Donald Trump

REPORT: Trump May Have Discussed Sensitive Intel With Hannity On Unsecured iPhone While Spies Listened

NBC News reports: U.S. officials told NBC News on Thursday that they have been concerned for months that President Donald Trump has been discussing sensitive information on an unsecured cellphone with informal advisers, including Sean Hannity of Fox News. The information comes after The New York Times reported that Chinese and Russian spies have been listening to personal phone calls …

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Omarosa: Trump’s Lying About Not Using An iPhone

Newsweek reports: Former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman on Thursday contradicted President Donald Trump’s denial of a report saying he uses his personal iPhone for calls and that the conversations have been bugged by Russian and Chinese intelligence. New York Times reporters Matthew Rosenberg and Maggie Haberman on Thursday published a story stating that American intelligence reports indicate that …

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Trump Blames Media As Wave Of Bombs Continues

The Associated Press reports: Authorities said on Wednesday the pipe bombs mailed to CNN and prominent Democrats were packed with shards of glass and were intercepted. None of the seven bombs detonated, and nobody was hurt as authorities in New York, Washington, D.C., Florida and California seized the suspicious packages. Thursday morning, President Donald Trump blamed the “anger we see …

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Trump Cultists Continue “Lock Her Up” Chants [VIDEO]

The New York Daily News reports: Attendants at a Trump rally in Wisconsin on Wednesday had apparently not paid attention to the President’s plea for unity earlier in the day, as they erupted in a “lock her up” chant mere hours after a bomb was mailed to Hillary Clinton’s home. The raucous crowd in Mosinee, Wis., exploded in the familiar …

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REPORT: Chinese Spies Eavesdrop On Trump’s iPhone

The New York Times reports: When President Trump calls old friends on one of his iPhones to gossip, gripe or solicit their latest take on how he is doing, American intelligence reports indicate that Chinese spies are often listening — and putting to use invaluable insights into how to best work the president and affect administration policy, current and former …

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Trump Lies Yet Again About Pre-Existing Conditions

NBC News reports: As the midterms approach, President Donald Trump has increasingly pitched his party to voters by embracing a wildly popular element of the health care law that the president and congressional Republicans spent the last two years trying to repeal. “Republicans will always protect people with pre-existing conditions,” Trump said on Saturday in Nevada. This is false. The …

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Trump Admits There’s No Proof Middle Easterners Are In Migrant Caravan, But Says There COULD Be [VIDEO]

The Washington Post reports: President Trump on Tuesday acknowledged that he has no proof that people of Middle Eastern descent have joined a large migrant caravan moving toward the U.S.-Mexico border, tempering a claim he has made in recent days. “There’s no proof of anything. But there could very well be,” Trump said in remarks in the Oval Office Tuesday …

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FBI Says No Photos Exist Of Mueller And Comey “Hugging And Kissing” (Trump Said He Has A Hundred)

The Hill reports: The FBI says it was unable to locate any photos of former FBI Director James Comey and special counsel Robert Mueller “hugging and kissing” after President Trump claimed he could provide 100 such images. BuzzFeed News reporter Jason Leopold on Tuesday shared the Department of Justice’s response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request he filed …

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Even For The World’s Most Famous Liar, Trump’s Latest Round Of Ridiculous Lies Are Astounding [VIDEO]

Steve Benen reports at the Maddow Blog: Over the weekend, Donald Trump claimed that conservatives in California are so upset about so-called “sanctuary cities” that the right has launched “riots.” During a brief Q&A with reporters at the White House yesterday, a reporter asked where, exactly, these riots are taking place. “Take a look,” he replied, adding, “It is rioting …

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Man Accused Of Groping Woman On Plane Tells Cops “The President Says It’s OK To Grab Their Private Parts”

ABC News reports: A man arrested for allegedly touching a woman’s breast on an airplane, according to court documents, told authorities “the president of the United States says it’s OK to grab women by their private parts.” Bruce Alexander was on a Houston-to-Albuquerque flight on Sunday when he twice leaned forward and touched the breast of a woman sitting in …

