Donald Trump

CBS Poll: Most SOTU Viewers Approved Of Speech

But there’s a catch. CBS News reports: Seventy-six percent of Americans who tuned in to President Trump’s State of the Union address Tuesday night approved of the speech he gave. Just 24 percent disapproved. As is often the case in State of the Union addresses, the people who watched tonight’s speech leaned more towards the president’s own party, at least …

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Coulter: That Was The “Lamest, Sappiest” SOTU Ever

The Hill reports: Conservative commentator Ann Coulter blasted President Trump’s State of the Union address in a series of tweets Tuesday night. Coulter, who has been harshly critical of Trump in recent months over lack of action on immigration, called the speech the “lamest, sappiest, most intentionally tear-jerking SOTU ever.” “Please fire your speechwriter,” Coulter tweeted at Trump. Coulter has …

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Federal Government Paid Trump Organization $600,000 For Trump’s Four Trips To Mar-A-Lago In Early 2017

ABC News reports: President Donald Trump’s four trips to his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida over four weeks in March and February 2017, including his summit with the Japanese prime minister, cost the government nearly $14 million, according to the results of a nonpartisan government watchdog’s investigation obtained by ABC News. The accounting, which reveals that the government also paid roughly …

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NEW YORK CITY: Trump Supporter Smashes Storefront To Destroy Mannequin Dressed As Obama [VIDEO]

The New York Daily News reports: This is some high-level hate. A deranged man was so enraged at Barack Obama that he tossed a heavy cinder block through the plate glass window of a Harlem store last month, yanked out a mannequin of the former President, and left it shattered on the sidewalk. The agitated man walked by the Romantic …

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Pet Shop Boys Savage Trump And Brexit In Blistering New Single: “Let’s Give Stupidity A Chance” [VIDEO]

The Guardian reports: British synth-pop duo Pet Shop Boys have returned with a new song that makes fun of Michael Gove and Donald Trump. Entitled Give Stupidity a Chance, the upbeat track is deeply ironic, calling for a world devoted to self-centredness and unencumbered by political correctness. One lyric sung by Neil Tennant runs: “Intelligent people have had their say …

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White House Celebrates The Year Of The Pig

Via White House press release: Melania and I send our greetings to those celebrating the Lunar New Year. Today, people across the United States and around the world mark the beginning of the Lunar New Year with spectacular fireworks displays, joyful festivals, and family gatherings. This is a sacred time for many people of Asian descent, and it is an …

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Trump Threatens “Human Wall” On Southern Border

USA Today reports: Hours before he is set to deliver a State of the Union address that aides have said will strike a note of bipartisanship, President Donald Trump floated the idea of a “human wall” on the southwest border if Democrats reject his demands border security funding. Trump has ordered about 2,350 active-duty troops and an additional 2,200 National …

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Former White House Aide Cliff Sims: Watching Cable News All Day Long Is Just Part Of Trump’s “Workflow”

The Hill reports: Ex-White House aide Cliff Sims on Tuesday defended President Trump’s extensive use of “Executive Time,” saying that watching television each day is part of the president’s “workflow” and that Trump “works his butt off.” “I think that it’s part of his workflow,” Sims, who once served as director of White House message strategy and as a special …

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POLL: 43% Of GOP Voters Want 2020 Trump Challenger

The Associated Press reports: More than 4-in-10 Republicans want a GOP candidate to challenge President Donald Trump in the 2020 primary, according to a new survey that calls into question the likelihood of success of his reelection campaign. A Monmouth University poll released Monday found that 43 percent of Republican voters said they would like to see Trump face off …

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One Of Melania’s SOTU Guests To Be Sixth Grade Boy Who Has Been Bullied Because His Last Name Is Trump

NBC News reports: A 6th-grade boy who is bullied because of his last name, Trump, is among about a dozen people invited by President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump to the State of the Union on Tuesday, the White House said Monday. “Unfortunately, Joshua has been bullied in school due to his last name,” the White House release …

