Donald Trump

Trump At National Day Of Prayer Event: I Get Through This Witch Hunt Stuff By Thinking About God [VIDEO]

The Hill reports: President Trump on Thursday took aim at the investigations into his administration during a National Day of Prayer event, telling attendees that he has survived the “witch hunts” in part by thinking about God. “People say, ‘How do you get through that whole stuff. How do you go through those witch hunts and everything else?’ ” Trump …

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Trump Won’t Nominate Stephen Moore For Fed Board

The New York Times reports: President Trump said he would not nominate Stephen Moore for a seat on the Federal Reserve board after several Republican lawmakers raised concerns about the conservative economist’s previous comments denigrating women. Mr. Moore, who continued to insist as recently as Thursday that he retained Mr. Trump’s support, appeared unlikely to win Senate confirmation after Republican …

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Hillary Clinton Jokes: China, If You’re Listening, Why Don’t You Get Donald Trump’s Tax Returns? [VIDEO]

The Hill reports: “Imagine, Rachel, that you had one of the Democratic nominees for 2020 on your show and that person said, ‘You know, the only other adversary of ours who is anywhere near as good as the Russians is China,'” Hillary Clinton said last night during an interview with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow. “‘So why should Russia have all the …

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White House Paid Mar-A-Lago Bar Tab After Trump Crew Helped Themselves To $1000 Worth Of Top Shelf Booze

We join this story in mid-grift: At some point later that evening, a group repaired to Mar-a-Lago’s Library Bar, a wood-paneled study with a portrait of Trump in tennis whites (titled “The Visionary”) hanging nearby. The group asked the bartender to leave the room so it “could speak confidentially,” according to an email written by Mar-a-Lago’s catering director, Brooke Watson. …

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Lindsey Graham: “Trump Is A Fucking Idiot” [VIDEO]

In his opening remarks at the Senate hearing for Attorney General Bill Barr, Lindsey Graham predictably launched into right wing talking points, reciting a 2016 text message from now-former FBI agent Peter Strzok.  “Trump is a fucking idiot,” Graham read to a live national audience. Then he apologized to any children that might be watching. Graham went on to rant …

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In Predawn Frenzy Trump Retweets 60 Firefighters, Including One Who Changes Name To “Fuck Trump”

The Daily Beast reports: Donald Trump went on a wild retweet frenzy Wednesday morning, sharing 60 apparently supportive messages from firefighters after a prominent union announced its endorsement of former Vice President Joe Biden. The retweet rampage was unusual in itself, but the twist came when one of his supposed supporters changed their username to “Fuck Donald Trump.” The username …

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17 States Push To Block Trump From 2020 Ballot Unless He Releases Tax Returns, Court Battle Likely To Result

Fox News reports: According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, bills have been introduced in 17 states that would keep President Trump off their election ballots in 2020 unless he releases his tax returns to the public. The measures have passed the Senate in four states, including California, Hawaii, Illinois and Washington state. The Constitution has spoken to that,” …

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Israel To Name Jerusalem Train Station For Trump

The Hill reports: A top Israeli official says that the country will officially name a train station in Jerusalem after President Trump next week during the country’s annual Independence Day celebrations. Trump has maintained a close relationship with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and broke with previous U.S. administrations to recognize Jerusalem as the country’s official capital in late 2017. …

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Trump Seeks To Charge Fees To Asylum Seekers

Business Insider reports: President Donald Trump has proposed the introduction of a fee for migrants seeking asylum in the US, outlining the policy in a memorandum released Monday. The White House said the president issued the memorandum to the acting secretary of homeland security, Kevin McAleenan, to ensure that “legitimate asylum seekers can access asylum while more efficiently processing and …

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REPORT: Mattis Refused Multiple Orders From Trump

Politico reports: Former Defense Secretary James Mattis declined to carry out orders from President Trump or otherwise limited his options in various attempts to prevent tensions with North Korea, Iran and Syria from escalating, The New Yorker reported Monday, the latest report of Trump’s own officials trying to check his worst instincts. In 2017, following a series of North Korean …

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Former US Envoy To North Korea: Rex Tillerson Signed Off On Ransom For US Student With Trump’s Approval

