Donald Trump

Trump Golfs With Rush Limbaugh After Mueller Report

Tribune Media reports: The White House says President Donald Trump played golf Friday with conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh and a couple of unidentified friends. Trump is spending the Easter weekend at his private Mar-a-Lago club along with the first lady. The foursome played at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida. The trip comes one day after a …

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Exiting French Ambassador Blasts Trump As “Big Mouth Who Reads Basically Nothing,” It’s Not Normal [VIDEO]

French ambassador Gérard Araud on Trump: Suddenly you have this president who is an extrovert, really a big mouth, who reads basically nothing or nearly nothing, with the interagency process totally broken and decisions taken from the hip basically. And also, for an ambassador, you had a normal working administration with Obama. People in the executive branch offices were able …

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Kremlin Claims Mueller Report Shows No Interference

The Associated Press reports: The Kremlin argued on Friday that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s 400-page report has not offered any credible evidence of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. The redacted report presented on Thursday said that there was no collusion between the Donald Trump campaign and Russian officials but it did document Russian efforts to meddle in …

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Accuser Threatens To Describe Cain’s Penis To Senate

The Daily Beast reports: A woman who has accused Herman Cain of having a long-term consensual affair threatened on Thursday to describe “certain parts” of his body to the Senate Banking Committee “to corroborate her testimony” if he doesn’t withdraw his name from consideration for the Federal Reserve Board. Ginger White first claimed she had a 13-year affair with Cain …

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LIVE VIDEO: Nadler Holds Presser On Mueller Report

Yahoo News reports: House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) said Thursday that he would issue a subpoena seeking Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s grand jury information and underlying evidence following the Department of Justice’s release of the heavily redacted Mueller report. “Because Congress requires this material in order to perform our constitutionally-mandated responsibilities, I will issue a subpoena for the full …

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Mueller: Russia Organized Dozens Of Pro-Trump Rallies

Reuters reports: Special counsel Robert Mueller in his highly-anticipated report said his team identified “dozens” of U.S. political rallies organized on social media by the Internet Research Agency (IRA), a Russian troll farm that was later indicted for attempting to interfere with the 2016 presidential election. According to Mueller’s report, which was released on Thursday, the IRA organized political rallies …

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Mueller Report: Trump Wailed “This Is The End Of My Presidency, I’m Fucked” When Mueller Was Appointed

The Washington Post reports: In May 2017, then Attorney General Jeff Sessions told Trump that Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein had just appointed Mueller as special counsel. Trump slumped back in his chair, according to notes from Jody Hunt, Sessions’s chief of staff. “Oh my God, this is terrible. This is the end of my presidency. I’m f—ed,” Trump …

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Nadler Summons Mueller To Testify Before US House

The Week reports: House Judiciary Chair Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) is already unsatisfied. Attorney General William Barr delivered a press conference Thursday ahead of releasing a redacted version of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report. He finished about an hour before Congress was expected to receive the report, yet Nadler still sent a letter to Mueller right as Barr wrapped, asking the …

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Fox Anchor Blasts Bill Barr: He Seemed To Be Acting As Trump’s Defense Lawyer Instead Of Attorney General

Law & Crime reports: Fox News anchor Chris Wallace said Attorney General William Barr sounded like a counselor to the president during his press conference Thursday ahead of the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report. “The Attorney General seemed almost to be acting as the counselor for the defense, the counselor for the president, rather than the attorney general, …

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Cohen Vows To Fill In Redactions In Mueller Report

The Hill reports: Michael Cohen, the former personal lawyer for President Trump, said Thursday that he soon would be prepared to speak about possible redactions in special counsel Robert Mueller’s report. Cohen’s tweet links to one from Lanny Davis, Cohen’s attorney, that said Cohen could “fill in the bulk of the redactions” that are included in Mueller’s report on his …

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Trump Flips Out Ahead Of Mueller Report Release

USA Today reports: Just hours before Robert Mueller’s report is finally released, President Donald Trump once again denounced the probe as a historic “hoax” perpetrated by Democrats and other critics. The Mueller report is expected to provide more details of the investigation into Trump’s presidential campaign and Russians who sought to influence the 2016 election, as well as claims that …

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Tomorrow: AG Bill Barr To Hold Mueller Report Presser

Talking Points Memo reports: Attorney General Bill Barr is scheduled to hold a press conference at 9:30 a.m. ET Thursday to discuss special counsel Robert Mueller’s redacted final report, the Justice Department confirmed Wednesday. “Attorney General William P. Barr will hold a press conference on Thursday, April 18, 2019 at 9:30 a.m. EDT, on the release of the Mueller Report,” …

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Trump: I’d Think I’d Like Running Against Mayor Pete

The Hill reports: President Trump said Wednesday that he would welcome the opportunity to run against Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, his first direct comment on the South Bend, Ind. mayor. In an interview with David Webb on SiriusXM, Trump speculated that he may end up campaigning for the presidency in 2020 against Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), former Vice President …

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Ivanka Trump: Daddy Did Offer Me The World Bank Job

The Associated Press reports: White House senior adviser Ivanka Trump says her father asked her if she was interested in taking the job of World Bank chief but she passed on it. In an Associated Press interview, President Donald Trump’s daughter said Wednesday she was happy with her current role in the administration. She spoke during a trip to Africa …

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POLL: 30% Say Mueller Report Fully Exonerates Trump

The Hill reports: A majority of Americans don’t believe that Robert Mueller’s report on the results of the years-long special counsel investigation into Russian election interference exonerates President Trump, according to a new poll. In a Navigator poll first reported by Politico, just 30 percent of Americans said that they accept President Trump and his allies’ assertion that the report …

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Trump Accuses Fox Of “Stuffing” Bernie’s Town Hall

The Week reports: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) seemed to know he could get inside President Trump’s head by doing a town hall on Fox News, and Trump’s Twitter feed shows that 24 hours after the town hall aired, Sanders was still in there, rent-free. Trump appeared to still be stewing over what Politico calls Sanders’ “triumphant” hour of “positive publicity.” …

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Trump Predicts “Crazy Bernie Vs Sleepy Joe” In 2020

Newsweek reports: With a little more than 18 months away from the 2020 presidential election, current President Donald Trump went ahead and made a prediction of who he could possibly face as he runs for reelection. The president narrowed it to two finalists in the ever-growing field of Democrat candidates. The gesture from the president comes one night after conservative-friendly …

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NBC: Trump Insiders Fear Exposure By Mueller Report

NBC News reports: Some of the more than one dozen current and former White House officials who cooperated with special counsel Robert Mueller are worried that the version of his report expected to be made public on Thursday will expose them as the source of damaging information about President Donald Trump, according to multiple witnesses in the investigation. Some of …

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House Panel Probes Whether Trump Offered Pardon To US Border Officials If Prosecuted For Breaking The Law

The Washington Post reports: The House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday opened a probe into reports that President Donald Trump told one of his acting Cabinet heads to break immigration law and vowed to pardon him if he faced legal consequences for doing so. Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., chairman of the panel, and Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., the chairman for the …

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Trump Slams Fox News For Hosting Bernie’s Town Hall

Mediaite reports: President Donald Trump tore into Fox News on Tuesday for its town hall with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). In a morning tweet, the president weighed in on the hourlong town hall with Sanders, which aired on Monday night — even taking aim at Fox News anchor Bret Baier, one of the event’s moderators. Worth noting: The use of …

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