Donald Trump

C-SPAN Caller Threatens To Kill CNN’s Don Lemon And Brian Stelter: If I See Them, I’m Going To Shoot Them

The Contemptor reports: At the end of his broadcast Sunday, Reliable Sources host Brian Stelter pointed out that threats against reporters are on the rise before noting that a C-SPAN caller on Friday threatened to shoot him and CNN anchor Don Lemon. Stelter went on to play the clip, which featured a man supporting the president’s criticism of the media …

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Trump Admits Collusion At Trump Tower Meeting

Mediaite reports: President Donald Trump blasted out a tweet Sunday morning — amongst many — declaring that a report he’s worried his son Don Jr. could be in legal trouble is a “complete fabrication.” But he also described the infamous meeting at Trump Tower as a “meeting to get information on an opponent.” That’s interesting, because Don Jr.’s initial statement …

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Trump Escalates Attack On Press: They Can Cause War

The Hill reports: President Trump on Sunday dug ratcheted up his attacks on the news media as the “enemy of the people,” saying they “can also cause war.” He accused journalists in an early morning tweet of “purposely” causing “division and distrust” in the country. Trump has feuded with the media continuously throughout his presidency, labeling negative coverage “fake news.” …

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Melania Defends LeBron James After Trump’s Attack

The Associated Press reports: A spokeswoman for Melania Trump says that LeBron James is “working to do good things” and that the first lady would be willing to visit the new school he opened in Ohio. The statement from Stephanie Grisham on Saturday came hours after a late-night tweet from President Donald Trump in which he derided James’ intelligence, saying …

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Trump Attacks LeBron James And “Dumb” Don Lemon

Glorious Leader was watching “fake news” CNN at midnight: President Trump targeted LeBron James on Friday night in a tweet that takes a swipe at the NBA player and calls CNN host Don Lemon “the dumbest man on television.” In the CNN interview, James criticized Trump for using sports to “kind of trying to divide us.” CNN noted that although …

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Rosie O’Donnell And Broadway Performers To Serenade Trump From Outside The White House On Monday

The New York Post reports: Rosie O’Donnell and cast members from some of Broadway‘s biggest musicals plan to serenade President Donald Trump on Monday — but from outside the White House in protest. The group will sing “Do You Hear The People Sing” from “Les Miserables,” Burt Bacharach’s “What the World Needs Now Is Love,” ”A Brand New Day” from …

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Trump Mocks “Russian Hoax” Hours After His National Security Advisors Warned Interference Is Continuing

CNN reports: President Donald Trump on Thursday defended his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin last month and decried the “Russian hoax,” speaking at a rally just hours removed from his top national security officials decrying Russian attempts to influence US elections. During the rally in Pennsylvania on Thursday, Trump did not mention allegations of interference or attacks on the …

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Glorious Leader: Only Most Of The Media Is The Enemy

CNN reports: Ivanka Trump said Thursday she does not believe the press is the enemy of the American people, putting her at odds with a view repeatedly expressed by her father, President Donald Trump, and his White House, which declined to take a stand on the issue hours later. Asked at an Axios event at the Newseum in Washington if …

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Junior: Democrats Are “Heavily Aligned” With Nazism

“I’ve been hearing the left talking about these things — fascism, Nazism on the right — and when you look at the actual history and how these things evolved, and you actually look at that platform versus the platform of the modern left, you say ‘Wait a minute, those two are very heavily aligned.’ You see the Nazi platform from …

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Trump Calls Into Rush Limbaugh Show: Shutting Down The Government Would Be A “Great Campaign Issue”

Breitbart reports: President Donald Trump surprised talk radio host Rush Limbaugh by calling him on the air to congratulate him on the 30th anniversary of his show. “You’re a very special man, Rush, and you have people that love you. I’m one of them,” Trump said. “What you do for this country, people have no idea how important your voice …

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Court Rules Against Trump On Sanctuary City Funding

The Los Angeles Times reports: A federal appeals court decided 2-1 Wednesday that the Trump administration may not withhold federal funds from immigrant-friendly “sanctuary” cities and counties. The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a district judge’s ruling in favor of San Francisco and Santa Clara County, which sued over the administration’s threats to withhold money to jurisdictions that …

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Trump Tweets Clip Of Fans Abusing CNN’s Jim Acosta

The Washington Post reports: President Trump on Tuesday night used his Twitter account to promote a video of his supporters at a Florida campaign rally chanting “CNN sucks!” The action was Trump’s latest display of animus toward the network, which he has repeatedly called “fake news” and refused to field questions from its reporters at news conferences. Eric Trump, one …

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Rocket Docket: Jury Already Seated In Manafort Trial

Courthouse News reports: A jury has been seated in the trial of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort on tax evasion and bank fraud charges. A jury of six men and six women has been sworn in for the trial, and four alternate jurors, three women and one man, have also been selected. Opening arguments will begin later Tuesday afternoon. …

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Trump Again Vows Shutdown Over Border Wall Funding: “I Don’t Care What The Political Ramifications Are”

The Washington Post reports: President Trump on Tuesday revived his threat of a government shutdown over the issues of immigration and border security, creating yet another headache for Republican leaders on Capitol Hill who have been marching forward with plans to avert a funding crisis before the November midterms. The threat came one day after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell …

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VIRGINIA: First Federal Trial Begins For Paul Manafort

The Associated Press reports: Two questions loom large as Paul Manafort prepares to walk into a federal courtroom Tuesday: Will Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman spend what effectively could be the rest of his life in prison? Or will special counsel Robert Mueller be handed a defeat in his team’s first trial since his appointment more than a year ago? …

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Trump Trashes “Globalist Total Joke” Koch Brothers

ABC News reports: President Donald Trump is calling the conservative Koch brothers “a total joke in real Republican circles.” His comment follows an announcement that the political network created by billionaire industrialists Charles and David Koch would not help the Republican candidate in North Dakota’s Senate race. The group has warned that the GOP is not doing enough to contain …

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Mueller Docs: Paul Manafort Was Paid $60M By Ukraine

Bloomberg reports: Paul Manafort, President Donald Trump’s onetime campaign chairman, earned more than $60 million as a political consultant in Ukraine, U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller said on the eve of his criminal trial, providing the first tally of Manafort’s income there. Prosecutors intend to prove that Manafort made that much and “failed to report a significant percentage of it …

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NYT Publisher: Trump Boasted About Popularizing “Fake News” Phrase, Cited Countries That Suppress Media

Yesterday afternoon Trump tweeted about a previously off-the-record meeting with New York Times publisher A.G. Sulzberger, prompting Sulzberger to issue a statement discounting Trump’s account of the meeting. That, of course, sent Glorious Leader into a raging tweetstorm in which he accused the nation’s newspapers of being “unpatriotic.” Today, we have a follow-up. The New York Times reports: In a …

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NYT Publisher Rejects Trump’s Account Of Meeting: I Told Him His “Enemy” Language Endangers Journalists

Just in from New York Times publisher A.G. Sulzberger: My main purpose for accepting the meeting was to raise concerns about the president’s deeply troubling anti-press rhetoric. I told the president directly that I thought that his language was not just divisive but increasingly dangerous. I told him that although the phrase “fake news” is untrue and harmful, I am …

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SCOTLAND: Trump Course Destroyed Protected Dunes

ABC News reports: Documents show that U.S. President Donald Trump’s family business has “destroyed the vast majority” of an environmentally sensitive area of sand dunes near its golf course north of Aberdeen in Scotland. Scottish Natural Heritage, which is responsible for the management and monitoring of sites of special scientific interest, has found that construction of the golf course has …

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