Donald Trump

House Dems Formally Demand Trump’s Tax Returns

NBC News reports: Democrats have officially launched their assault on President Donald Trump’s tax returns. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal, D-Mass., on Wednesday evening said he had filed a formal request with the Treasury Department for the documents. It’s just the opening salvo in what’s sure to be a prolonged battle with the administration to see returns the …

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Grassley Rips Trump’s “Idiotic” Wind Cancer Claim

The Des Moines Register reports: Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley — a champion of the wind energy tax credit — said President Donald Trump’s comments that wind turbines cause cancer were “idiotic” in a call with reporters Wednesday. “I’m told that the White House respects my views on a lot of issues,” Grassley said. “(Trump’s) comments on wind energy — not …

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Trump Boasts About Making Canadians Act “Nice”

Daniel Dale reports at the Toronto Star: U.S. President Donald Trump boasted again of successfully threatening Prime Minister Justin Trudeau into NAFTA concessions, claiming that Canada wasn’t “nice” to the U.S. on trade until he intervened and “made them nice.” Trump made the comments at a Republican dinner. He seemed to believe his rambling speech was private, musing at one …

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Renewed Scrutiny For Trump’s Ambassador Nominees

NBC News reports: For ambassador to the United Arab Emirates — a job so sensitive in the tense Middle East that every previous president gave it to a career diplomat — Trump picked a wealthy real estate developer with no diplomatic experience. The ambassador to Morocco? A well-heeled car dealer. The nominee for Iceland? While well-traveled, he had never been …

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Trump Lies About Pushing For Another Obamacare Vote

Politico reports: President Trump on Wednesday claimed he never wanted Congress to vote on an ObamaCare replacement ahead of the 2020 elections, even though he unexpectedly revived the issue and pushed for swift action just days ago. The president denied that pressure from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) led him to change his plans, even though he announced his …

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Trump: The Noise From Wind Turbines Causes Cancer

New York Magazine reports: President Trump has long despised wind power. He has repeatedly blamed wind turbines for killing birds (which they do at a lower rate than other energy sources) and for allegedly causing electrical power to halt when the wind stops blowing. In a speech tonight to House Republicans, Trump claimed that wind turbines cause cancer. “They say …

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Chinese Woman With Two Passports And Malware-Laden Thumb Drive Arrested At Mar-A-Lago By Secret Service

The Palm Beach Post reports: A Chinese woman with a thumb drive containing malware as well as multiple passports and electronic devices was arrested at The Mar-a-Lago Club on Saturday after she made her way past a security checkpoint, according to a federal criminal complaint. President Donald Trump was at Trump National Golf Club in West Palm Beach at the …

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Trump Again Lies About The Birthplace Of His Father

There will never be an end to the insane lying: Of all the odd, counterfactual and conspiratorial claims President Trump has made over the past four years or so, this one may take the cake: He said Tuesday that his father was born in Germany, but he wasn’t. It is at least the third time he has said this. “My …

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WH Fears “Unfavorable Things” In Mueller Report

Olivia Nuzzi writes at the New Yorker: Last Sunday, minutes before the rest of America found out about Attorney General William Barr’s summary of the Mueller report, Donald Trump received a briefing in his private residence at Mar-a-Lago that would kick off one of the most emotionally intense weeks of his presidency. First came relief, in the form of smiles …

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Adam Schiff Hits Back At Trump’s “Childish” Nicknames: He Can’t Even Pick One And Just Stick With It [VIDEO]

The Hill reports: House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) quipped that President Trump broke the “cardinal rule of childish nicknames” by giving him several instead of sticking with just one. “This is nothing new,” Schiff told CNN. “We’ve seen these childish nicknames for a year and a half, but he is violating the cardinal rule of childish nicknames which …

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Trump Punts Obamacare Fight Until After 2020 Election

Bloomberg reports: President Donald Trump said Republicans would wait until after the 2020 election to hold a vote on a replacement for Obamacare, abruptly halting a push he began just last week and guaranteeing that the issue will take center stage in his re-election campaign. He made the shift in a series of Twitter posts late Monday night, saying that …

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Trump Again Lies About Relief Amount For Puerto Rico

The Hill reports: President Trump on Tuesday blasted politicians in Puerto Rico, calling them incompetent while saying the “best thing” that ever happened for the island is “President Donald J. Trump.” Trump has reportedly told senior administration officials that he believes Puerto Rico should not see any more federal aid other than food stamp funding and has reportedly directed aides …

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Trump Melts Down Over Disaster Relief For Puerto Rico

The Washington Post reports: Hours after the Senate voted down a disaster relief package that Democrats argued didn’t include enough money to help storm-ravaged Puerto Rico, President Trump took to Twitter on Monday night to hit out at the opposition party and the island’s leaders. Trump, who has reportedly said in private that he doesn’t want “another single dollar” going …

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Trump Rages About 2020 Census Citizenship Question

Reuters reports: President Donald Trump on Monday said the nation’s 2020 census would be “meaningless” without the inclusion of a controversial citizenship question, wading into the legal fray over the nationwide count. Trump, in a tweet, criticized Democrats over issues surrounding “the all important Citizenship Question” and said the census would be a waste of government funding if the question …

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WaPo Counter: Trump Told 9451 Lies In First 800 Days

The Washington Post reports: It was only 200 days ago, on his 601st day in office, that President Trump exceeded 5,000 false or misleading claims. Now, on his 801st day, the count stands at 9,451, according to The Fact Checker’s database that analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement the president utters. That’s a pace of 22 fishy claims a …

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REPORT: Trump Is “Saving” Judge To Succeed RBG

Axios reports: President Trump told confidants he had big plans for Judge Amy Coney Barrett. “I’m saving her for Ginsburg,” Trump said of Barrett, according to three sources familiar with the president’s private comments. Trump used that exact line with a number of people, including in a private conversation with an adviser two days before announcing Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination. Barrett …

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New Book Details Trump’s Rampant Golf Cheating: He Cheats While You’re Watching And Then Lies About It

The Associated Press reports: If you’re lucky enough to play a round of golf with the president, make sure you double check the scorecard. A new book, “Commander in Cheat: How Golf Explains Trump,” by New York Times best-selling author and longtime Sports Illustrated columnist Rick Reilly is described as “an uproarious indictment of Donald Trump’s lying, cheating, and poor …

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US To End All Aid To Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador

Reuters reports: The United States is cutting off aid to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, known collectively as the “Northern Triangle,” the State Department said on Saturday, a day after President Donald Trump blasted the Central American countries for sending migrants to the United States. “We are carrying out the President’s direction and ending FY (fiscal year) 2017 and FY …

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SNL’s Trump: Russia, Go To Bed, Daddy Won [VIDEO]

USA Today reports: Robert De Niro led “SNL’s” cold open Saturday night, resuming his role as Robert Mueller – this time in a slightly more forlorn fashion – having submitted his final report. Wearing a fake square jaw, “Mueller” reiterated that his special counsel has drawn no conclusions around whether or not President Trump obstructed justice and could not prove …

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Federal Court Blocks Trump Order On Arctic Drilling

The New York Times reports: In a legal blow to President Trump’s push to expand offshore oil and gas development, a federal judge ruled that an executive order by Mr. Trump that lifted an Obama-era ban on oil and gas drilling in the Arctic Ocean was unlawful. The decision, by Judge Sharon Gleason in the United States District Court for …

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