Donald Trump

Accused MAGA Terrorist Ordered Held Without Bail

NBC News reports: A Coast Guard lieutenant accused of plotting to kill prominent journalists and Democratic politicians was ordered Thursday to remain behind bars without bail for at least two more weeks as prosecutors build their case. Christopher Paul Hasson, 49, was arrested last week on drug and gun charges, but prosecutors filed court papers Tuesday describing him as a …

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Trump Still Silent On Thwarted MAGA Terror Attack

Yesterday a self-avowed white supremacist Trump supporter was arrested in a terror plot to murder leading Democrats and journalists that Trump has singled out for abuse. The would-be killer’s hit list even included the name “poco warren” – a clear reference to Trump’s abusive “Pocahantas”  nickname for Sen. Elizabeth Warren. But rather than posting a tweet congratulating law enforcement for …

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Joe Scarborough: Trump’s Stalinist Rhetoric Directly Led To The Terrorist’s Murder Plot Against Me And Others

“Donald Trump has been warned repeatedly that talking about enemies of the people is a Stalinist phrase, that it will encourage some of his more unhinged followers. We’ve all known that Donald Trump and his words and his attacks about enemies of the people would lead to this type of behavior. This is now the second time that we know …

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SPLC Blames Trump For Latest Spike In Hate Groups

NPR reports: For the fourth year in a row, the Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil rights organization that tracks hate groups, reports that hate and domestic extremism are rising in an unabated trend. The center found a 30 percent increase in U.S. hate groups over the past four years and a 7 percent increase in hate groups in 2018 …

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Trump Unaware Of Push To Legalize Homosexuality: Says, “I Don’t Know What Report You’re Talking About”

The Washington Examiner reports: President Trump drew a blank Wednesday when told about his own administration’s push to legalize homosexuality across the globe. A reporter asked Trump in the Oval Office about “your push to decriminalize homosexuality around the world,” asking, “Are you doing that and why?” Trump said, however, “I don’t know which report you’re talking about. We have …

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50 Cent: Trump Offered $500K To Attend Inauguration

The Wrap reports: Apparently, Donald Trump really, really wanted to beef up his inauguration attendance — and not just for a misleading split-screen with Barack Obama’s crowd. Rapper Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson” told James Corden late on Tuesday night that the current POTUS’ administration offered him “half a million dollars to go” to Trump’s Jan. 20, 2017 swearing in. “To …

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NYT Publisher Blasts Trump’s “Enemy Of The People” Rhetoric As Historically Used By Dictators And Tyrants

From the publisher of the New York Times: In demonizing the free press as the enemy, simply for performing its role of asking difficult questions and bringing uncomfortable information to light, President Trump is retreating from a distinctly American principle. It’s a principle that previous occupants of the Oval Office fiercely defended regardless of their politics, party affiliation, or complaints …

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Trump Rages: The NYT Is A “True Enemy Of The People”

The Hill reports: President Trump on Wednesday labeled The New York Times “a true enemy of the people” one day after an extensive report detailing the ways in which he has sought to influence the investigations into his presidency and allies. “The New York Times reporting is false,” Trump tweeted. “They are a true ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!” The president …

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RETRIBUTION: Trump Cancels Funding For CA Bullet Train After State Leads Suit To Block Fake Emergency

The Wall Street Journal reports: The Trump administration said Tuesday it would cancel almost $1 billion in funding for the California high-speed rail network, casting doubt on whether the state will be able to complete even the first phase of the troubled project. In a letter to state officials, Federal Railroad Administrator Ronald Batory said the administration is planning to …

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WaPo Fact Checker Hits Back At Trump’s Hypocrisy

Politico reports: The Washington Post’s fact checker hit back at Donald Trump on Tuesday after the president criticized the newspaper’s truth-squad column as being “only for the Democrats.” “The Washington Post is a Fact Checker only for the Democrats,” Trump tweeted. “For the Republicans, and for your all time favorite President, it is a Fake Fact Checker!” Glenn Kessler, the …

