Donald Trump

Trump To Nominate Right Wing Actor Jon Voight And Mike Huckabee To Kennedy Center Board Of Trustees

From the far-right Washington Times: Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and actor Jon Voight are among 10 people whom President Trump intends to nominate to the Kennedy Center’s board of trustees, the White House said Tuesday. Among the others to be nominated are billionaire Kelcy Warren of Texas, chairman of the pipeline company Energy Transfer; author Karen LeFrak of New …

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Trump Complains To Senate Republicans About Amount Of Federal Disaster Aid Being Allocated To Puerto Rico

The Washington Post reports: President Trump complained in a private lunch Tuesday with Senate Republicans about the amount of disaster aid designated for Puerto Rico, as lawmakers prepare for a standoff over funds for the island still struggling to recover in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, according to officials familiar with the meeting. Aid for Puerto Rico has long been …

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WH Created “Cover Story” On Trump’s Sanctions Tweet (He Meant To Undo Sanctions On Chinese Companies)

The Hill reports: President Trump reportedly meant to undo sanctions imposed by his own Treasury Department on two Chinese shipping companies with an abrupt tweet referring to North Korea, but officials convinced him to ease off as they sought to explain away the post. The administration initially did not specify which sanctions Trump was referring to in a tweet last …

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Maddow Raises 15 Questions About AG’s Letter [VIDEO]

The Huffington Post reports: On Monday’s broadcast of “The Rachel Maddow Show,” she listed the 15 questions that are “driving me nuts” about the letter that Attorney General William Barr sent to Congress stating in Barr’s view the president had committed no crimes. Maddow’s queries included “Will Trump recognize Russia attacked our election?” and “Did Mueller want to protect a …

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Junior Demands FBI Probe Into Top Democrats Because “It Was Them Colluding” With Russia, Not Us [VIDEO]

Fox News reports: “This was the greatest farce ever perpetrated on our democracy. It’s a disgrace and it’s a stain on our Constitution,” Donald Trump Jr. said on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” He called for the FBI investigators and those behind the anti-Trump dossier to be investigated themselves. “Certainly when you look at what the other side was doing, you realize …

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Lawyer For Mafia Hit Suspect Blames Trump’s “Hate”

The New York Daily News reports: The Staten Island man charged with murdering reputed Gambino mob boss Frank Cali was influenced by hate speak from the White House and internet and will plead “unequivocally not guilty,” his lawyer told reporters after a court hearing on Monday. “Hate words that have been spewed by citizens, including politicians, including right at the …

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Trump Moves To Toss Out All Of Obamacare

USA Today reports: The Trump administration told a federal court late Monday that it would ask judges to toss out the entire Affordable Care Act, a decision that cast further uncertainty over the future of a federal law that has extended health insurance to millions of Americans. Justice Department attorneys said in a letter filed with the U.S. Court of …

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White House Warns: Treason Is “Punishable By Death”

The New York Post reports: White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Monday that media figures and Democrats who accused President Trump of working with Russia were guilty of treason — and could face the death penalty. “They are literally, the media and Democrats have called the president an agent of a foreign government. That is an accusation equal …

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Trump Camp Calls On Media To Confront “Lying” Dems

The Trump Lie Counter is approaching 10,000. Law & Crime reports: Following the findings laid out by Barr, the Trump campaign sent a memo to television producers to say there should be some media “introspection.” The memo points to “Democrat leaders and others lying to the American people by vigorously and repeatedly claiming there was evidence of collusion” on several …

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GOP Rep Compares Dems And Media To Hitler [VIDEO]

The Birmingham Herald reports: In a speech Monday on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, Congressman Mo Brooks quoted Adolf Hitler to describe the attacks President Trump faced from “socialist Democrats and their fake news media allies” during the Mueller investigation. “For more than two years, Socialist Democrats and their fake news media allies — CNN, MSNBC, the …

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Trump Seeks To Cut Aid To “Ungrateful” Puerto Rico

The Washington Post reports: At an Oval Office meeting on Feb. 22, Trump asked top advisers for ways to limit federal support from going to Puerto Rico, believing it is taking money that should be going to the mainland, according to senior administration officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to share details of the presidents’ private remarks. The …

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Graham: I Told McCain To Give Dossier To The FBI

CNN reports: GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham said Monday that he told the late Sen. John McCain to turn over the dossier of Trump-Russia allegations to the FBI, pushing back against President Donald Trump’s assertions that the Arizona Republican helped fan the flames of the Russia investigation. Graham told CNN after a news conference that he told Trump in Florida this …

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US Formally Recognizes Golan Heights As Part Of Israel

Haaretz reports: U.S. President Donald Trump met Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Monday to sign a presidential proclamation officially recognizing the Golan Heights as Israeli territory on Monday, thus formalizing a move announced with a tweet earlier on Thursday. In a joint press conference, Trump said: “We do not want to see another attack like the one suffered this morning north …

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Trump Lawyer: No Plan To Release Answers To Mueller

CNN reports: Jay Sekulow, an attorney for President Donald Trump, said Monday he does not want the written answers the President submitted to special counsel Robert Mueller to be released, describing them as “confidential.” “Well, that would not be a position that I would want, to just make a statement where we would release confidential communications that took place between …

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WH Claims Trump Has No Problem With Releasing Full Mueller Report: That Decision’s In The Hands Of The AG

The Hill reports: White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Monday that President Trump doesn’t have “any problem” with special counsel Robert Mueller’s full report being released. “I don’t think the president has any problem with it,” Sanders said on NBC News’s “Today Show” when asked about Trump supporting the release of the report. “He has been the most …

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Kremlin Denies Mueller Report On Interference: You Can’t Find A Black Cat In Dark Room If There’s No Cat

Reuters reports: Russia is ready to improve ties with the United States but it is up to Washington to make the first move, the Kremlin said on Monday after the conclusion of a U.S. investigation into alleged collusion between Donald Trump and Moscow in the 2016 election. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov [photo] dismissed the report on a conference call and …

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Trump Notes “Multiple Offers” Of Russian Help In 2016

Newsday reports: The conclusion of Robert Mueller’s special report which exonerates Donald Trump and his associates of any collusion with Russia during the 2016 election has been described by some of Trump’s opponents as a “victory for Putin”. The reality could not be more different as the report exonerates Trump, his family and his associates but from what the world …

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Jerry Nadler: We’ll Issue Subpoenas To Get Full Mueller Report And Take It To SCOTUS If We Have To [VIDEO]

The Hill reports: House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) said Sunday that his committee will seek the full report from special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation within the next few months and is willing to take the demand to the Supreme Court. “It’s so crucial that the entire report and the evidence underlying it be released to the public,” Nadler …

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DOJ Won’t Give Mueller Report To Congress Today

USA Today reports: The Justice Department will wait at least one more day to deliver the conclusions of special counsel Robert Mueller’s long-awaited report on Russian interference in the 2016 election. Those conclusions reflect federal investigators’ answer to questions that have loomed over the first two years of President Donald Trump’s administration: Did his campaign coordinate with a Russian effort …

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Dems Huddle On Forcing Release Of Mueller Report

Politico reports: House Democrats are huddling Saturday to strategize how to force special counsel Robert Mueller’s potentially explosive findings into the open — a possible drag-out legal fight that could consume Washington for months. As of Saturday morning, lawmakers of both parties were clueless about the contents of Mueller’s report on links between the Trump campaign and Russia. But Speaker …

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