Donald Trump

Kremlin Hails “Important Verbal Agreements” Made With Trump At Summit, Pentagon Seemingly Clueless

The Washington Post reports: Two days after President Trump’s summit with Russian President Vladi­mir Putin, Russian officials offered a string of assertions about what the two leaders had achieved. “Important verbal agreements” were reached at the Helsinki meeting, Russia’s ambassador to the United States, Anatoly Antonov, told reporters in Moscow Wednesday, including preservation of the New Start and INF agreements, …

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Trump Has Always Known Putin Ordered Hacking

A late night bombshell from the New York Times: Two weeks before his inauguration, Donald J. Trump was shown highly classified intelligence indicating that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia had personally ordered complex cyberattacks to sway the 2016 American election. The evidence included texts and emails from Russian military officers and information gleaned from a top-secret source close to …

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Trump’s Military Parade Estimated To Cost $12 Million

CNN reports: President Donald Trump’s military parade in DC is likely to cost nearly as much as the now canceled military exercise with South Korea that Trump called “tremendously expensive” and said cost “a fortune,” three US defense officials tell CNN. The parade, which is now scheduled to take place on November 10, is currently estimated to cost approximately $12 …

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Contrary To His Own Director Of National Intelligence, Trump Claims Russia Is No Longer Targeting America

The Washington Post reports: President Trump, who has been under fire for not aggressively confronting Russian President Vladimir Putin over election interference, said Russia is no longer targeting the United States. “Thank you very much, no,” Trump said in response to a question about whether Russia is still targeting the United States. Last week, Director of National Intelligence Daniel Coats …

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Trump Blows Off Intel Briefing For Second Straight Day

Roll Call reports: For the second consecutive day since he broke with America’s spy agencies over Russia’s election meddling, President Donald Trump on Wednesday will not get an intelligence briefing. The daily presidential guidance email sent out each evening by the White House initially featured only one item, an 11:30 a.m. Cabinet meeting. Trump’s public schedule typically begins with a …

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Most GOP Pols Privately Say Trump Is Un-American But Won’t Call Him Out Because They Fear His Rabid Fans

Axios reports: Yes, almost every elected Republican we talk to privately thinks President Trump’s warm embrace of Vladimir Putin was unexplainable, unacceptable and un-American. Yes, they wish they could say this publicly. No, they won’t — not now, and probably never. The cold, hard reason: They see no upside in speaking out — and fear political suicide if they do, …

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Trump Questions NATO Mutual Defense Treaty: Why Should We Protect “Tiny And Aggressive” Montenegro?

NBC News reports: In the 12 short years since Montenegro regained its independence, the European country has joined NATO, boosted its defense spending, and according to official figures contributes more troops per capita to the war in Afghanistan than the United States. Yet this U.S. ally — smaller than Connecticut and about as populous as Baltimore — found itself in …

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Trump: My Critics Have Trump Derangement Syndrome

The Metro reports: Donald Trump has accused critics who condemned his disastrous meeting with Vladimir Putin of having ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome.’ The president went on the defensive less than 24 hours after he was forced into the most humiliating climbdown since he took office over the Putin summit. Trump claimed he had accidentally misspoken when saying he believed Putin’s denial …

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Queen Wore Brooch From Obamas To Greet Trump

The Hill reports: Queen Elizabeth wore a brooch given to her by former President Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama on the day President Trump landed in the U.K., according to multiple reports. The Obamas gave the vintage brooch to the Queen during a 2011 visit. The 14-karat yellow gold piece of jewelry is also known as the American …

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REPORT: Trump Skipped Today’s Post-Summit Briefing To Watch Cable News And Send Tweets [VIDEO]

Raw Story reports: “Katy, you asked if [Trump] had consumed the media coverage,” NBC News Pentagon correspondent Hans Nichols said. “He did not make his way to the West Wing until well after noon today, that gave him plenty of time to digest the media and perhaps watch a little cable TV. “And what’s interesting is that he had an …

