Donald Trump

WaPo: How Fox’s Lou Dobbs Drives Trump’s Policies

The Washington Post reports: Before the Council of Economic Advisers finished its annual get-together with the nation’s chief executive, a basso profundo voice thundered into the room via speakerphone. With the council sitting by, Trump had placed a call to his unofficial policy whisperer — Lou Dobbs, the Fox Business Network host. An echo chamber on ideology and policy has …

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Rep. Adam Schiff To Bill Maher: The Only Way To Deal With Trump Is To “Vote His Ass Out Of Office” [VIDEO]

“I’m not there yet on impeachment. I may get there, he may get me there. But here’s the awful dilemma that we face: if we don’t impeach him, that sends a message that this kind of conduct, this obstruction of justice, this kind of willing use of the help of a foreign adversary, all the lies and cover up, that …

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College Basketball Champs Dodge White House Visit

CBS Sports reports: The University of Virginia men’s basketball team will not visit the White House after winning the national championship, head coach Tony Bennett has announced. Bennett cited scheduling difficulties as a reason to decline the invitation. “With several players either pursuing pro opportunities or moving on from UVA, it would be difficult, if not impossible to get everyone …

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New WaPo Poll: 57% Say They Oppose Impeachment

The Washington Post reports: A majority of Americans say they oppose calls for Congress to launch impeachment proceedings against President Trump in the wake of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and whether the president sought to interfere with the probe, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll. Thirty-seven percent of Americans …

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UK Labour Leader To Snub Trump’s State Dinner: No Red Carpet For Someone Who Uses “Racist Rhetoric”

The BBC reports: Jeremy Corbyn has said he will not attend the state banquet at Buckingham Palace in honour of Donald Trump. The Labour leader argued it would be wrong to “roll out the red carpet” for the US president, whom he accused of using “racist and misogynist rhetoric”. The US-UK relationship did not need “the pomp and ceremony” of …

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NRA Audience Roars As Trump Signs Notice That US Won’t Ratify United Nations Arms Trade Treaty [VIDEO]

ABC News reports: President Trump speaking to the National Rifle Association, a group that made a multimillion investment in his campaign, declared his administration will not ratify the UN Arms Trade Treaty – an Obama-era measure aimed at regulating the arms industry and that was intended to help keep such weapons away from human rights violators. The treaty was not …

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Lindsey Graham: If I Told Trump That Mueller Thinks Climate Change Is A Hoax, Trump Would Say It’s Real

The Hill reports: Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) told those gathered at a Dallas-based sustainability conference that President Trump has a long way to go in acknowledging the science behind climate change. “Climate change is real, the science is sound and the solutions are available,” Graham said, adding jokingly, “If I told Trump that [special counsel Robert] Mueller thinks climate change …

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Trump: “I Am So Young, I Am A Young Vibrant Man”

CBS News reports: President Trump hit on a range of issues Friday morning before leaving to address the National Rifle Association in Indianapolis. Mr. Trump claimed he’s a student of history and that’s why he never would have ordered former White House counsel Don McGahn. That claim contradicts the Mueller report. But Mr. Trump is also known for frequently getting …

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Trump Denies Paying Ransom To North Korea

CBS News reports: President Trump said Thursday morning that “no money was paid to North Korea for Otto Warmbier,” after news broke Thursday that North Korean officials handed a U.S. envoy a $2 million bill for the now-late student’s medical bills in 2017. Mr. Trump has spoken of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un with glowing terms since Warmbier’s death, …

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Trump Handicaps 2020 Dems In Call With Hannity

The Huffington Post reports: President Donald Trump handicapped the front-running Democratic presidential hopefuls at the end of his interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity on Thursday night. Trump ignored Hannity’s request to be succinct with his summaries and explained at some length why he now calls Biden “Sleepy Joe.” “He’s not going to be able to do the job,” …

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REPORT: Twitter CEO Phoned Rep. Ilhan Omar To Say Trump’s Incendiary Tweet Didn’t Violate Company Policy

The Washington Post reports: Twitter chief executive Jack Dorsey phoned Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar on Tuesday and stood by the company’s decision to permit a tweet from President Trump that later resulted in a flood of death threats targeting the congresswoman. The previously unreported call focused on an incendiary video that Trump shared on April 12, which depicts Omar discussing …

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Trump Campaign Expects To Spend $1 Billion On 2020

From the right wing Sinclair Broadcast Group: President Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign manager Brad Parscale said he anticipates Trump’s re-election bid will cost at least $1 billion. “I definitely think we’re looking at a billion-dollar operation, minimum,” Parscale said in a Wednesday interview with “America This Week” host Eric Bolling. The digital strategy alone could consume up to half of …

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REPORT: Trump Signed Off On $2 Million Hospital Bill From North Korea Before 2017 Release Of US Hostage

The Washington Post reports: North Korea issued a $2 million bill for the hospital care of comatose American Otto Warmbier, insisting that a U.S. official sign a pledge to pay it before being allowed to fly the University of Virginia student from Pyongyang in 2017. The presentation of the invoice — not previously disclosed by U.S. or North Korean officials …

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Trump Makes Predictably Childish Attack On Biden

The Independent reports: Donald Trump has responded to Joe Biden’s announcement he will run for the Democratic presidential nomination by mocking the veteran politician’s intelligence and claiming he will compete against “very sick” rivals with “demented ideas”. “Welcome to the race Sleepy Joe. I only hope you have the intelligence, long in doubt, to wage a successful primary campaign,” Mr …

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Trump Claims Media Is Lying About Mueller Report

Here’s what the Mueller report actually says: Special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, a redacted version of which was released to the public Thursday morning, revealed President Trump ordered White House counsel Don McGahn to fire Mueller in 2017. McGahn refused to do so and threatened to resign instead, telling an associate the president had asked him to do “crazy shit.” …

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Conway Launches New Hashtag: #DerangedDonald

The Hill reports: George Conway, an attorney and husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, unveiled a new nickname for President Trump early Thursday, going after “Deranged Donald” on Twitter. Conway was responding to a Wednesday report from The Washington Post about Trump’s suggestion that the United Kingdom had helped the Obama administration spy on his 2016 presidential campaign. Trump’s …

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UK Intel Rips Trump’s “Utterly Ridiculous” Spying Claim

Newsweek reports: One day after President Donald Trump accepted an invitation for a formal state visit to the U.K., he tweeted an old claim that U.K.intelligence services had helped the Obama administration spy on his presidential campaign. GCHQ, the British intelligence service specializing in communications, immediately attacked the claim pushed by Trump on social media. “As we have previously stated, …

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British Activists Plot Gigantic Version Of Trump Blimp

Business Insider reports: A inflatable blimp depicting President Donald Trump as a baby — which Trump has previously said he dislikes and makes him “feel unwelcome”— is due to make an appearance at his state visit to the UK in June. And this time it could be five times as big. The 20-foot (6-meter) balloon hovered over Westminster, near the …

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MAGAbomber: Trump Rallies Were My Newfound Drug

CNN reports: The Florida man who pleaded guilty to mailing explosive devices said in a letter to a federal judge that attending a rally for President Donald Trump “became like a newfound drug.” In the handwritten letter filed Tuesday in the US District Court for the Southern District of New York, he told a judge that “the first thing you …

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Trump Whined To Twitter CEO About Losing Followers

The Washington Post reports: A significant portion of the meeting focused on Trump’s concerns that Twitter quietly, and deliberately, has limited or removed some of his followers, according to a person with direct knowledge of the conversation who requested anonymity because it was private. Trump said he had heard from fellow conservatives who had lost followers for unclear reasons as …

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