Donald Trump

Trump Bragged About His Shutdown “Ratings” To Paul Ryan: “This Is Why I Was So Great On The Apprentice”

The Washington Post reports: After President Trump vowed to take credit for shutting down the government over border wall funding during a televised Oval Office meeting with Democratic leaders in December, West Wing aides sprung into overdrive to clean up the mess. Taking ownership of a shutdown was considered verboten in Washington and the overwhelming consensus was that the president …

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Trump 2020 Sells “Pencil-Neck Adam Schiff” T-Shirts

The Hill reports: President Trump’s 2020 presidential campaign is now selling “Pencil-Neck Adam Schiff” t-shirts, after Trump coined the new nickname at a rally this week. The shirt, which is on sale for $28, shows Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) with a literal pencil for a neck as well as a clown nose. “Little Pencil-Neck Adam Schiff. He spent two years …

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Trump Threatens To Close Mexican Border “Next Week”

NBC News reports: President Donald Trump warned Friday that he could shut down the southern border next week “if Mexico doesn’t immediately stop ALL illegal immigration coming into the United States.” After blasting Democrats on Twitter for weak U.S. immigration laws, Trump added that he’d be closing the border, “or large sections of the Border, next week” unless Mexico takes …

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Federal Spending Hits Highest Level In 10 Years

The right wing CNS News reports: The federal government spent $1,822,712,000,000 in the first five months of fiscal 2019, the most it has spent in the first five months of any fiscal year since 2009, which was the fiscal year that outgoing President George W. Bush signed a $700-billion law to bailout the banking industry and incoming President Barack Obama …

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Manafort Gets To Keep His Infamous Ostrich Jacket

CNN reports: In the end, Paul Manafort gets to keep the python jacket and the ostrich vest. The FBI and the Justice Department never actually took possession of the two most memorable artifacts from the former Trump campaign chairman’s fraud trial last summer. The FBI, in searching Manafort’s home and other possessions, had taken photos of dozens of hangers full …

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Court Blocks Trump’s “End Run” Around Obamacare

The Washington Post reports: A federal judge in Washington ruled late Thursday that the Trump administration’s push to make health insurance plans available outside the Affordable Care Act that avoid the requirements of the health care law was illegal, calling the efforts “clearly an end-run around the ACA.” The 43-page ruling, submitted by U.S. District Judge John D. Bates of …

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Trump At Rally: I’m Smarter And Richer Than My Critics

Newsweek reports: President Donald Trump made a few boasts about himself during his campaign rally in Michigan while taking a swipe at the liberal “elites” he believed were trying to undermine him. “You know, I always hear ‘the elite, the elite,'” Trump told the crowd. “I have a better education than them, I’m smarter than them, I went to the …

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Trump Overrules DeVos On Special Olympics Funding

USA Today reports: President Donald Trump said he would jettison a proposal to slash funding for the Special Olympics, undercutting Education Secretary Betsy DeVos. “The Special Olympics will be funded. I just told my people I want to fund the Special Olympics,” Trump said he left the White House en route to a political rally in Grand Rapids, Mich. “I …

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Twitter Mulls Labeling “Offensive” Tweets By Trump

CNN reports: Twitter is considering labeling tweets that violate its rules but should remain on the platform because they’re in the public interest. Vijaya Gadde, Twitter’s head of legal, policy and trust made the announcement during an on-stage interview with the Washington Post on Wednesday. The social media company is trying to find a way of maintaining its standards while …

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Notorious Liar Says Man Should Resign For Lying

The Hill reports: President Trump said Thursday that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) should be forced to resign from Congress. The tweet comes after Schiff told The Washington Post that he believes evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia “undoubtedly” exists and can be found by his committee, even though a summary of special counsel Robert …

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Trump Claims FBI/DOJ Will “Review” Smollette Case

NBC News Chicago reports: The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the U.S. Department of Justice will review the case involving “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett, President Donald Trump tweeted early Thursday. Representatives for the FBI and DOJ did not immediately respond to requests for comment Thursday morning. The surprise decision to dismiss all charges, which was celebrated by Smollett and his …

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House Demands 10 Years Of Trump’s Financial Records

CNBC reports: House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., has requested a decade’s worth of President Donald Trump’s financial records from an accounting firm that prepared several years of financial statements for Trump, according to a letter Cummings sent on March 20, but which was only released on Wednesday. The move represents an escalation of congressional Democrats’ longstanding interest in …

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POLL: Majority Say Trump Not Exonerated By Mueller

CNN reports: Though President Donald Trump has claimed “complete and total exoneration” based on Attorney General William Barr’s summary of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 election, the American public disagrees, according to a new CNN Poll conducted by SSRS. A majority (56%) says the President and his campaign have not been exonerated of collusion, …

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Trump Threatens Russia Over Troops In Venezuela

Reuters reports: U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday called on Russia to pull its troops from Venezuela and said that “all options” were open to make that happen. The arrival of two Russian air  force planes outside Caracas on Saturday believed to be carrying nearly 100 Russian special forces and cybersecurity personnel has escalated the political crisis in Venezuela. “Russia …

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Republicans Battle Trump Over Obamacare Reversal

Axios reports: Reflecting widespread concerns within his party, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has told President Trump he disagrees with the Trump administration’s attempt to get the entire Affordable Care Act thrown out in court. McCarthy told Trump over the phone that the decision made no sense — especially after Democrats killed Republicans in the midterms in part over the …

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Trump’s Spiritual Advisor: I Was “Assigned By God”

The Guardian reports: Donald Trump’s spiritual adviser and megachurch leader Pastor Paula White said in an exclusive interview her relationship with the president is the result of a direct “assignment” from God, who directed her to “show him who I am”. The controversial pastor at the central Florida-based New Destiny Christian Center is known for her luxurious lifestyle and preaching …

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DOJ Lawyer: Trump Does His Own Twitter Blocking

USA Today reports: If you’ve been personally blocked by @realDonaldTrump on Twitter, congratulations: It means you managed to draw the direct attention and ire of the president of the United States. Justice Department attorney Jennifer Utrecht revealed Tuesday that while members of the White House staff sometimes help President Donald Trump craft his tweets, when he blocks someone, it’s totally …

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George Papadopoulos: I Was Treated Excellent In Prison Because It Was “Trump Country” And I Had Street Cred

Mediaite reports: Former Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos sat down with MSNBC’s Ari Melber last night to talk about how he became one of the central figures in the Mueller investigation, ending up pleading guilty. At one point during the lengthy interview, Melber asked Papadopoulos what it was like in federal prison. Papadopoulos described it as “Trump country” and said, …

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George Conway: Trump Is Very Guilty (Of Being Unfit)

From an op-ed published last night by George Conway: Americans should expect far more from a president than merely that he not be provably a criminal. They should expect a president to comport himself in accordance with the high duties of his office. As all presidents must, Trump swore an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, and to …

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DOJ: Full Mueller Report To Be Made Public In Weeks

NBC News reports: Attorney General William Barr will make a version of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report publicly available in “weeks not months,” a Justice Department official said on Tuesday. There are no plans to give a copy of the report to the White House in advance of the public release, the official said. Barr announced on Friday that Mueller …

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