Donald Trump

UN General Assembly Laughs At Trump’s Boasting

Mashable reports: The world just laughed out loud at Donald Trump. On Tuesday, during the president’s address to the United Nations General Assembly, the audience laughed when Trump boasted that “my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country.” As soon as the words left Trump’s mouth, a ripple of laughter traveled through the …

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Trump Lies About Gallup Favorability Poll

The Hill reports: President Trump early Tuesday touted a Gallup poll showing more Americans now have a favorable view of the Republican Party than the Democratic Party. Gallup’s poll, however, showed 45 percent of Americans have a favorable view of the GOP compared to 44 percent who have a favorable view of the Democratic Party, a difference of only 1 …

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Cultist Hangs Trump 2020 Banner At Disney World

Newsweek reports: A man visiting Walt Disney World on Sunday hung a banner at Magic Kingdom touting the re-election of President Donald Trump. The man claiming to be behind the banner was Dion Cini, a longtime Trump supporter from New York. Cini told Newsweek on Monday that he wanted a “viral effect” in showing his support for the 45th president …

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Trump: I’m Not Worried About Cohen, I’m Honest

The Hill reports: President Trump said that he’s not worried about his former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, pleading guilty to federal crimes, including campaign finance law violations. “I’m not, because I’m an honest guy,” Trump said in an interview on “Geraldo in Cleveland” on WTAM radio that is set to air on Monday. “And that stuff is unrelated to me. …

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McConnell Asked Trump To Lay Off Christine Ford

CNN reports: After President Donald Trump tweeted criticism of the woman who came forward accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell called the President on Friday to say his tweets did not help, two people familiar with the call confirmed to CNN. In a series of tweets sent out Friday morning, Trump threw …

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REPORT: Rod Rosenstein Suggested Secretly Taping Trump, Discussed Invoking The 25th Amendment

The New York Times reports: The deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, suggested last year that he secretly record President Trump in the White House to expose the chaos consuming the administration, and he discussed recruiting cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Mr. Trump from office for being unfit. Mr. Rosenstein made these suggestions in the spring …

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So Much For Reining In Trump On Christine Ford

Mediaite reports: The facade of restraint is broken: President Donald Trump is on the attack against the forces threatening Brett Kavanaugh‘s Supreme Court confirmation. The tweet follows Trump’s comments to Sean Hannity on Thursday, where he questioned why Ford didn’t alert the FBI when the assault allegedly happened, when the two were teenagers. “Why didn’t somebody call the FBI 36 …

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Staffers Desperate To Rein In Trump On Christine Ford

Axios reports: A source who has been talking to President Trump throughout the Kavanaugh crisis told Axios that “you have no idea” how hard it has been to keep him from attacking his Supreme Court nominee’s accuser. A White House official said yesterday: “Hopefully he can keep it together until Monday. That’s only, like, another 48 hours right?” At a …

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Trump Bashes Congress: Where’s My Wall Funding?

The Hill reports: President Trump lashed out at Congress on Thursday over the lack of funding for his border wall in a recently passed spending bill, stoking a fight that GOP lawmakers had hoped to avoid until later this year. The Senate voted 93-7 on Tuesday to pass a sweeping $854 billion spending bill that includes funding for the departments …

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Court Sets Michael Flynn’s Sentencing For Dec. 18th

Happy holidaaaaays….. The Associated Press reports: Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn has a sentencing date. A judge on Wednesday scheduled Flynn’s sentencing for Dec. 18, more than a year after he pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI. The move comes just days after prosecutors working for special counsel Robert Mueller said they were ready for Flynn’s case to …

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NEW BOOK: Trump Told CIA Official That “We Should Make (Drone) Bombs Silent So They Can’t Get Away”

An excerpt from the new book by WaPo’s Greg Miller: When told that the CIA flew surveillance flights over Syria but that only the military conducted strikes — an Obama policy meant to return the agency’s focus to its core espionage mission — Trump made clear he wanted those restrictions wiped away and for the agency to start firing. “If …

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Trump Told Spain To Build A Wall Across The Sahara: That Border Can’t Be Bigger Than Ours With Mexico

The Guardian reports: Donald Trump suggested the Spanish government tackled the Mediterranean migration crisis by emulating one of his most famous policies and building a wall across the Sahara desert, the country’s foreign minister has revealed. According to Josep Borrell, the US president brushed off the skepticism of Spanish diplomats – who pointed out that the Sahara stretched for 3,000 …

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Trump: I Got One Of The Highest Scores Ever Seen On My Physical, I’m Good At Testing, Have Great Stability

“You know, I took that test when I got my last physical, and the doctor said that’s one of the highest scores we’ve ever seen. I did that not because I wanted but I did it, I was always good at testing. But if there’s anything great about me it’s stability, and I’m a good manager. Always been a good …

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Trump: Republicans Will Do “Much Better” In Midterms Than Anybody Thinks Because People Really Like Me

“I think we’re gonna do much better than anyone thinks because the economy is so good, and people do like the job I’m doing. I had just beaten 17 people including the Bush dynasty. I then beat the Hillary Clinton dynasty. You can give me credit for Bernie Sanders and all because I was cause I was part of it, …

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Trump Considers Building “Fort Trump” In Poland

Politico reports: U.S. President Donald Trump is “very seriously” considering Warsaw’s request for a permanent U.S. military base in Poland, he said on Tuesday. Speaking at a joint press conference with Andrzej Duda in Washington D.C., Trump said the security of the Central European country was “almost as important” to him as to the Polish president. “Poland is willing to …

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Trump: I Have No Attorney General, It’s Very Sad

The Hill reports: President Trump in an Oval Office interview with Hill.TV launched one of his most ferocious broadsides to date against Jeff Sessions, suggesting the attorney general was essentially AWOL and performing badly on a variety of issues. “I don’t have an Attorney General. It’s very sad,” Trump told Hill.TV in an extensive and free-wheeling interview Tuesday from the …

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Trump: Democrats Will Lie About Florence Response

The Hill reports: President Trump on Tuesday preemptively attacked Democrats for any potential criticism of his administration’s response to Hurricane Florence along the mid-Atlantic coast. Trump’s unprompted attacks against Democrats on Tuesday come less than a week after he claimed without evidence that the party was responsible for inflating the death toll of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico to make …

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TOAD YA SO: Twitter Melts Down Over Trump’s Junk

Mediaite reports:  The Twitterverse is having a collective meltdown over the fact that Mario Kart became a trending topic today for all the wrong reasons. No, the beloved Super Mario-themed racing game franchise is not getting the 9th installment, not yet anyway. Daniel’s remarks attracted online attention really fast, particularly the fact that she compared Trump’s penis to the good …

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Trump On Kavanaugh: A Little Delay Is Okay [VIDEO]

CNBC reports: President Donald Trump on Monday said that “if it takes a little delay” to confirm Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, that’s alright. Trump stressed that Kavanaugh “never even had a little blemish on his record,” and that the nominee had undergone several FBI background checks over the course of his career. “He is somebody very special. At the …

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Trump Threatens Unspecified Countries With Tariffs

Business Insider reports: President Donald Trump escalated his trade-war rhetoric on Monday, threatening unspecified countries with tariffs if they “will not make fair deals with us.” The US is already engaged in a trade war with China and is expected to levy new tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods as soon as Monday, on top of the tariffs …

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