Donald Trump

The Boston Globe Calls On All Newspapers: Denounce Trump’s “Dirty War” On The Free Press On August 16th

The Associated Press reports: A Boston newspaper is calling for a coordinated editorial response to President Donald Trump’s frequent attacks on the news media. The Boston Globe has appealed to newspapers across the U.S. to publish editorials on Aug. 16 denouncing what it calls a “dirty war against the free press.” The Globe says it’s appealing to editorial boards to …

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ABC News Surfaces 2013 Clip In Which Trump Lavishes Praise On “Amazing” Jeff Bezos And WaPo [VIDEO]

ABC News this afternoon posted a previously unaired clip from a 2013 interview with Glorious Leader in which he lavished praise on the Washington Post and its then-brand new owner, Jeff Bezos. The transcript: ABC NEWS: “Jeff Bezos just bought the Washington Post. Good move?” DONALD TRUMP: “I think it’s great move for him. I think it’s great for the …

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Omarosa: Lara Trump Offered Me $180K Job With Campaign In Exchange For Silence About Dear Leader

The Washington Post reports: Omarosa Manigault Newman was offered a $15,000-a-month contract from President Trump’s campaign to stay silent after being fired from her job as a White House aide by Chief of Staff John F. Kelly last December, according to a forthcoming book by Manigault Newman and people familiar with the proposal. But she refused, according to the incendiary …

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Russia Mocks Trump’s Call For Space Force Logo

Politico reports: The Russian Embassy in the United States early Friday morning seemingly mocked President Donald Trump’s campaign for a logo for the administration’s newly announced “Space Force.” Using Trump’s favorite mode of communicating, the embassy tweeted “Good Morning, Space Forces!” along with a graphic of a rocket being launched and features the Russian flag. The tweet also links to …

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POLL: More Americans Believe Stormy Than Trump

The Hill reports: Americans say they believe adult film star Stormy Daniels more than they believe President Trump, according to a new poll. The Economist/YouGov survey released Thursday found that 34 percent of respondents said they believe Daniels, compared to 30 percent who said they believe Trump. Thirty percent said they don’t believe either one, and 6 percent said both …

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Trump Predictably Rages About Renewed NFL Protests

We all knew Glorious Leader could not resist: President Donald Trump weighed in on NFL anthem protests as a number of players knelt, raised their fists or stayed in the dressing room during the national anthem as the league’s pre-season gets underway. Trump’s claim that players are “unable to define” what they are protesting is a solid demonstration of his …

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Roger Stone: I’ll Never Testify Against Trump [VIDEO]

“He has yet to prove actual Russian collusion between the Trump campaign or Trump associates or Trump family members with the Russian state. We’ve talked about that before. I know of no evidence of it. I don’t think Mr. Mueller has proven that case yet. But I’m also mindful of any prosecutor’s ability to squeeze underlings to get them to …

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Omarosa Secretly Recorded Trump At White House

The Daily Beast reports: Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s former personal attorney and fixer, isn’t the only one with secretly recorded audio of the president. Multiple sources with direct knowledge of the situation tell The Daily Beast that Omarosa Manigault-Newman, the infamous former Apprentice star who followed Trump to the White House, secretly recorded conversations with the president — conversations she …

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Glorious Leader Conveniently Forgets About Roy Moore

The Washington Examiner reports: President Trump predicted Wednesday that the congressional candidates he campaigns for and endorses will keeping winning, most of the time. Trump campaigned for Republican House candidate Troy Balderson in Ohio ahead of Tuesday’s special election, and credited his turnaround to the rally he held for the newcomer. He also took another jab at the “fake news” …

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POLL: Majority Say Race Relations Have Worsened

Politico reports: One year after President Donald Trump said there were “some very fine people on both sides” of violent protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, a majority of voters in a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll say race relations have gotten worse since Trump became president. According to the poll, 55 percent of voters say race relations have worsened under Trump, compared …

