Donald Trump

Feds Post Largest Monthly Budget Deficit In US History

The Washington Post reports: The U.S. government posted the largest monthly budget deficit in American history in February, hitting a dramatic milestone as tax revenue lag and spending levels continue to skyrocket. The government spent $234 billion more than it brought in through tax receipts last month, much more than the deficit levels hit during the global financial crisis. Senior …

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Trump Stuns Pentagon With Reversal Of NK Sanctions, WH Says He Did It Because He “Likes” Kim Jong-Un

Reuters reports: U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday said he was ordering the withdrawal of recently announced North Korea-related sanctions imposed by the U.S. Treasury Department. It was not immediately clear what sanctions Trump was referring to. There were no new U.S. sanctions on North Korea announced on Friday but on Thursday the United States blacklisted two Chinese shipping companies …

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George Conway: Our “Mentally Unstable President” Thinks He Needs To Be Reelected To Avoid Indictment

The Hill reports: George Conway said Friday that President Trump “thinks he needs to be reelected to avoid being indicted,” taking another public shot on Twitter at the president. The president is currently under investigation on an array of fronts, though it is far from clear he’ll be indicted for anything. The Department of Justice’s internal guidance is that a …

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National Cathedral: Trump Lied About Funeral Approval

Washington’s WTOP reports: The Washington National Cathedral in D.C. said that there was no need for the president to give approval to the funeral services held at the cathedral for the late Arizona Sen. John McCain. President Donald Trump said during a speech in a tank factory in Ohio on Wednesday that the funeral needed his approval. The cathedral said …

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Pompeo: It’s Possible God Sent Trump To Save The Jews

CBS News reports: During his high-profile visit to Israel, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said President Trump could be a present-day Queen Esther, a figure in Hebrew and Christian biblical stories who is said to have thwarted a plan to exterminate the Jewish people. Pompeo said Mr. Trump’s tough stance on Iran gave him the distinction. “Could it be that …

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Trump Lies To Fox Host After She Calls Him Out Over Attacks On McCain: “He’s Dead, Why Do This?” [VIDEO]

Talking Points Memo reports: President Donald Trump on Thursday falsely blamed the media for baiting him into attacking the late Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) before launching yet another attack at the senator, who’s been dead for seven months. “I don’t talk about about it, people ask me the question, I didn’t bring this up,” Trump said in an interview with …

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James Comey: Trump Is Morally Unfit To Be President But Many Would See His Impeachment As A Coup

From James Comey’s new op-ed for the New York Times: Even though I believe Mr. Trump is morally unfit to be president of the United States, I’m not rooting for Mr. Mueller to demonstrate that he is a criminal. I’m also not rooting for Mr. Mueller to “clear” the president. I’m not rooting for anything at all, except that the …

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Trump To Sign Toothless Executive Order On Campus Free Speech In Bow To Far-Right Student Activists

Vox reports: President Donald Trump will sign an executive order Thursday on a cause célèbre for conservative activists: upholding free speech on college campuses. But the executive order won’t do much more than reiterate the Trump administration wants schools to follow existing laws on free inquiry and direct the federal agencies that fund research to make sure that they’re doing …

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Trump Sides With Netanyahu On Golan Heights

McClatchy reports: Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has intensified a push for U.S. recognition of Israeli control over disputed territory with Syria, hoping that President Donald Trump will deliver a major diplomatic victory during his visit to Washington two weeks before his toughest election yet. Israel has sought international recognition of its sovereignty in the disputed Golan Heights for decades, …

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Trump Still Wants Kraft To Attend WH Celebration

Politico reports: New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft, who was caught up in a Florida prostitution sting last month, might appear at the White House before he appears in court. President Donald Trump wants Kraft to join his players at the White House this spring for a celebration of their February Super Bowl victory, a prospect that has White House …

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Conway: Trump’s Lawyer Told Me Trump Couldn’t Be Allowed To Talk To Mueller As “He’d Lie His Ass Off”

