Donald Trump

MAGA Dating Site To Sue Liberals Who Try To Join

The Daily Beast reports: Righter, which launches later this month, is meant as an amorous safe space, but only for those who back the president. If you’re a liberal, Righter might actually sue you if you try to join. “I have a very nice legal team that will be handling that,” founder Christy Edwards Lawton said. “This is zero tolerance.” …

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Junior “Triggers” Libs With Trump Xmas Tree Topper

Junior thinks his Charlie Brown tree triggers the libs: Donald Trump Jr., on Monday shared a meme on Instagram. “Couldn’t decide between an angel or a star,” the meme reads laid out over a Christmas tree. “So I picked both.” The tree in the photo is adorned with lights and ornaments and a fixture designed in the president’s likeness where …

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Trump Gaslights Nation On “Uncontrollable” Arms Race

Let’s go back just six weeks, shall we? President Donald Trump told reporters Monday that the United States would increase its nuclear arsenal until other nations “come to their senses,” threatening an arms race days after he said he would withdraw the US from a Cold War nuclear treaty. Trump announced over the weekend that he intended to pull the …

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Trump Claims He’ll Delay Shutdown Because Of GHWB

Politico reports: President Donald Trump and congressional leaders are getting ready to punt on a major shutdown fight over Trump’s border wall for at least a week. The president said he would back a two-week delay of a government shutdown battle after the death of former President George H.W. Bush. Government funding expires on Dec. 7 for several departments, including …

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FOIA Request Reveals Federal Fraud Investigators Were Stunned To Learn Of Matt Whitaker’s Ascent At DOJ

The New York Times reports: As Federal Trade Commission lawyers investigated a Miami company accused of defrauding thousands of customers, they were stunned to learn last year about a new job for a figure in their inquiry, Matthew G. Whitaker: He had been named chief of staff to Attorney General Jeff Sessions. “You’re not going to believe this… Matt Whitaker …

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Trump To Alaska: You’ve Been Hit Hard By The Big One

Politico reports: President Donald Trump expressed his support for Alaskans affected by an earthquake on Friday, telling them to listen to emergency response personnel and calling the earthquake a “big one.” Trump has a history of comments after natural disasters that many have characterized as tone deaf or just plain weird. After Hurricane Maria, Trump and San Juan Mayor Carmen …

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Politico: Trump Is Seething About Cohen’s Guilty Plea

Politico reports: President Donald Trump is more than 5,000 miles from Washington, but Robert Mueller is very much still on his mind. Aides described Trump as fixated on the Cohen news, with one adding that he was fuming about it on the lengthy Air Force One flight to Argentina. On Thursday night, the president, who regularly binges on Fox News …

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Wall Street Journal Issues Correction Of The Year

The Hill reports: The Wall Street Journal issued a correction on Thursday after it accidentally referred to the Russian president as “Vladimir Trump.” “Vladimir Putin is president of Russia. An editing mistake misidentified Mr. Putin in an earlier version of this article. (Nov. 29),” the publication noted at the bottom of an article reporting President Trump’s cancellation of a planned …

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Trump Lies About Nonexistent Deal For New BMW Plant

ABC News reports: President Donald Trump, in a tweet early Thursday morning, downplayed General Motors’ announcement it was shuttering several U.S. factories and laying off thousands of American workers, claiming it was an anomaly among the broader “booming” U.S. economy. In doing so, though, the president repeated his frequent false claim that steel plants are opening all over the country. …

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Trump Adds Mystery $10M To Cost Of Mueller Probe

Mediaite reports: Either Robert Mueller managed to spend $10 million in less than 48 hours, or Donald Trump is unable to keep track of himself as he continues to slam the special counsel. The president got on his phone on Thursday to rip Mueller for the kabillionth time over the ongoing investigation into Russia. As he compared the probe to …

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Trump Threatens Up To 25% Tariff On Apple Products