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SOUTH CAROLINA: Tariffs To Shutter Television Plant

CNBC reports: A South Carolina television maker says it’s laying off 126 workers because of President Donald Trump’s tariffs on imports from China. Element TV Company said in a letter to state employment officials Monday that workers will be let go Oct. 5, leaving a skeleton crew of eight employees to watch the Fairfield County plant in hopes it can …

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POLL: 43% Of Republicans Say Trump Should Have The Power To Shut Down Media Outlets For “Bad Behavior”

The Daily Beast reports: Freedom of the press may be guaranteed in the Constitution. But a plurality of Republicans want to give President Trump the authority to close down certain news outlets, according to a new public opinion survey conducted by Ipsos and provided exclusively to The Daily Beast. All told, 43 percent of self-identified Republicans said that they believed …

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Regretful Trump Voters Battle Diehard Supporters In Wild CNN Focus Group After One Apologizes For Vote

Mediaite reports: CNN’s Alisyn Camerota moderated a Donald Trump voter focus group on Tuesday, and the discussion became a free-for-all when the president’s supporters sparred with those who have come to regret backing him in 2016. The panel was an even split of backers and critics, and Arthur Schaper started things off by lauding Trump’s performance in office so far. …

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Don Lemon Hits Back: Trump Is A Racist Bully [VIDEO]

“Let me not mince words here. This president traffics in racism and is fueled by bullying. President Trump is trying a divide-and-conquer strategy here and here’s how it goes. He divides by race and tries to conquer decency by smearing and besmirching the truth and the people who fight to uphold it. Referring to African-Americans as dumb is one of …

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LIVE VIDEO: Broadway Protests Outside White House

The Associated Press reports: Rosie O’Donnell and cast members from some of Broadway’s biggest musicals plan to serenade President Donald Trump on Monday — but from outside the White House in protest. The group will sing “The People’s Song” from “Les Miserables,” Burt Bacharach’s “What the World Needs Now Is Love,” ″A Brand New Day” from “The Wiz” and “Climb …

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Rick Gates Flips On Manafort: We Committed Crimes

CNN reports: Rick Gates, the key prosecution witness in the tax and fraud trial of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, told jurors Monday he had committed crimes alongside — and at the direction of — his former partner. Gates stated he and Manafort had 15 foreign accounts they did not report to the federal government, and knew it was …

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REPORT: Trump Likes To Watch Videos Of His Rallies To “Luxuriate In The Moments Of His Evident Brilliance”

Axios reports: Like an NFL coach reviewing game film, Trump likes to watch replays of his debate and rally performances. But instead of looking for weaknesses in technique or for places to improve, Trump luxuriates in the moments he believes are evidence of his brilliance. Trump commentates as he watches, according to sources who’ve sat with him and viewed replays …

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Rove Begs Trump To “Tone Down” Anti-Press Rhetoric: “Enemy Of The People” Was Also Used By Josef Stalin

“I think this is over the top. Every president has problems with the media. I was in the White House for seven years, I didn’t like the coverage they gave George W. Bush, particularly the liberal New York Times. But look, the ferocity of these generalized slurs if you will, against the press and the frequency of them is disturbing …

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Glorious Leader: Hillary “100% Colluded” With Russia

The Week reports: Not that collusion is a crime, but if anyone is guilty of it, President Trump faults Hillary Clinton. “Hillary Clinton and her team 100% colluded with the Russians,” Trump tweeted on Monday, quoting Fox & Friends commentator Dan Bongino. Trump additionally boosted allegations against Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), who Bongino accused of trying to gather compromising information …

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Trump Blames Wildfires On Environmental Laws

Newsweek reports: President Donald Trump has blamed environmental laws for the California wildfires raging through the state. In a tweet on Sunday, the president said the laws were not allowing water to be properly used—suggesting that was the reason behind the devastating fires that have scorched more than 290,000 acres (117,300 hectares) of land and left at least seven people …

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