CNN reports: Joseph Yun, the former State Department Special Representative for North Korea, confirmed Monday that he signed an agreement to pay North Korea $2 million for the release of American student Otto Warmbier in 2017. In an interview with CNN’s Jim Sciutto, Yun said that he did so with the approval of then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and that …

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Trump Rips “Dues Sucking” Unions After Fox & Friends Reports Firefighters Union Endorsed Joe Biden [VIDEO]

Josh Israel reports at Think Progress: The International Association of Fire Fighters, a labor union representing more than 300,000 firefighters and emergency medical service providers, endorsed Democrat Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign on Monday. Fox and Friends host Brian Kilmeade apparently found this very concerning. In a Monday morning interview with the union’s general president, Harold Schaitberger, Kilmeade repeatedly demanded …

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Fox Analyst Andrew Napolitano Hits Back At Trump’s Attacks: “Is This How You Treat Your Friends?” [VIDEO]

Mediaite reports: Andrew Napolitano accused Donald Trump of mischaracterizing their conversations together when the president swiped at him over the weekend. Maria Bartiromo asked Napolitano about this when he joined her on Fox Business, but he shrugged it off and asked “This is the way you treat your friends? How do you treat your enemies?” Napolitano said that when he …

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Randy Rainbow Takes On Trump World’s Liars [VIDEO]

Randy Rainbow is back today with a positively delicious evisceration of lying Trump World figures in the wake of the Mueller report. Today’s parody is set the tune of “Belle” from Disney’s 1991 classic, Beauty And The Beast, which was written by eight-time Oscar winner Alan Menken. As always, I won’t give away the jokes. This a must-watch.

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Trump: New York Is Illegally Trying To Destroy The NRA

CNBC reports: President Donald Trump on Monday said that the National Rifle Association was “under siege by Cuomo” days after the state’s attorney general began an inquiry into the gun rights lobbying organization. New York Attorney General Letitia James opened an investigation into the group in recent days, NPR reported over the weekend. James confirmed that her office had issued …

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Conway: Trump’s “Very Fine People” Comment After Charlottesville Was “Darn Near Perfection” [VIDEO]

NBC News reports: On Friday, Trump defended his remarks in the wake of Charlottesville, saying he “answered perfectly” when saying there were “very fine people on both sides.” “If you look at what I said, you will see that that question was answered perfectly,” Trump said. “And I was talking about people that went because they felt very strongly about …

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Hugh Hewitt: The 2020 Election Isn’t Going To Be Close

Hugh Hewitt writes for the Washington Post: The 2020 election isn’t going to be close. This will come as news to #Resistance liberals, who are certain Trump will lose, because they dislike him so much. They still haven’t figured out that 40 percent of the country love him and at least another 10 percent are very much committed to considering …

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Bolton Confirms US Pledged To Pay Ransom To North Korea (Trump Has Called Ransom Report “Fake News”)

Axios reports: National security adviser John Bolton confirmed on “Fox News Sunday” that a Trump administration official signed a document pledging to pay North Korea a $2 million hospital bill to release Otto Warmbier, but that no money was ultimately transferred. President Trump called the Washington Post story that first reported the hospital bill “fake news,” though the report notably …

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Trump Rages: Andrew Napolitano Hates Me Because I Didn’t Appoint Him To SCOTUS Like He Asked Me To

The Hill reports: President Trump tweeted late Saturday that Fox News analyst Andrew Napolitano met with him and urged the president to nominate Napolitano to the Supreme Court, as well as grant a pardon to one of the judge’s friends. Napolitano, a former superior court judge in New Jersey, currently works as a legal analyst for Fox News. The White …

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Trump To Rally Crowd: Sending Migrants To Sanctuary Cities Was Actually “My Sick Idea, I’m Proud To Tell You”

“Last month alone, 100,000 illegal immigrants arrived at our borders, placing a massive strain on communities and schools and hospitals and public resources like nobody’s ever seen before. Now we’re sending many of them to sanctuary cities, thank you very much. They’re not too happy about it. I’m proud to tell you that was actually my sick idea. Hey, hey, …

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