Donald Trump

Trump: Putin Could Give Me The City Of Moscow And “Enemy Of The People” Media Would Still Criticize Me

The Hill reports: President Trump on Sunday asserted that the “much” of the media is the “enemy of the people” and blamed Democrats for division in the country as he prepared to head to Finland for a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. In a series of tweets sent while he was aboard Air Force One, Trump vented that he …

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Trump On Asking Putin To Extradite Russians Charged With Hacking Dems: I Hadn’t Thought Of That [VIDEO]

The Washington Post reports: President Trump said in a new interview airing Sunday that he hadn’t thought of pressing Russian President Vladimir Putin on extraditing the dozen Russian officials charged with hacking Democratic emails, while continuing to blame Democrats for the stolen emails that upended the 2016 presidential campaign. “Well, I might,” Trump said when asked during an interview with …

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Princes Harry And William Refused To Meet Trump

Britain’s Sunday Times reports: Prince Charles and Prince William were unwilling to meet Donald Trump on his visit to Britain, leaving the Queen to greet the US president alone. The first two in line to the throne let it be known during informal discussions about the arrangements for the president’s four-day trip that they did not want to take part. …

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British Tabloids Savage Trump’s Visit: Fake Schmooze

Mediaite reports: As President Donald Trump jetted off to Scotland, leaving behind his rollicking three day jaunt in England, British tabloids were prepping their Saturday papers. And their front covers didn’t hold back. The Sun — Rupert Murdoch‘s tabloid that snagged an exclusive interview with the U.S. president — decried his praise of U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May as a …

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Scottish Protesters Hurl Abuse As Trump Golfs [VIDEO]

The Hill reports: A group of protesters gathered at President Trump’s Turnberry golf resort in Scotland on Saturday, chanting at him as he played the course. “No Trump, no KKK, no racist USA,” the protesters could be heard chanting at Trump in a video posted by a BBC reporter. Trump has faced widespread protests during his trip to the United …

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SCOTLAND: Greenpeace Trolls Trump At Golf Resort

The Associated Press reports: Scottish police say they are trying to trace a paraglider who flew a Greenpeace protest banner over the golf resort that President Donald Trump is staying at. Detective Inspector Stephen McCulloch said the protester breached a no-fly zone over Turnberry hotel and committed a criminal offence. Greenpeace said the glider carried a banner reading “Trump: Well …

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Fox News Reporter Takes Heat From Fellow Journalists For Pressing On After Trump’s Attack On CNN’s Acosta

The Wrap reports: Fox News correspondent John Roberts came under fire on Friday after declining to come to the aid of his fellow reporter Jim Acosta after Trump lambasted the journalist and CNN as “fake news.” During his joint press conference with British Prime Minister Theresa May, Trump made it clear that he would not take any questions from his …

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BRITAIN: Trump Refuses To Take Question From “Fake News” CNN Reporter, Takes Question From Fox [VIDEO]

The Hill reports: President Trump on Friday at an international press conference lashed out at CNN, declaring that he would not take questions from the network. CNN correspondent Jim Acosta attempted to interject with a question during a press conference with Trump and British Prime Minister Theresa May. “Since you attacked CNN can I ask you a question?” Acosta said, …

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Scottish Newspaper: Donald Trump Is A Racist Liar

From today’s full-page editorial in The Scotsman: Donald Trump is a racist, a serial liar, and either a sex abuser or someone who falsely brags about being one in the apparent belief that this will impress other men in a metaphorical “locker room”. To take each of these charges in turn, when black American football players protested against police shootings …

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Glorious Leader Whines About Britain’s Baby Blimp

“When they put out blimps to make me feel unwelcome, no reason for me to go to London. I used to love London as a city – I haven’t been there in a long time. But when they make you feel unwelcome, why would I stay there? And when I say that I am talking about government because the people …

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Trump Wants Different Colors For New Air Force One

Axios reports: President Trump wants to update the paint job on the next version of Air Force One, ditching the iconic robin’s-egg blue (which he calls a “Jackie Kennedy color”) for a bolder, “more American” look. “He can do it,” said a source, when asked about whether Trump can make the change. But the change could cause friction with the …

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Trump Reminds NATO That He’s A “Very Stable Genius”

Mediaite reports: Donald Trump is reminding people he’s a “very stable genius.” No, seriously. The president held a surprise press conference in NATO today, during which he said Vladimir Putin is not an enemy again, shrugged off the upcoming protests against him in the United Kingdom, and claimed the summit “all came together at the end” now that America’s allies …

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Trump Threatens To Withdraw US From NATO

Politico reports: U.S. President Donald Trump threatened to break with NATO and conduct American security unilaterally — if allies do not immediately meet higher military spending targets, NATO officials and diplomats said. Trump warned of “grave consequences” if allies do not immediately meet higher spending targets, derailing a morning meeting of NATO leaders with the leaders of Georgia and Ukraine …

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Group Photo: NATO Leaders, Please Look To Your Left

Quartz reports: At today’s NATO summit in Brussels, the west’s gathered leaders turned their head in unison to watch a military flyover. But for a brief moment, US president Donald Trump’s attention drifted elsewhere. The resulting photo is an almost too perfect symbol for the tenor of the meeting. Ahead of his arrival, Trump had attacked the other members of …

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Trump Blows Up First NATO Meeting, Accuses Germany Of Being “Totally Controlled By Russia” [VIDEO]

USA Today reports: President Donald Trump unleashed his most remarkable broadside yet against a European ally on Wednesday, accusing Germany of being “totally controlled by Russia” and of not meeting its obligations to the NATO alliance. “Germany, as far I’m concerned, is captive to Russia,” Trump said. That extraordinary rhetoric represents Trump’s strongest attack to date on NATO allies – …

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Russian Mining Company Places Trump’s Seal Of Approval On Asbestos Pallets: Donald Is On Our Side!

The Guardian reports: Donald Trump’s environmental policies may have caused controversy in the US but the president’s stance has managed to get him a literal stamp of approval from a Russian mining company. Uralasbest, one of the world’s largest producers and sellers of asbestos, has taken to adorning pallets of its product with a seal of Trump’s face, along with …

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Trump To Hit China With $200B In Additional Tariffs

Bloomberg reports: President Donald Trump is preparing to release a list of an additional $200 billion in Chinese products to be hit with tariffs, according to two people familiar with the matter. The Trump administration on July 6 imposed 25 percent duties on $34 billion in Chinese imports, the first time the president has implemented tariffs directly on Beijing after …

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FLORIDA: Mar-A-Lago Seeks To Hire 78 Foreign Workers

The Washington Post reports: President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club has asked permission to hire 78 foreign workers to serve as cooks, waiters and housekeepers during this winter’s social season in Palm Beach, Fla., according to Labor Department data. The club — a for-profit business, which also serves as Trump’s weekend home and “Winter White House” — submitted applications to hire 21 …

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BRITAIN: US Embassy Warns Americans To “Exercise Caution And Keep A Low Profile” During Trump’s Visit

A “special alert” from the US embassy in London: Numerous demonstrations are being planned for July 12 to 14, 2018, surrounding the visit of the President of the United States to the United Kingdom. The majority of the demonstrations will be focused in central London on July 13, with other events planned for July 12 and 14. Several of the …

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Trump Commutes Sentences Of Extremist Ranchers

Oregon Live reports: President Donald Trump on Tuesday commuted the sentences of two eastern Oregon ranchers serving time in federal prison for setting fire to public land in a case that inflamed their supporters and gave rise to the armed takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. The decision will free Dwight Hammond Jr., 76, and son Steven Hammond, 49, …

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