Donald Trump

Trump Melts Down Over Military Parade Cancellation

You knew this was coming: President Trump called Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D) a “loser” and “a total Fake” after Blumenthal criticized news that cost estimates for Trump’s proposed military parade exceeded initial estimates by millions. Blumenthal had criticized news that cost estimates for the parade had reached $92 million, around $80 million more than initially estimated. The president’s attacks …

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Screaming “Trump Guy” Arrested At Airport Says Cops Are “Treating Me Like A Fucking Black Person” [VIDEO]

Orlando’s NBC affiliate reports: An unruly passenger was arrested Thursday morning at Orlando International Airport and the incident was caught on camera. Jeffrey Epstein is charged with battery on a law enforcement officer, resisting arrest, trespassing after a warning and disorderly conduct, according to an arrest affidavit from the Orlando Police Department. Police said that Epstein began to yell when …

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Woman Fired For Racism Demands Unemployment Because Such Hate Speech Is Common Since Trump

The Des Moines Register reports: An Iowa woman fired for disparaging Mexicans at work cannot collect unemployment despite her testimony that other employees also made derogatory comments about “blacks and foreigners” since Donald Trump became president. Angela Diers filed for unemployment after she lost her job at Dexter Laundry, a Fairfield manufacturer of commercial washers and dryers, for telling a …

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Trump’s Military Parade To Cost Over 7X First Estimate

CNBC reports: President Donald Trump’s military parade this fall is shaping up to cost $80 million more than initially estimated. The Department of Defense and its interagency partners have updated their perspective cost estimates for the parade, according to a U.S. defense official with firsthand knowledge of the assessment. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity. The parade, slated …

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Trump Rants Against “Opposition Party Fake Media” As Hundreds Of Newspapers Jointly Denounce His Attacks

The Associated Press reports: Newspapers from Maine to Hawaii pushed back against President Donald Trump’s attacks on “fake news” Thursday with a coordinated series of editorials speaking up for a free and vigorous press. The Boston Globe, which set the campaign in motion by urging the unified voice, had estimated that some 350 newspapers would participate. They did across the …

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Trump Claims He Revoked John Brennan’s Security Clearance For His Role In Russian Interference Probe

The Hill reports: President Trump in an interview attributed his decision to revoke ex-CIA Director John Brennan’s security clearance to his role in early stages of the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. Trump told The Wall Street Journal on Wednesday that he considers Brennan and other former intelligence officials whose clearances he’s considering revoking among the leaders …

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Trump Revokes Clearance Of Former CIA Director John Brennan, Threatens To Do The Same For Other Critics

ABC News reports: White House press secretary Sarah Sanders announced Wednesday that President Trump is revoking the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan. Former directors of intelligence agencies are generally granted security clearance as a courtesy. Sanders also said that Trump is considering revokes the clearances of former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former FBI Director James …

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Charles Blow: If An N-Word Tape Is Ever Released, It Would Likely Only Increase Trump’s Support [VIDEO]

“We would be insane if we kept questioning and saying this is a matter of opinion of whether he’s a racist or not. He is. People have cooked that into the books. I think that if you found the tape of him using the N-word, it might actually increase his support. This does nothing to them, they believe wholeheartedly in …

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WH “Can’t Guarantee” There’s No Trump N-Word Tape

The Associated Press reports: White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders says she cannot guarantee that President Donald Trump has never used a racial slur. Sanders said, “I haven’t been in every single room,” when asked if she can say with certainty that Trump has never used the N-word. Ex-Trump aide Omarosa Manigault Newman has alleged she has heard Trump on …

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Omarosa Claims Trump Knew About Hacked Clinton Emails In Advance, Says Mueller Has Interviewed Her

The New York Daily News reports: Ousted White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman claimed Tuesday that President Trump was well aware that emails stolen from his rival’s campaign were going to be released to the public during the 2016 campaign. “Absolutely,” Manigault Newman stated matter-of-factly when asked by MSNBC’s Katie Tur if Trump knew about the release before it happened. …