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TODAY: Trump To Sign Order Creating Space Force

USA Today reports: President Donald Trump will sign a directive Tuesday creating the Space Force, a new branch of the military whose mission will be to monitor the heavens and protect the United States from attack, senior administration officials said. Money for the new program will be included in the administration’s proposed budget for 2020 that will come out next …

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Trump Quotes Hannity, Accuses McCabe Of “Treason”

Time Magazine reports: It would appear that President Donald Trump was tuned in to Fox News’ Hannity on Monday. Trump, who often quotes or praises the coverage of the news network, took to Twitter after the show aired to quote the show’s host, Sean Hannity, after he railed against former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe. Trump quoted Hannity, adding his …

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EU Threatens Retaliation Over Proposed Auto Tariffs

The Associated Press reports: The European Union warned U.S. President Donald Trump Monday that the bloc will step back from a commitment to buy more American soybeans and liquid gas if European cars are hit with punitive tariffs. The U.S. Commerce Department is expected issue its guidance on whether auto imports endanger U.S. national security enough to justify import taxes, …

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At Least Seven States To Sue Trump Over “Emergency”

CBS News reports: California Attorney General Xavier Becerra said Sunday that a lawsuit against the Trump administration for the president’s recent national emergency declaration would be coming “imminently”, marking one of the many legal challenges the White House can expect in its efforts to fund the president’s long-promised border wall. Becerra told ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanoplous” that the …

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POLL: Majority Disapprove Of Trump’s “Emergency”

Emerson College Polling reports: Following the president’s announcement on Friday, 53% of Americans disapprove of the declaration of a national emergency on the southern border. Despite this, the majority of Americans support the wall in some form; a plurality, 48%, support extending the border wall, and 42% of Americans support maintaining the existing wall. Only 11% of Americans support removal …

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Alec Baldwin: Is Trump Threatening My Family’s Safety?

The Hill reports: Actor Alec Baldwin on Sunday night asked if the latest attack President Trump lobbed against NBC and “Saturday Night Live” could be viewed as a “threat to my safety and that of my family?” Baldwin, who has impersonated Trump on “Saturday Night Live” throughout his presidency, mocked Trump’s national emergency declaration on the most recent showing of …

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JAPAN: Prime Minister Refuses To Confirm Nomination Of Trump For Nobel, But Says “I Never Said I Didn’t”

The Guardian reports: The Japanese prime minister has declined to say if he had nominated Donald Trump for the Nobel peace prize, though he emphasized he did not deny doing so. Trump’s assertion on Friday that Shinzō Abe had nominated him for the honour and sent him a copy of the letter has raised criticism in Japan. Questioned in parliament …

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Trump Eateries Cited For Filth, Vermin, Sewage Issues

The New York Daily News reports: Their namesake is a Mr. Clean freak, but some Trump-branded eateries are just plain dirty. Mice in the kitchen, filthy food prep areas and broken sewage systems are on the list of recent stomach-turning health code violations at number of Trump-branded restaurants in the city, the Daily News has learned. Health inspections at Trump …

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Japanese Newspaper: Prime Minister Nominated Trump For Nobel Prize “At The Request Of The US Government”

Reuters reports: Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe nominated U.S. President Donald Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize last autumn after receiving a request from the U.S. government to do so, the Asahi newspaper reported on Sunday. The report follows Trump’s claim on Friday that Abe had nominated him for the Nobel Peace Prize for opening talks and easing tensions with …

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Trump Threatens Saturday Night Live With “Retribution”

The Hill reports: President Trump on Sunday accused major news networks of engaging in “collusion” against his administration, asking how NBC’s “Saturday Night Live” could get away with “hit jobs” without retribution. The tweet from Trump came just a day after “Saturday Night Live” took aim at his move to declare a national emergency to fund the construction of his …

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