Donald Trump

Trump: People Like Me More When I Attack The Press

Axios reports: President Trump, in an interview with Axios that will premiere Sunday on HBO, says railing against his enemies in the media helped him win — and that his supporters like him more when he cranks up the “enemy of the people” rhetoric. In modern American history, no other president argued it’s not his job to calm people in …

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Trump Threatens To Triple Border Troops To 15,000

CNN reports: President Donald Trump has ordered more military personnel to the US southwest than he has serving in some of the world’s most contentious combat zones. Senior military officers have defended the deployment on national security grounds, but the mission — dubbed Operation Faithful Patriot — raises a slew of questions, with former officials from both Republican and Democratic …

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Trump Attacks “Know Nothing” Paul Ryan On Birthright Citizenship: He Should Focus On Holding The Majority

Newsweek reports: President Donald Trump lashed out at Paul Ryan on Wednesday, saying the house speaker “knows nothing” about birthright citizenship. Ryan previously went against Trump’s proposed plan to sign an executive order eliminating the right to citizenship for children born in the United States. In an interview with radio station WVLK on Tuesday, Ryan responded to Trump’s plan to …

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Feds Label #MAGAbomber As A “Domestic Terrorist”

The Hill reports: The man accused of sending more than a dozen pipe bombs to high-profile Democrats committed a “domestic terrorist attack,” federal prosecutors wrote in a court filing, arguing he be detained pending trial. Cesar Sayoc was arrested Friday and charged with five federal crimes after the FBI identified him as the prime suspect in the investigation into explosive …

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Junior And His Mistress Urge “Every Patriot” To Vote Against The “Liberal Mob” In The Midterms [VIDEO]

This bit of douchebaggery just landed on YouTube: Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle on Tuesday released an advertisement urging Republicans to stand up to the mainstream media and a “liberal mob” ahead of next week’s midterm elections. In the short video spot released by America First Policies, which Guilfoyle joined after leaving Fox News earlier this year, the two …

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Trump Blames Market Plunge On Midterms (It’s Tariffs)

Politico reports: President Donald Trump on Tuesday claimed that the stock market was taking a “little pause” amid anticipation for next week’s midterm elections. After rising more than 350 points Monday morning, the Dow Jones industrial average took a 566-point plunge before closing down after Bloomberg reported that the administration was readying to announce a fresh round of tariffs on …

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Trump Complains That The Media Didn’t Blame Obama After Mass Shooting In Charleston Church [VIDEO]

Business Insider reports: President Donald Trump again bemoaned what he perceives as unfair treatment from the news media on Monday night, nearly a week after the attempted mail-bombings that targeted his political critics and Democratic leaders. Trump compared his treatment to that of President Barack Obama, following a racially motivated 2015 shooting at a predominately black church in Charleston, South …

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Pharrell Williams Sends Cease-And-Desist Letter After Trump Plays “Happy” At Rally On Day Of Shooting

The New York Daily News reports: Pharrell Williams isn’t too “Happy” with President Trump. A lawyer for the musician filed a cease and desist letter against the President Monday after Trump used his song, “Happy,” during a political rally in Indiana Saturday. “On the day of the mass murder of 11 human beings at the hands of a deranged ‘nationalist,’ …

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Trump’s Approval Rating Sags After Week Of Terrorism

The Hill reports: President Trump’s approval rating dropped 4 points last week, essentially erasing the gains he made in Gallup polling during the previous four weeks. The Gallup weekly approval rating tracker showed that Trump’s approval rating dipped to 40 percent for the week ending on Sunday. Fifty-four percent of Americans now disapprove of the president’s job performance, according to …

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Trump Calls Democrat Andrew Gillum A “Thief”

Talking Points Memo reports: President Donald Trump attacked Democratic Florida governor candidate Andrew Gillum on Monday as a “thief,” and implied his lack of education as compared to the Republican candidate, Ron DeSantis. Gillum attended Florida A&M University, where he majored in political science. The education jab seems to be a variation of Trump’s favorite criticism of his black critics: …