Slate reports: President Trump signaled in a Wall Street Journal interview that he is expecting to place tariffs on all Chinese imports, including potentially the iPhone and other Apple products, if negotiations at the upcoming G20 summit with President Xi Jinping fall through. “I can make it 10 percent and people could stand that very easily,” Trump said of price …

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Trump Tweets Meme Calling For Treason Trials For Obama, Hillary, Mueller, Comey, Holder, Bill Clinton

The Daily Beast reports: Donald Trump has stepped up his attacks on the Mueller investigation by sharing an image of figures such as Barack Obama, the Clintons, and special counsel Robert Mueller himself behind bars for “treason.” The image, posted by a Trump fan page called the Trump Train, was retweeted by the president Wednesday morning. It’s captioned “Now that …

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Trump Is “Totally Willing” To Shutdown Government Until His Border Wall Is Funded (But Not By Mexico)

Politico reports: For the last two years, congressional Republicans have persuaded President Donald Trump to delay the fight to fund his border wall, convincing him he would pay a steep political price for such a high-stakes legislative brawl. Trump is done waiting. Nine days ahead of a deadline that could trigger a partial government shutdown, with no solution in sight, …

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Trump Slams His Own Financial Advisors: “My Gut Tells Me More Than Anybody Else’s Brain Can Ever Tell Me”

The Washington Post reports: In a wide-ranging and sometimes discordant 20-minute interview with The Washington Post, Trump complained at length about Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome H. “Jay” Powell, whom he nominated earlier this year. When asked about declines on Wall Street and GM’s announcement that it was laying off 15 percent of its workforce, Trump responded by criticizing higher interest …

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Trump Threatens To Cut “All GM Subsidies” Over Layoffs

CNBC reports: President Donald Trump will consider cutting all subsidies to General Motors after the company announced plans to slash productions at several American plants, he said Tuesday. The automaker’s shares fell following the tweet and were down more than 2 percent on Tuesday afternoon. The tweet escalates the president’s public threats against GM as he pushes the company to …

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Glorious Leader Boasts: “I Blow Ronald Reagan Away”

The Washington Examiner reports: President Trump believes that his long list of achievements in office make him “far greater than Ronald Reagan.” In a new book out Tuesday about his “enemies,” the president said that while he feels “I blow Ronald Reagan away,” the “fake news” media is robbing him of bragging rights by ignoring his successes and focusing on …

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Trump Claims Tear-Gassed Migrants Are “Grabbers” Using Strangers’ Children As Human Shields [VIDEO]

Last night before holding a pair of Mississippi rallies in support of Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith, Glorious Leader again said something really stupid. The Washington Post reports: “In some cases, you know, they’re not the parents,” Trump claimed. “These are people, they call ’em ‘grabbers.’ They grab a child because they think they’ll have a certain status by having a child. …

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Trump: I Looked Like Elvis When I Was Young [VIDEO]

“Tupelo, home of thousands of hard-working American patriots, and the proud birthplace of the king of rock n’ roll, Elvis. Elvis! We love Elvis. I shouldn’t say this, you’ll say I’m very conceited because I’m not, but other than the blonde hair, when I was growing up they said I looked like Elvis. Can you believe it? I always considered …

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Hair Furor Floats Idea Of State Television Network

We already have a state network, but whatever. Deadline reports: Donald Trump, as we’ve known for 40 years, hates to cede the spotlight. So just as NASA was making an ultra-rare successful Mars landing that was carried live on some outlets, the president of the United States decided to float the idea of a state-run television network “to show the …

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Reporter Calls Out Trump’s Immigration Lies To His Face: Your Policy Is Not The Same As Obama’s [VIDEO]

Mediaite reports: “Obama had a separation policy,” Trump said. “We all had the same policy.” The reporter called out the president right on the spot. “You did not have it, sir,” the reporter said. “No you didn’t.” Trump charged ahead — talking past the questioner. “I tried to do it differently,” Trump said. “But Obama had a separation policy. But …

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