Donald Trump

Trump Threatens Shutdown Over Border Wall Funding

NBC News reports: President Donald Trump on Sunday threatened a federal government shutdown if Congressional Democrats would not back immigration reform, including a border wall. In a series of early morning posts on Twitter, the president lambasted Congress over immigration reform. He then threatened to shut down the government if Congress didn’t move U.S. laws “based on MERIT!” Amid searing …

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White House Hails Trump For United “Sates” Economy

In a tweet that was posted three hours ago and has not been removed at this writing, the White House hailed the booming economy given to the United “Sates” by Glorious Leader. Embarrassing misspellings, aside, here’s some fact-checking from the Associated Press: The U.S. economy just entered its 10th year of growth, a recovery that began under President Barack Obama, …

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Trump Threatens “Shadow Ban” Probe Of Twitter

Bloomberg reports: Twitter stock extended losses, declining 4 percent in pre-market trading as U.S. President Donald Trump criticized the social network for “shadow banning” Republicans. Trump’s tweet came the morning after a Vice News report that said Twitter was limiting the visibility of prominent Republicans in search results. The report said Republican Party chair Ronna McDaniel, as well as some …

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John Bolton: We Won’t Meet With Vladimir Putin Again Until Mueller’s “Russia Witch Hunt” Is Finally Over

NBC News reports: President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, John Bolton, said Wednesday that any meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin would be put off until 2019 because of special counsel Robert Mueller’s “witch hunt.” “The President believes that the next bilateral meeting with President Putin should take place after the Russia witch hunt is over, so we’ve agreed that …

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White House Edits Official Video To Remove Question About Whether Putin Wanted Trump To Win [VIDEO]

The Atlantic reports: It was perhaps the most explosive exchange in an incendiary press conference: Russian President Vladimir Putin appearing to frankly admit to a motive for, and maybe even to the act of, meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, despite repeatedly denying Russian interference in American politics during the rest of his appearance with Donald Trump in Finland …

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Sean Spicer’s Book: Trump’s Pro-LGBT Message At 2016 Convention Was Paul Manafort’s Plot To Silence Critics

People Magazine reports: When Donald Trump promised at the 2016 Republican National Convention to “do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens,” it was heralded as an unprecedented declaration by a GOP presidential nominee — and a sign of hope that Trump would prove more moderate in his gay-rights policies than his party platform. Two years and multiple …

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Kremlin Snubs Trump’s Invite For Washington Summit

Reuters reports: The Kremlin was reticent on Tuesday about whether it would accept an invitation from U.S. President Donald Trump to hold a summit with Vladimir Putin in Washington later this year, saying only that the two men had other chances to meet as well. The Kremlin’s failure to swiftly accept Trump’s invitation for a Washington summit has been noticeable. …

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POLL: 51% Of Voters Believe Putin Has Dirt On Trump

Just in from Quinnipiac Polling: American voters believe 51 – 35 percent “that the Russian government has compromising information about President Trump,” according to a Quinnipiac University National Poll released today. Republicans don’t believe 70 – 18 percent there is compromising information, the only listed party, gender, education, age or racial group which does not believe it, the poll finds. …

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Trump Plans $12 Billion Bailout To Farmers Because Of Tariffs Imposed On Their Goods By His Own Trade War

CNBC reports: The Trump administration plans to offer billions of dollars in aid to farmers hit by tariffs on their goods, an emergency bailout intended to ease the pain caused by Trump’s escalating trade war in key electoral states, people briefed on the plan told CNBC. The total aid amount is reportedly about $12 billion. A senior administration official told …

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Ryan: Trump’s Security Clearance Threat Is Just Trolling

NBC News reports: Speaker Paul Ryan said Tuesday that he thinks President Trump is “trolling” people with his threat to revoke the security clearances from former top national security officials who have criticized him and his policies. “I think he’s trolling people, honestly,” the Wisconsin Republican said, chuckling slightly, when NBC News’ Kasie Hunt asked if Trump’s threat is dangerous. …