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Thousands Gather For Trump/Cruz Tailgater [VIDEO]

The Associated Press reports: The “amoral bully” is ready to campaign for the “dishonest politician” as President Donald Trump holds a Houston rally for Sen. Ted Cruz on Monday. The president’s appearance on behalf of Cruz represents a once-unthinkable show of support for Trump’s onetime rival for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination and comes as Cruz faces a strong challenge …

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Trump Preps To Blame GOP Leaders For Midterms Loss

Politico reports: At his rallies, President Donald Trump argues that the midterms are about one person — Donald Trump. “Get out in 2018,” Trump told a crowd in Missouri last month, “because you’re voting for me!” Privately, the president says the exact opposite. According to two people familiar with the conversations, Trump is distancing himself from a potential Republican thumping …

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Trump Blames Dems For “National Emergy” Of Migrant Caravan, Claims “Middle Easterners Are Mixed In”

The Washington Examiner reports: President Trump said Monday that the Democrats are to blame for the caravan of several thousand migrants that’s making its way through Mexico to the southern U.S. border. More than 7,000 migrants broke through Mexico’s southern border and continued on their trek to the United States. Trump said he told the military and U.S. Border Patrol …

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Kremlin Vows New Nukes If Trump Leaves Treaty

Reuters reports: The Kremlin said on Monday that Russia would be forced to respond in kind if the United States began developing new missiles after quitting a landmark Cold War-era treaty. President Donald Trump said on Saturday that Washington would withdraw from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty because Russia was violating the pact, triggering a warning of retaliatory measures from …

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Trump To Pull US Out Of Nuke Treaty With Russia

NBC News reports: President Donald Trump said Saturday night that he will withdraw from a landmark arms control agreement the United States signed with the Soviet Union, accusing Russia of violating the pact. The Cold War-era treaty required both countries to eliminate short-range and intermediate-range nuclear and conventional missiles from their arsenals. “Russia has not, unfortunately, honored the agreement, so …

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Trump Laments “Pain And Suffering” Of Migrant Families Just Hours After Calling Them “Hardened Criminals”

The below happened just last night: President Donald Trump says Central Americans trying to traverse Mexico and reach the U.S. border aren’t “little angels” but “some hardened criminals.” On Friday while Trump was campaigning in Arizona, migrants burst through a Guatemalan border fence and started to stream into Mexican territory, rushing a phalanx of police with riot shields. About 50 …

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Judge Sets Manafort’s Sentencing Date For February

Talking Points Memo reports: U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis on Friday sought to tie up the remaining loose-ends in Paul Manafort’s case in Virginia, in a hearing where Manafort showed up in a wheelchair, with his right foot appearing to be in some sort of white sock or wrapping. Kevin Downing, Manafort’s attorney said that the former Trump campaign chair …

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Eric Trump Defends The Dotard’s Praise For Assaulting Reporters: This Is Actually Exactly Why My Father Won

“He wasn’t the guy that body-slammed anybody. He can have fun. By the way, this is actually exactly why my father won. Because so many people were so sick and tired of the little caged, the perfect, the perfectly scripted politician who memorized their little sound bite and went out there and had no crowds, and they weren’t any fun, …

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Trump Considers Homocon To Replace Nikki Haley

Politico reports: President Donald Trump is now seriously considering Richard Grenell, the controversial U.S. ambassador to Germany, to replace Nikki Haley at the United Nations, according to three people familiar with the matter. Grenell met with officials at the White House last week to discuss the job, according to two administration officials. At a separate White House meeting on Wednesday, …

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UK Condemns Trump’s Praise For Assault On Reporter

The Guardian reports: Downing Street has indirectly criticised Donald Trump after he praised a Republican congressman for attacking a Guardian reporter, saying any violence or intimidation against journalists was “completely unacceptable”. Asked about Trump’s comments, Theresa May’s spokeswoman said: “He obviously made comments at a political rally, and those are for him. But more generally we would always say that …

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