Raw Story reports: George Conway, the husband of Trump White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, revealed on Thursday that one of President Donald Trump’s own attorneys told him that he would not let his client talk to special counsel Robert Mueller because he would inevitably perjure himself. Conway said this as part of a broader discussion about Trump exhibiting multiple traits …

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Trump Mulls Diverting FEMA Workers To ICE Centers

The Hill reports: President Trump is considering deploying a 1,000-person force usually used for relief efforts after hurricanes and other natural disasters to help staff overcrowded detention centers for migrants, according to people briefed on the matter. Trump is contemplating bolstering capacity by using the Surge Capacity Force — an entity created by Congress in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina …

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Trump Attacks Wind Power Because When The Wind Isn’t Blowing You’ll Have To “Turn Off The Television”

NBC News reports: President Trump on Wednesday mocked the idea of focusing on wind power, suggesting that it would devalue property and undermine U.S. output of other energy forms. “Put the windmills up and watch the value of your house if you’re in sight of a windmill — watch the value of your house go down by 65 percent,” he …

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Trump Rants: I Gave McCain The Kind Of Funeral He Wanted And I Didn’t Even Get A Thank You [VIDEO]

CBS News reports: A pro-military crowd was silent Wednesday as President Trump turned a speech at a tank plant in Lima, Ohio, into an opportunity to eviscerate the late POW Sen. John McCain from the grave. Mr. Trump blamed McCain for a failed Obamacare repeal vote and for the unproven dossier alleging ties between Mr. Trump and Russia, as he …

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Kellyanne Conway Defends Trump Over Her Husband: “You Think Trump Should Take All That Sitting Down?”

Politico reports: Kellyanne Conway on Wednesday defended President Donald Trump’s attacks on her husband George Conway saying he’s “a counterpuncher” and asserting that the president is free to respond when he’s accused of having a mental illness. “He left it alone for months out of respect for me,” Conway, a senior Trump aide, told POLITICO in a brief telephone interview. …

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Pelosi To Impeachment Critics: You’re Wasting Your Time Without Evidence Even The Republicans Can See

USA Today reports: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi dismissed fellow Democrats who say she has set the bar too high for impeachment of President Donald Trump. In an exclusive interview with USA TODAY, Pelosi said some House progressives have “wanted to impeach the president since the day he got elected.” “You’re wasting your time, unless the evidence is so conclusive that …

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Games Of Thrones Star: Joffrey Is President Of The US

“I think Game Of Thrones always been about two things for me. About dysfunctional families — or families in general, always where the best drama is — and the everlasting idea that people who seek power are very often the last people who should have it. Unfortunately, we’re leaving Thrones with a Joffrey as the President of the United States …

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Trump Calls George Conway “The Husband From Hell”

Reuters reports: President Donald Trump called senior adviser Kellyanne Conway’s husband, George Conway, a “husband from hell!” on Twitter Tuesday morning – the latest insult in a long string of attacks. Trump and Conway have been trading barbs on Twitter in the past few days since Trump 2020 reelection campaign manager, Brad Parscale, suggested Kellyanne Conway’s husband George Conway only …

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Trump Decides He Now Loves The Electoral College

The Washington Post reports: President Trump, who once called the electoral college “a disaster for a democracy,” defended it on Tuesday night as “far better for the U.S.A.” amid growing calls from Democratic presidential hopefuls to abolish it. Trump’s comments on Twitter came in the wake of an endorsement by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) of using the national popular vote …

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LIVE VIDEO: Trump Presser With Brazilian President

ABC News reports: President Donald Trump and “the Trump of the Tropics,” Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro, will meet face to face at the White House on Tuesday. Bolsonaro — a nationalist, Twitter-loving, “fake-news” decrying politician — chose to make the first bilateral trip of his presidency to Washington, where he has found an important friend and ally in Trump. As …

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