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LIVE VIDEO: Trump Comments On Helsinki Summit

According to the White House, Glorious Leader will deliver comments about the Helsinki summit at 2PM. If his earlier “fake news” screech is any indication, there will be no backtracking or apology. Instead, expect to hear about Hillary Clinton, witch hunts, 13 angry Democrats, missing servers, and how everybody in the world who doesn’t love him is a total loser. …

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Trump To Dodge First Pitch Duties At All-Star Game

The Associated Press reports: During every previous All-Star Game in Washington, the president was part of the story. That might not be the case this year. Trump’s anticipated absence Tuesday night would allow Nationals Park to perform its usual role for elected officials and other political figures: as a bipartisan oasis where differences are set aside while everyone frets about …

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WSJ Editors Savage Trump’s “National Embarrassment”

From the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal: Details from the private Trump-Putin talks in Helsinki will spill out in coming days, but Monday’s joint press conference was a personal and national embarrassment. On stage with the dictator whose election meddling has done so much harm to his Presidency, Mr. Trump couldn’t even bring himself to say he believed …

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Former CIA Director John Brennan: Treasonous Trump Is Giving Aid And Comfort To The Enemy [VIDEO]

“What Mr. Trump did yesterday was to betray the women and men of the FBI, the CIA, the NSA and others and to betray the American public. And that’s why I use the term that this was nothing short of treasonous. Because it is a betrayal of the nation. He’s giving aid and comfort to the enemy. It needs to …

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Maddow: Prepare For The Worst Case Scenario [VIDEO]

“There is no reason for any of those [Trump campaign connections to Russia]. Unless you were willing to believe the worst. And who wants to believe the worst? You don’t want to think too hard about the worst-case scenario. If the worst case is true. For everything that we’ve been through as a country, for every kind of trial and …

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Jimmy Kimmel: We Now Know Beyond A Treasonable Doubt That Putin Has Incriminating Video Of Trump

“Well, I guess that settles it. There you go. If you’re wondering whether or not Vladimir Putin has an incriminating video of Donald Trump, we now know beyond a treasonable doubt he does. This wasn’t a good day for Donald Trump. We haven’t seen an American so owned by a Russian since Rocky IV. Putin’s just having fun with this …

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Protesters Chant “Traitor” Outside White House [VIDEO]

The Hill reports: Protesters greeted President Trump as he returned from his summit with Russia’s Vladimir Putin in Helsinki on Monday, with dozens gathering outside the White House and yelling “traitor” late into the night. The impromptu protest, dubbed #OccupyLafayettePark, came after Trump’s controversial press conference with Putin. During the joint presser, Trump refused to denounce Russia’s 2016 election meddling …

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New York Daily News: Trump Is Vladimir Putin’s Poodle

From the New York Daily News editorial board: Before the entire world Monday, the self-styled tough-guy, America-First President revealed himself to be Russian President Vladimir Putin’s poodle. Putin flatly denied what every U.S. intelligence agency has concluded, what new indictments by Special Counsel Robert Mueller now underline: That agents of the GRU, the intelligence agency Putin used to work for …

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Putin Trolls #PissGate At Presser With Trump [VIDEO]

Buzzfeed News reports: Following a one-on-one meeting between President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin Monday, Putin did not explicitly deny that his government had collected compromising material on the US president. “I did heard these rumors that these allegedly collected compromising material on Mr. Trump when he was visiting Moscow,” Putin said, when asked. “Distinguished colleague, let me …

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Randy Rainbow: A Very Stable Genius [VIDEO]

YouTube star Randy Rainbow is back today with another hilarious rip on Glorious Leader, this time set to Gilbert and Sullivan’s classic patter song, I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General, from their 1879 opera, The Pirates Of Penzance. As always I won’t give away any of the jokes, but you’ll definitely enjoy Randy’s inventive rhymes.

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