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Trump Calls Omarosa A “Crazed, Crying Lowlife Dog”

The Hill reports: President Trump early Tuesday morning fired back at former adviser Omarosa Manigault Newman for a string of claims she has made ahead of the release of her tell-all book “Unhinged: An Insider’s Account of the Trump White House.” In her book, Manigault Newman makes a number of damaging claims against the president, including that she heard Trump …

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Omarosa Releases Tape Of Trump Aides Discussing How To “Spin” Fallout From Trump Saying N-Word [VIDEO]

CBS News reports: President Trump says former White House staffer Omarosa Manigault-Newman lied when she called him a racist who has said the N-word on tape. The president tweeted Monday night, “I don’t have that word in my vocabulary and never have. She made it up.” But a new recording, obtained by CBS News overnight, seems to back up Omarosa’s …

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Trump Tried To Ban Aides From Writing Tell-All Books

Politico reports: Long before Omarosa Manigault Newman lodged explosive claims against her former boss, President Donald Trump’s White House foresaw the potential problems with ex-staffers’ tell-all books. Embedded in the White House’s two-page non-disclosure agreement was a seemingly innocuous clause that prohibited top aides from disclosing confidential information in any form including books, without the express permission of the president, …

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Trump Denies Existence Of N-Word Tapes: Fake News!

Yahoo News reports: President Donald Trump fired back at claims of racism made by former aide Omarosa Manigault Newman late Monday, saying no tape exists of him using the N-word and referring to himself as a “true champion of civil rights.” Trump blasted Manigault, who served as Director of Communications for the Office of Public Liaison until her firing in …

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Trump Pretends To Beg Cuomo To Run Against Him Because “Anybody That Runs Against Trump Suffers”

“You better be careful because they want to end your Second Amendment, they are putting a big move on it. And Cuomo wants to end your Second Amendment more than anything. Cuomo wants to take away your Second Amendment. Now he called me and said ‘I will never run for president against you.’ But maybe he wants to. Oh please …

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Republicans Have Spent Millions At Trump Properties

McClatchy reports: At least 125 Republican campaigns and conservative political groups spent more than $3.5 million at President Donald Trump’s resorts, hotels and restaurants since January 2017, the month he was sworn in, according to an analysis by McClatchy. The money paid for catering for a fundraiser at the Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Fla. , a night’s stay at …

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Glorious Leader: Sorry Not Sorry I’m Not Presidential

NPR reports: President Trump just gave Omarosa Manigault Newman the gift of another news cycle. Trump tweeted a scathing criticism of his former top-level aide just as her book-promoting media tour was gaining steam, all but guaranteeing the kind of made-for-cable feud that made them both reality TV stars and ultimately brought them to the White House. Given this assessment, …

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Trump Condemns “Racism” Ahead Of DC Nazi Rally

The Hill reports: President Trump on Saturday tweeted that he condemns “all types of racism and acts of violence” ahead of the one-year anniversary of the deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Va. Trump has been under intense pressure to condemn last year’s violence and speak out against white supremacists organizing an anniversary rally set to take place on …

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Glorious Leader Issues Daily Rant About FBI And Hillary

The Washington Examiner reports: President Trump questioned Saturday morning why the FBI had not provided conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch and others with text messages of former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, warning he “may have to get involved.” Andrew McCabe’s wife, Jill McCabe, accepted thousands of dollars in donations for a Virginia state Senate election in 2015 from a …

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Trump To Dine Tonight With Apple CEO Tim Cook

The Hill reports: President Trump will dine with Apple CEO Tim Cook on Friday, praising the tech leader in a tweet for making investments in the U.S. Trump announced late Friday that he would meet with the CEO, a dinner conversation that will take place just days after the president met with a number of business leaders representing various industries …

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