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Senate Dem Works To Ensure Former Trump Employees Aren’t Deported During Trump Org Misconduct Probe

Roll Call reports: Sen. Robert Menendez wants to make sure undocumented immigrants who formerly worked at President Donald Trump’s golf clubs are not deported while allegations of misconduct by the Trump organization are being investigated. Menendez, a New Jersey Democrat, wrote to FBI Director Christopher Wray and Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen requesting that the former workers be protected. They were …

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Trump Taps Oil Lobbyist For Secretary Of Interior

Reuters reports: President Trump is picking David Bernhardt, a former energy lobbyist, to be the Interior Department’s next secretary. Bernhardt, whose past clients include oil companies and others with business before the Interior Department, became the agency’s deputy secretary in 2017 and has led the department on an interim basis since former Secretary Ryan Zinke resigned amid ethics scandals in …

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New England Patriots Star Won’t Visit Trump At White House, But Says It “Would Be Dope” To Meet Obama

TMZ Sports reports: New England Patriots safety Duron Harmon — one of the key players in the Super Bowl — says he will NOT be joining the team to visit Donald Trump … explaining, “They don’t want me in the White House.” Harmon said “it would be dope” to follow the lead of the Golden State Warriors and visit Barack …

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Leaked Schedule Spawns White House Finger-Pointing

Axios reports: The massive leak of President Trump’s private schedules, which dropped yesterday in the weekly Axios Sneak Peek newsletter, set off internal finger-pointing and speculation more fevered than any since the New York Times’ anonymous op-ed. White House insiders said the leak sowed chaos. Cliff Sims, the former White House official who wrote the dishy “Team of Vipers,” told …

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Leaked Schedule Reveals Trump’s Empty “Work” Days

Axios reports: A White House source has leaked nearly every day of President Trump’s private schedule for the past three months. This unusually voluminous leak gives us unprecedented visibility into how this president spends his days. The schedules, which cover nearly every working day since the midterms, show that Trump has spent around 60% of his scheduled time over the …

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Trump: Sending Troops To Venezuela Is An “Option”

Reuters reports: U.S. President Donald Trump said that sending the military to Venezuela was “an option” and that he had turned down President Nicolás Maduro’s request for a meeting. “Certainly it’s something that’s on the – it’s an option,” Trump said in an interview broadcast on Sunday on the CBS “Face the Nation” program. “Well he has requested a meeting …

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Trump Doesn’t Want Son Barron To Play Football

CBS News reports: President Trump says he would have a “hard time” allowing his 12-year-old son Barron to play football amid growing concerns over the safety of the sport. Mr. Trump sat down with “Face the Nation” moderator Margaret Brennan for a wide-ranging interview ahead of Super Bowl LIII. “I just don’t like the reports that I see coming out …

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Trump Thinks He Looks Too Orange On Television

The New York Times reports: The official line from the White House, as with other matters surrounding the president’s physical health and appearance, is that Mr. Trump’s glow is the result of “good genes,” according to a senior administration official who would speak only on the condition of anonymity. Certainly Mr. Trump, who has long taken antibiotics to treat rosacea, …

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Putin Orders New Missiles After US Leaves Arms Treaty

ABC News reports: President Vladimir Putin has ordered Russia’s military to begin developing new medium-range missiles in response to President Donald Trump’s announcement that the United States is leaving a key Cold War nuclear arms treaty. Putin announced that Russia was also suspending the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces, or INF treaty, a day after the U.S. said it was pulling out …

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Trump Leaves On First Mar-A-Lago Trip Since Shutdown

The Palm Beach Post reports: With the government open again, President Donald Trump at last was headed Friday for a weekend at his happy place: his Mar-a-Lago private club on Florida’s southeastern coast. Trump typically spends many winter weekends at the Palm Beach estate, golfing at another nearby private club that he owns and having dinner on an outdoor terrace …

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