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Trump Seeks To Yank Security Clearance Of His Critics

The Washington Post reports: Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said that he plans to meet with President Trump on Monday and ask him to revoke the security clearance of former CIA director John Brennan, who has been a harsh critic of Trump on Russia and other issues. Brennan, who served under President Barack Obama, last week used the word “treasonous” to …

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Judge Grants Immunity To Five Manafort Witnesses

Talking Points Memo reports: With the criminal trial of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort just two days away, the judge in the case ordered the testimony of five witnesses granted immunity by special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team. U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis at a hearing Monday morning said he would unseal the documents that would reveal the identities of …

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CNN Host: Trump’s Threat Against Iran Is A “Wag The Dog” Move To Distract From Putin Summit [VIDEO]

Mediaite reports: As CNN’s New Day covered President Donald Trump‘s explosive late-night tweet threatening Iran, the morning show concluded: this is a means to distract from his terrible week. New Day co-host Alisyn Camerota pointed out that Trump predicted multiple times during the Obama presidency that the former president would attack Iran to help him politically. “Is this a distraction …

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GOP Rep. Trey Gowdy: Trump’s Advisors Should Quit If They Can’t Convince Him Russia Is Our Enemy [VIDEO]

Politico reports: House Oversight Chairman Trey Gowdy chastised Donald Trump for inviting Russian President Vladimir Putin to Washington, saying Sunday that some members of the president’s administration should consider quitting if Trump won’t listen to their advice. “The fact that we have to talk to you about Syria or other matters is very different from issuing an invitation,” Gowdy said …

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Glorious Leader Again Attacks Protesting NFL Players

After a week of the most relentlessly negative press since he declined to denounce Nazis, Glorious Leader this afternoon tried to throw a lifeline to himself and his base with yet another attack on black NFL players, who he now says should be suspended for the season without pay if they dare to protest against police brutality during the national …

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NEW JERSEY: Woman Launches GoFundMe For Bail Should She Succeed In Destroying Trump Baby Blimp

The Asbury Park Press reports: Thousands have been raised to bring the viral sensation President Donald Trump baby balloon to New Jersey, but one Ocean County woman launched her own short-lived campaign to take it down — literally. Kathie Kitt Conklin started a GoFundMe page Thursday that stated her intention to pop the Trump baby balloon, and asked for donations …

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National Intelligence Director Shocked To Hear Trump Just Invited Vladimir Putin To White House [VIDEO]

The New York Times reports: President Trump plans to invite President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia to Washington for another meeting in the fall, officials said Thursday, even as Mr. Trump’s top advisers groped for details of what the two leaders discussed in their last meeting in Helsinki, Finland. Mr. Trump’s director of national intelligence, Dan Coats, acknowledged frustration at …

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As Senate Prepares To Formally Rebuke Trump, White House Reverses On Handing Over Americans To Putin

Politico reports: The White House backed away on Thursday from President Donald Trump’s prior openness to a Russian government request to interrogate Americans, including former U.S. ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul and financier Bill Browder — a proposal that had sparked widespread outrage. Trump called the idea an “incredible offer” during the news conference on Monday.A nd on Wednesday, White …

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Hillary Clinton: “Deeply Troubling” That White House Is Considering Handing Over US Ambassador To Putin

The Hill reports: Hillary Clinton on Thursday condemned the Trump administration for considering Russian President Vladimir Putin’s offer to allow U.S. law enforcement to observe questioning of indicted Russians in exchange for allowing Russian authorities to question American citizens. Clinton joined a growing chorus of Democrats, Republicans and former diplomats who have expressed concerns with the White House’s decision to …

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18-Piece Mariachi Band Plays At WH Protest [VIDEO]

The Hill reports: A former adviser to Hillary Clinton hired a Mariachi band to play outside of the White House in an effort to disrupt President Trump’s sleep on Wednesday night. Adam Parkhomenko organized the performance as part of a multi-day protest over Trump’s summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Hundreds of people came to “welcome” Trump back from Helsinki …

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