Donald Trump

Trump Made A Typically Trump Visit To Mount Vernon

Politico reports: President Donald Trump had some advice for George Washington. During a guided tour of Mount Vernon last April with French president Emmanuel Macron, Trump learned that Washington was one of the major real-estate speculators of his era. So, he couldn’t understand why America’s first president didn’t name his historic Virginia compound or any of the other property he …

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Trump’s “Batman” Clip Removed For Copyright Theft

USA Today reports: Warner Bros. Pictures appears to have shut down a video posted on Twitter by President Donald Trump, citing a copyright issue. The two-minute 2020 campaign video, set to the score from the 2012 blockbuster “The Dark Knight Rises,” was unavailable Tuesday night, just hours after Trump had posted it to Twitter. “The use of Warner Bros.’ score …

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Trump Mocks Critics In New “Batman” 2020 Video

The Hill reports: President Trump on Tuesday tweeted out a movie-trailer style video that featured footage of his critics and some of his work as president set to the score of “The Dark Knight” trilogy of films. The video begins with the message, “First they ignore you, Then they laugh at you, Then they call you racist.” Trump has used …

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GOP Works To Scuttle Herman Cain’s Nomination To Fed

Politico reports: Herman Cain is in deep trouble. And he hasn’t even been formally nominated to the Federal Reserve yet. Senate Republicans are warning the White House that the 2012 presidential candidate will face one of the most difficult confirmation fights of Donald Trump’s presidency and are making a behind-the-scenes play to get the president to back off, two GOP …

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Bernie Mocks Trump On “Wind Cancer” In New Video

Newsweek reports: Bernie Sanders, a Vermont senator and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, has attacked President Donald Trump’s statements on wind turbines, calling Trump the “only person in the world” who believes these wind-energy converters cause cancer. Sanders took the president to task over statements he made while talking about this renewable form of energy earlier this month, lampooning him in …

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Gun Maker Sues Trump Admin Over Bump Stock Losses

ABC News reports: A Texas gun company that destroyed more than 73,000 bump stocks when a federal ban on the rapid-fire devices took effect has sued the U.S. government claiming millions of dollars in losses. RW Arms of Fort Worth on Monday announced the lawsuit and said the government took its property “without just compensation.” Co-founder Mark Maxwell said Tuesday …

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Trump Junior Flips Out After Rep. Ilhan Omar Correctly Labels WH Advisor Stephen Miller A “White Nationalist”

The Hill reports: Donald Trump Jr. on Monday took aim at Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar (Minn.) for calling White House adviser Stephen Miller a “white nationalist.” Trump Jr.’s tweet came in response to another post shared by Omar on Monday in which the Minnesota Democrat blasted Miller, who is widely seen as one of most hard-line advocates for stricter immigration …

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Trump Announces $11 Billion In Tariffs On EU Goods

Reuters reports: President Trump in an early morning tweet on Tuesday announced that his administration will put tariffs on $11 billion of European Union (EU) products in the wake of a World Trade Organization (WTO) ruling. The administration late Monday reportedly released a list of about $11 billion worth of EU imports that will be affected by the tariffs as …

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Trump Mocked Secret Service Director As “Dumbo”

The New York Times reports: The White House announced the departure of Randolph D. Alles, the director of the Secret Service, who had fallen out of favor with the president even before a security breach at his Mar-a-Lago club that the agency effectively blamed on Mr. Trump’s employees. Mr. Alles, a retired Marine major general who goes by Tex and …

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Trump Privately Told Border Agents To Break Law

CNN reports: Last Friday, the President visited Calexico, California, where he said, “We’re full, our system’s full, our country’s full — can’t come in! Our country is full, what can you do? We can’t handle any more, our country is full. Can’t come in, I’m sorry. It’s very simple.” Behind the scenes, two sources told CNN, the President told border …

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Trump Cancels MLB Deal With Cuba Because Obama

The Washington Post reports: The Trump administration canceled a four-month-old deal between Major League Baseball and the Cuban Baseball Federation Monday, saying that the federation was part of the Cuban government and trade with it was illegal under current law. The announcement came less than two weeks after the start of the 2019 baseball season, and just days after the …

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Chinese Woman Arrested At Mar-A-Lago Likely A Spy

CBS News Miami reports: A Chinese woman accused of illegally entering President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club with a flash drive containing malware, also had numerous electronic devices and thousands in cash stashed in her hotel room. Prosecutors say they found multiple electronic devices in her hotel room, including a signal detector that can seek out detect hidden cameras, another cell …

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BREAKING: Trump To Fire Director Of Secret Service

CNN reports: United States Secret Service director Randolph “Tex” Alles is being removed from his position, multiple administration officials tell CNN. President Donald Trump instructed his acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, to fire Alles. Alles remains in his position as of now but has been asked to leave. The Secret Service director reports directly to the Secretary of Homeland …

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Top Labor Dept Official Resigns Amid Ethics Probe

Bloomberg Law reports: A Labor Department official who worked for a steel company in a lawsuit against a worker union after joining the Trump administration has stepped down from his post in the face of ethics questions. Associate Deputy Labor Secretary Michael Avakian resigned effective April 5, a Labor Department official told Bloomberg Law. The move comes less than one …

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Hillary On DHS Secretary’s Departure: This Won’t End This Administration’s Cruelty, It’s Their Principal Policy

Bustle reports: The 2016 Democratic nominee for president has some thoughts on the Homeland Security secretary’s departure: that it won’t probably change all that much. Responding to Kirstjen Nielsen’s departure, Hillary Clinton rebuked the Trump administration’s immigration policy, saying the “administration’s dehumanization and cruelty toward migrants” won’t stop with the leadership shake-up. Nielsen was the public face of the Trump …

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NY Dems Intro Bill To Get Trump’s State Tax Returns

The New York Times reports: In an attempt to work around the White House, Democratic lawmakers in Albany are trying to do what their federal counterparts have so far failed to accomplish: to obtain President Trump’s tax returns. Albany lawmakers are seeking state tax returns, not the federal ones at the heart of the current standoff in Washington. But a …

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OF COURSE: DHS Secretary Was “Sacked By Tweet”

Standard vindictive Trump behavior: Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen brought her resignation letter with her when she met President Trump in the White House residence yesterday afternoon, top sources tell Axios. She wasn’t intent on quitting but was prepared to, sources tell us. The meeting went poorly, and Trump didn’t even let her announce her “resignation.” While she was racing …

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Conway: Trump “Incompetently Botched” DHS Pick

The Hill reports: Lawyer George Conway ripped President Trump on Monday, saying he “incompetently botched” picking a successor for departing Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen. In several posts on Twitter, Conway, the husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, knocked Trump and the administration, saying they were not prepared for Nielsen’s exit, which was announced Sunday. George …

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REPORT: Trump Asked DHS Sec To Do “Illegal Things”

The New York Times reports: The president called Ms. Nielsen at home early in the mornings to demand that she take action to stop migrants from entering the country, including doing things that were clearly illegal, such as blocking all migrants from seeking asylum. She repeatedly noted the limitations imposed on her department by federal laws, court settlements and international …

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Former WH Lawyer: Trump Yelled At Me For Two Years

Axios reports: Don McGahn, who has kept his head down since leaving as White House counsel, shared some off-the-record thoughts on Thursday in a lunch with about 40 senior Republican Senate aides. Details: “I spent the last couple of years getting yelled at,” he said, per two sources at the lunch, held in the Capitol’s Strom Thurmond room. “And you …

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