Donald Trump

Trump Lifts Photo From “Fake News” CNN Reporter Jim Acosta To Brag About Crowd Size Outside Rally Venue

Mediaite reports: President Trump, as is his wont, is bragging today about the size of a crowd gathering for one of his rallies. In particular on this occasion, he’s citing that crowd size to justify why he won’t be canceling his political rally while a major disaster is taking place down on the Gulf Coast. The size of the crowd …

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REPORT: Trump Pressured Japanese PM To Approve Casino Project By GOP Megadonor Sheldon Adelson

Axios reports: President Trump raised a bid from GOP megadonor Sheldon Adelson to build a casino in Japan during a meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, according to a report from ProPublica‘s Justin Elliott. Abe and his aides were “incredulous” that Trump “would be so brazen,” according to a source briefed on the conversation. The project is a top …

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Trump: Ivanka Would Be “Dynamite” As Ambassador

The Hill reports: President Trump said Tuesday that his daughter Ivanka would be “dynamite” as an ambassador to the United Nations, but conceded that he would be accused of nepotism if he appointed her to replace outgoing Ambassador Nikki Haley. “I think Ivanka would be incredible,” Trump told reporters as he prepared to depart the White House for a campaign …

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Rumor Mill Floats Ivanka (Or Jared) As UN Ambassador

Mediaite reports: In their joint announcement today, neither President Donald Trump nor former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley gave anything away about who will be replacing her at the U.N. … or did they? A lot of people think they may have done just that, and the names floating around are Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump. Haley effusively praised them, especially …

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Trump’s Merch Store Launches $99 Anti-NFL Jerseys

The Hill reports: A online merchandise store ran by President Trump’s Make America Great Again Committee is now selling “’Stand Up For America” football jerseys in response to NFL players kneeling during the national anthem as a protest to racial injustices. The jerseys are selling for $99 each and come in both male and female sizes. They are being sold …

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Hair Furor Echoes Fox & Friends On “Paid Protesters”

The Week reports: There’s nothing worse than waiting 7-10 business days for your check from George Soros to arrive. President Trump on Tuesday continued to push his conspiracy theory that people protesting Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh were paid professionals, this time asserting that those funding the protests haven’t paid the demonstrators yet. Shortly before his tweet, points out Media …

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REPORT: Trump Campaign Aide Asked Israeli Firm To Create Fake Online Identities To Sway 2016 Election

The New York Times reports: A top Trump campaign official requested proposals in 2016 from an Israeli company to create fake online identities, to use social media manipulation and to gather intelligence to help defeat Republican primary race opponents and Hillary Clinton, according to interviews and copies of the proposals. The Trump campaign’s interest in the work began as Russians …

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Ford Announces Layoffs, Tariffs Have Cost Them $1B

NBC News reports: Ford will be making cuts to its 70,000-strong white-collar workforce in a move it calls a “redesign” of its staff to be leaner, have fewer layers, and offer more decision-making power to employees, the company announced. The number of jobs that will be axed is unknown at this point. “A lot of the (reorganization) is about making …

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Trump Urges Cops To Employ “Stop And Frisk” [VIDEO]

The Hill reports: President Trump said Monday that he’s directed Attorney General Jeff Sessions to provide federal assistance to the city of Chicago to limit gun violence, and suggested the city implement the controversial practice of “stop-and-frisk.” “We want to straighten it out, and straighten it out fast. There’s no reason for what’s going on there,” Trump told law enforcement …

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No Mention Of Indigenous Peoples In Columbus Day Proclamation From Trump (Because Obama Did That)

Via press release from the White House: Columbus’s spirit of determination and adventure has provided inspiration to generations of Americans. On Columbus Day, we honor his remarkable accomplishments as a navigator, and celebrate his voyage into the unknown expanse of the Atlantic Ocean. His expedition formed the initial bond between Europe and the Americas, and changed the world forever. Today, …

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Trump: Democrats Are Too Dangerous To Govern

The Hill reports: President Trump late Saturday escalated his rhetoric in urging supporters to support Republicans in the midterm elections, warning that Democrats have become “too extreme and too dangerous to govern.” The president’s tweet was roughly the same quote he delivered to cheers at the rally in Kansas. During the rally, Trump painted a dystopian view of the fallout …

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Glorious Leader Attacks “Paid Soros” Protesters

No doubt he got this from Fox & Friends. President Trump on Friday attacked protesters demonstrating against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, asserting without evidence that they are “paid professionals.” Trump claimed that billionaire liberal activist George Soros is among those funding the demonstrations against the judge, who has been accused of sexual misconduct by multiple women. He did not …

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Trump Boards AF1 With Toilet Paper On Shoe [VIDEO]

Mashable reports: Now, this can happen to even the best of us, but there are still some lingering questions about this particular incident. Perhaps the biggest one is: how did no one tell him about it? That is not just a small piece stuck to a shoe. That’s a solid few sheets he’s walking around with and someone had to …

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Trump Email: Confirm Kavanaugh To The Senate Now

The Hill reports: President Trump’s reelection campaign sent an email to supporters Thursday night mistakenly urging for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh to be confirmed to the U.S. Senate. The email asks supporters to pledge their support to Kavanaugh but makes a significant typo in just what they want to happen. “NO MORE GAMES,” the email reads. “NO MORE EXCUSES.” …

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REPORT: Trump May Fire Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson Because She Takes Dim View Of Space Force

Foreign Policy reports: President Donald Trump is peeved with Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson over her handling of his directive to stand up a separate Space Force in the U.S. military, and he’s considering ousting her after the midterm elections, three sources with knowledge of the matter told Foreign Policy. Wilson, a former Republican congresswoman from New Mexico, recently angered …

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Survey: Most Americans Tune Out Trump’s Tweets

The Hill reports: Most Americans say they tune out President Trump’s tweets, according to a new survey from the nonpartisan Public Affairs Council and Morning Consult. Nearly 6 in 10 respondents – 59 percent – said that they rarely or never read the president’s tweets, with only 15 percent of people saying they read them very often. Democrats tend to …

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Kimmel Riffs On Trump’s Alert: The Textening [VIDEO]

Mashable reports: “What we do here in Hollywood when we have a bad idea? We make a major motion picture out of it,” Kimmel joked, before playing the trailer. The film focuses on a family driving through a city, when the parents begin to receive alerts for what they assume are Trump’s tweets coming to their cell phones. But after …

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Despicable Man Whines About “Despicable Democrats”

Reuters reports: Stepping up his criticism of Democrats – and one of the accusers of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh – President Trump on Wednesday again denounced critics of the judge, as both sides claimed the other was acting in a ‘despicable’ manner on the Kavanaugh nomination. After staying quiet for the most part about Ford and her accusations, the …

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More Senators Condemn Trump’s Attack On Ford

The Washington Post reports: Two senators considered crucial to the confirmation prospects of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh criticized President Trump on Wednesday for mocking the account of a woman who has accused his Supreme Court nominee of sexual assault decades ago. “There’s no time and no place for remarks like that,” Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) said on NBC’s “Today” show. …

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REPORT: North Korean Hackers Have Stolen Hundreds Of Millions From Banking Systems Of 11 Countries

The Associated Press reports: North Korea’s nuclear and missile tests have stopped, but its hacking operations to gather intelligence and raise funds for the sanction-strapped government in Pyongyang may be gathering steam. U.S. security firm FireEye raised the alarm Wednesday over a North Korean group that it says has stolen hundreds of millions of dollars by infiltrating the computer systems …

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