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Trump Calls Media “The True Enemy Of The People,” Blames “Dishonest Fake News” For Stoking Hatred

Business Insider reports: President Donald Trump blamed “fake news” for political division and hatred felt across the United States, following a shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue that is being prosecuted as a hate crime. Trump wrote that “fake news” is “doing everything in their power to blame Republicans, Conservatives” and him for political divisions felt across the country. Trump’s tweets …

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PITTSBURGH: Jewish Group Tells Trump He Will Not Be Welcome There Until He Denounces White Nationalism

The Washington Post reports: More than 16,000 people have signed an open letter to President Trump from the leaders of a Pittsburgh-based Jewish group who say the president will not be welcome in the city unless he denounces white nationalism and stops “targeting” minorities after a mass shooting Saturday at a local synagogue left 11 dead. The letter, which was …

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Trump Attacks “Crazed Stumbling Lunatic” Pipe Bomb Target Tom Steyer After Watching “Fake News” CNN

Glorious Leader is watching fake news CNN again: House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy posted and later deleted a tweet last week that suggested three Jewish, billionaire Democratic donors were attempting to “buy” the 2018 midterm elections. Twitter users quickly condemned McCarthy’s claim, saying it was insensitive given the fact that it came just one day after authorities intercepted what appeared …

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Trump Complains About Baseball Hours After Shooting

The Hill reports: President Trump late Saturday night fired off a tweet commenting on World Series Game 4, saying it was a “big mistake” for the Los Angeles Dodgers to pull pitcher Rich Hill. The Boston Red Sox went on to win the game, 9-6, and now lead the series, three games to one. Social media users criticized the timing …

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Trump Blames Synagogue Victims For Not Having Guns

Splinter reports: President Donald Trump responded to the mass shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue which has left at least eight people dead by blaming the synagogue for not having armed guards inside. The gunman also shot at least three armed police officers, but Trump did not appear to account for that in his remarks. “This is a case where if …

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Trump Cultist: Obama And Hillary Sent The Bombs To Themselves To Bring People To Their Side [VIDEO]

The Washington Examiner reports: A Trump supporter who attended Friday evening’s rally in Charlotte, N.C., said he thinks former President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sent themselves bombs in order to score political capital for the Democrats ahead of the midterm elections. “Barack Obama probably sent his to hisself, and Hillary Clinton probably sent hers to herself,” …

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Trump Rejects Calls To Tone Down Rhetoric: I Could Really Tone It UP Since The Media Is So Unfair [VIDEO]

The Hill reports: President Trump on Friday rejected calls to temper his political rhetoric in the aftermath of a nationwide bomb-scare involving many prominent Democrats with whom he has traded barbs. “I think I’ve been toned down, if you want to know the truth,” Trump told reporters before leaving the White House for a campaign event in North Carolina. “I …

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LIVE VIDEO: Trump To Speak After FBI Arrests Bombing Suspect Whose Van Is Covered With Pro-Trump Stickers

USA Today reports: President Trump delivers remarks at Turning Point USA’s Young Black Leadership Summit. This 3-day event is for young, conservative blacks between the ages of 15 and 35. In addition to President Trump, other speakers include Candace Owens, Larry Elder, Stacey Dash and Ben Carson and many others. Turning Point USA is a non-profit organization focused on the …

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Trump Complains “Bomb Stuff” Is Hurting Early Voting

KRMG reports: President Donald Trump said Friday that news coverage of a rash of suspected mail bomb threats had slowed election momentum for Republicans, as two new suspected explosive devices were found on Friday, one in Florida which was addressed to Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), and another sent to former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, via CNN offices in …

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President Unity Attacks CNN Again In 3AM Tweet

The Washington Post reports: At the end of a week in which 10 suspected pipe bombs were sent to prominent liberal leaders over a 72-hour period, President Trump took to Twitter past 3 a.m. Friday to criticize CNN, another recipient of a suspicious package, for coverage that he said compared this week’s news to 9/11 and the Oklahoma City bombing. …

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