma, press secretary Sarah Sanders said. Behenna was convicted of unpremeditated murder in a combat zone …

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Trump Launches Cybersecurity Competition: $25K Prize

Roll Call reports: President Donald Trump issued an executive order today that directed the Department of Homeland Security to work with the Office of Management and Budget to create a rotational program that will “serve as a mechanism for knowledge transfer” across agencies. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, part of DHS, along with OMB and other agencies will also …

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Champion Red Sox Manager Won’t Attend White House Event Over Trump’s Handling Of Puerto Rico [VIDEO]

The Associated Press reports: Boston Red Sox manager Alex Cora will not attend the ceremony at the White House on Thursday honoring the 2018 World Series champions. Cora cited the Trump administration’s response to Hurricane Maria in his native Puerto Rico as the reason for his decision. “The government has done some things back home that are great, but we …

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Media Awaits Michael Cohen’s Arrival At “Cushy” Prison

The New York Times reports: He spoke eight times with Robert S. Mueller III’s investigators, appeared before three congressional committees and helped federal prosecutors with at least two criminal inquiries into President Trump’s inner circle. But on Monday, perhaps the most important number in Michael D. Cohen’s life will be 1,095: the number of days in a three-year prison term. …

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Trump Campaign Sells “Total Exoneration!” Merchandise

Fox News dutifully reports: Nancy Pelosi won’t be stockpiling this swag. President Trump’s post-Mueller-report victory lap includes new merchandise such as $30 “Collusion Delusion” T-shirts and “Witch Hunt!” mugs. Buyers are also snatching up white tees that reproduce Trump’s March 24, 1:42 p.m. tweet following Attorney General William Barr’s announcement of his summary of Mueller’s findings: “Complete and Total EXONERATION.” …

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Claiming His First Two Years Were “Stolen” By Mueller Probe, Trump Retweets Call For Extending First Term

The Washington Post reports: President Trump on Sunday seemed to warm to the idea of reparations — for himself, and in the form of an unconstitutional, two-year addition to his first term in the White House. He retweeted a proposal offered by Jerry Falwell Jr., the president of Liberty University, that he be granted another two years in office as …

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Trump Skips WH Cinco De Mayo Event For Third Year

Via White House press release: I send my greetings and best wishes to all those celebrating Cinco de Mayo. On this day 157 years ago, the Mexican people valiantly defended their freedom and prevailed in the Battle of Puebla. Facing a French army equipped with more men and better weapons, the tenacious Mexican forces, under the command of General Ignacio …

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Trump Retweets Call To Take Fox Analyst “Off The Air”

Mediaite reports: President Donald Trump is calling for Fox News to take one of the networks biggest critics off their air, in a Sunday morning retweet of Twitter User @HH41848213, aka “HowardH” who joined Twitter in 2016 and has roughly 235 followers until today. Donald Trump’s use of Twitter has flouted previous presidential decorum for years. But the retweeting of …

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Trump Is Now An Expert In The “Kentuky” Derby

The Hill reports: President Trump on Sunday blamed “political correctness” for the decision to disqualify the Kentucky Derby’s first-place finisher, claiming that the best horse did not win. “Country House,” a horse with just 65-1 odds to win, was named the winner on Saturday in the annual event’s first-ever “inquiry ruling.” Race officials made the decision after disqualifying “Maximum Security” …

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Trump Again Defends Washed Up Actor James Woods

The Associated Press reports: President Donald Trump criticized social media companies after Facebook banned a number of extremist figures, declaring that he was “monitoring and watching, closely!!” James Woods, one of Hollywood’s most outspoken conservatives, has had his Twitter account locked. Twitter spokeswoman Katie Rosborough said Woods will need to delete a tweet that violated Twitter rules before he can …

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Bill Maher: Explaining The Law To Trump Is Like Playing Monopoly With A Hyena, He Just Shits On The Board

“Bill Barr is so far up Trump’s ass he bumped into Hannity. So Barr went before the Senate this week, on Wednesday, and the Democrats looked all so happy after they gave him a good grilling. But I think they missed the big picture. Trump is still President and the big gotcha was they got Barr to commit perjury, which …

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Trump: Why Are News Outlets Allowed On Twitter?

The Huffington Post reports: Donald Trump went on yet another wild retweet rampage Saturday morning. He also attacked the media, shared a tweet with an Islamophobic caption and promoted a Trump Organization-owned golf course. Trump began the spree at 9 a.m. when he shared a video from far-right conspiracy-monger Alex Jones’ Infowars website, which itself has been banned or suspended …

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Trump Retweets Canadian White Nationalist Who Has Been Banned From Britain Under Anti-Racism Laws

Trump began his morning today by retweeting Canadian white nationalist Lauren Southern. Some background: A far-right Canadian activist has been banned from entering the UK for distributing posters that said “Allah is gay.” Lauren Southern was detained trying to enter the UK at the Port of Calais after her previous trip saw her distributing the leaflets in Luton at an …

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Trump Doesn’t Understand The First Amendment

Glorious Leader is ending his week of 200+ tweets by raging about the latest crop of far-right extremists to be banned from various social media platforms. This whining comes hours after his eldest son made similar complaints. As those of us who attended a fifth grade civics class know, freedom of speech doesn’t apply when it comes to private companies. …

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White House: Trump And Putin Discussed Letting Don McGahn Testify, Agreed There Was No Collusion In 2016

NBC News reports: President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke Friday and both agreed “there was no collusion” between Moscow and Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said. Sanders said that the two briefly discussed special counsel Robert Mueller’s report “essentially in the context of that it’s over and there was no collusion.” She …

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San Francisco Sues Trump Over Anti-LGBT Health Rule

Cynthia Laird reports at the Bay Area Reporter: San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera on Thursday announced he had filed suit against the Trump administration’s Department of Health and Human Services to invalidate a new federal rule that would allow health care staff to refuse to provide medical treatment to people, even in emergencies. If allowed to take effect, the …

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Klobuchar Asks Mueller If He Reviewed Trump’s Taxes

Politico reports: Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) on Thursday asked special counsel Robert Mueller whether his team reviewed President Trump’s taxes as part of their investigation into Russian election interference as Trump said he assumed they had. Klobuchar, who is running for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, wrote to Mueller seeking information on whether investigators obtained Trump’s personal tax returns or …

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Trump Announces Finalized “Conscience Protections” For Health Care Providers Who Refuse LGBT Patients

The Washington Post reports: President Trump on Thursday announced new ‘conscience’ protections for health providers during a speech in front of faith leaders gathered for the National Day of Prayer. Ahead of the announcement, conservative groups who have raised what they perceive as religious liberty concerns have welcomed the rule, which was first proposed last year, while LGBT and other …

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