Donald Trump

Trump Boasts About Checking Gas Prices From His Motorcade: You Think Hillary Would Have Done That?

The Hill reports: President Trump on Monday credited his administration’s policies for the price of gas, and swiped at Hillary Clinton over the suggestion that she would not stop to admire low gas prices. “I’m riding in this incredible car, and I’m driving and I’m looking at gas stations to see how much is the gas,” Trump said. “You think …

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Trump’s Rasmussen Approval Rating Hits Year Low

LOL Rasmussen: The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 43% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Fifty-five percent (55%) disapprove. The latest figures include 32% who Strongly Approve of the job Trump is doing and 46% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -14. The president’s overall …

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The Killers Issue Blistering Anti-Trump Anthem [AUDIO]

Rolling Stone reports: The Killers contrast a mythic American dream with a darker, more depressing vision of U.S. life in their scathing new song “Land of the Free.” Frontman Brandon Flowers criticizes President Trump’s proposed border wall, institutional racism and the country’s failure to introduce substantial gun control reform. The singer uses “the land of the free” as an ironic …

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Trump To Serve Wendy’s And Burger King To Clemson Team: “I Would Think It’s Their Favorite Food” [VIDEO]

Yahoo Sports reports: If you were visiting the White House, you’d probably expect a pretty elegant food spread, right? Well that apparently won’t be happening for the Clemson football team. When speaking with reporters Monday morning, President Trump said that the Tigers will have an array of fast food to choose from when they make their scheduled visit to Washington …

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Trump Claims “Many Democrats” Are Calling Him To Say That They Agree With Government Shutdown [VIDEO]

Roll Call reports: President Trump on Monday said “a lot” of Democratic lawmakers are “calling and they are breaking” with their party over the government shutdown. He did not name names, however. “We have a very big crisis, a humanitarian crisis on the border. Everybody knows it. They know it and many of them are saying, ‘We agree with you.’ …

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Trump Claims Shutdown Is Now “Fault” Of Democrats

The Hill reports: President Trump on Monday urged Democrats to “get to work now” on negotiations as a partial government shutdown enters its 24th day. Trump, who made the comment on Twitter, wrote in a second tweet that Democrats could “end the Shutdown in 15 minutes” and claimed that they are to blame for the funding lapse, which was sparked …

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Trump Quotes Man He Once Called “Hitler Lover”

The Huffington Post reports: President Donald Trump on Sunday quoted a man he once denounced as a “Hitler lover” to defend his plan to build a wall along the southern border. In a CNSNews column claiming Democrats were hoping to “reduce the number of white men” in the country, political commentator Pat Buchanan urged Trump to declare a national emergency …

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Trump Again Makes Racist Attack On Elizabeth Warren

The Washington Post reports: One hundred years after U.S. soldiers killed and maimed hundreds of Sioux men, women and children at the Wounded Knee massacre, Congress formally apologized in 1990 by expressing its “deep regret on behalf of the United States.” On Sunday night, President Trump used that same massacre as a punch line in his latest broadside against Sen. …

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Trump Hypocritically Ridicules Divorce Of “Jeff Bozo”

The Daily Beast reports: President Trump took to Twitter Sunday night to gloat about Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos’ divorce and the subsequent exposure of his personal life on the pages of the National Enquirer. In the days following Bezos’ announcement on Twitter that he and his wife Mackenzie are divorcing, the National Enquirer published a series of exposes alleging that …

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Trump: Dems Are “Having Fun” As Workers Go Unpaid

Reuters reports: President Trump on Sunday hit Democrats for their hesitance to include protections for beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program in talks to end a prolonged government shutdown, despite his own administration’s insistence that the program be left out of negotiations. The president’s tweet contradicts comments he and Vice President Pence have made in recent …

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2-1 Majority Blame Trump And GOP For Shutdown

ABC News reports: A majority of Americans hold Donald Trump and congressional Republicans mainly responsible for the partial federal shutdown, now the longest in history, according to a new ABC News/Washington Post poll. Fifty-three percent in the national survey said that Trump and the GOP are mainly responsible for the shutdown, while 29 percent blamed congressional Democrats, nearly a 2-1 …

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Fox Host Asks Trump If He’s A Russian Agent: “That’s The Most Insulting Thing I’ve Ever Been Asked” [VIDEO]

The Huffington Post reports: President Donald Trump slammed The New York Times in a Fox News interview Saturday, calling its report that the FBI investigated him because of fears he may have been secretly working on behalf of the Kremlin as the “most insulting article” ever written about him. When Jeanine Pirro asked Trump “are you now or have you …

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Trump Hid Details Of Talks With Putin From Own Staff

The Washington Post reports: President Trump has gone to extraordinary lengths to conceal details of his conversations with Russian President Vladi­mir Putin, including on at least one occasion taking possession of the notes of his own interpreter and instructing the linguist not to discuss what had transpired with other administration officials, current and former U.S. officials said. Trump did so …

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Border Patrol Union Deletes Anti-Wall Webpage

Politico reports: A union that represents Border Patrol agents recently deleted a webpage that said building walls and fences along the border to stop illegal immigration would be “wasting taxpayer money.” The deleted webpage, posted in 2012, argued that border barriers don’t tackle the root causes of migration — and could potentially encourage more migrants to enter the U.S. fraudulently …

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Government Shutdown Now Longest In US History

CNBC reports: The partial government shutdown became the longest funding lapse in U.S. history Saturday, as it dragged into its 22nd day. Congress failed to break an impasse this week over President Donald Trump’s demand for more than $5 billion to build his proposed border wall, even as 800,000 federal workers started to miss paychecks Friday. The closure of nine …

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German Magazine Blasts Homocon US Ambassador Richard Grenell: Vain, Narcissistic, Insecure, Ignorant

Der Spiegel reports: Because the ambassador was unwilling to grant an interview, DER SPIEGEL focused its reporting on conversations with more than 30 sources who have come into contact with Grenell. These include numerous American and German diplomats, cabinet members, lawmakers, high-ranking officials, lobbyists and think tank experts. They were all willing to speak openly but did not want to …

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Shutdown Has Already Cost US Economy $3.6 Billion

CNBC reports: If the government shutdown lasts another two weeks, the total cost to the U.S. economy would exceed the price of building the proposed border wall. According to an estimate by S&P Global, it will only take another two weeks to cost the economy more than $6 billion, exceeding the $5.7 billion that President Donald Trump demanded to fund …

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Trump: The Invasion Is Far Worse Than You Understand

The Associated Press reports: President Donald Trump is edging closer to declaring a national emergency to fund his long-promised border wall, as pressure mounts to find an escape hatch from the three-week impasse that has closed parts of the government, leaving hundreds of thousands of workers without pay. Some 800,000 workers, more than half of them still on the job, …

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Pentagon: Troops Have Begun Withdrawing From Syria

The New York Times reports: The United States has started withdrawing its troops from Syria, an American military spokesman said on Friday, further muddling the Trump administration’s plans for disengagement from one of the Middle East’s most complex battlefields. As recently as Sunday, President Trump’s national security adviser, John R. Bolton, had said that the pullout was conditional on circumstances …

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FBI Agents Warn Shutdown Hampers Anti-Terror Work

Bloomberg reports: The partial government shutdown is now damaging the FBI’s capacity to conduct investigations and other national security operations, the president of an association representing about 13,000 FBI special agents told reporters. The FBI Agents Association is calling on Congress and Trump to immediately come to an agreement to fully fund the FBI and pay special agents during the …

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