Donald Trump

Trump Wants Academic Writing Of SCOTUS Candidates, But Won’t Read Them, Just Wants To Know They Exist

The Washington Post reports: Trump has told advisers he is looking for three overarching attributes in a replacement for Kennedy. First, one adviser said, Trump insists upon an “extraordinarily well qualified” nominee with a superlative résumé. The president is especially drawn to contenders with name-brand degrees, such as from Ivy League universities such as Harvard or Yale. He also wants …

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Trump: My Critics Had Better “Take It Easy” [VIDEO]

Yet another not so thinly-veiled threat: President Trump on Sunday blamed his opponents for the division in the country, warning that those who have spoken out against him should “take it easy.” Trump appeared on Fox News’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” where he was asked about recent incidents in which celebrities cursed him out and protesters demonstrated against members of his …

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Satellite Images Raise Alarms About NK Nukes

The Hill reports: Satellite images showing North Korea making substantial improvements to one of its nuclear research facilities are raising alarms that the regime has little interest in actually giving up its nuclear arsenal. Just two weeks after President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed a deal committing the U.S. to security guarantees in exchange for North …

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Trump Sides With Russia On Election Interference

The Hill reports: President Trump cited Russia’s denial of meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election in a tweet early Thursday, asking why former FBI Director James Comey did not examine the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) hacked email server. The DNC in April sued the Russian government, the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks, alleging that they conspired to aid Trump in …

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Today’s New York Daily News: We Are Fucked

The Huffington Post reports: The New York Daily News needed only three words for its Thursday cover focusing on Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement: “We Are F*#%’D.” The 81-year-old jurist announced Wednesday that he would be retiring at the end of July, after 30 years on the court. His departure gives President Donald Trump the opportunity to nominate a …

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Trump Performs MyPillow Promo At Rally [VIDEO]

Yahoo News reports: If you have ever suffered a bout of insomnia, chances are you’ve seen some bizarre infomercials. You may therefore be familiar with MyPillow and have found yourself wondering if the product is the answer to your sleep issues. The company, MyPillow, has at least one huge fan. At a rally in Fargo, N.D., on Wednesday, President Trump …

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Glorious Leader Screams Betrayal At Harley-Davidson

Business Insider reports: President Donald Trump renewed his attacks on motorcycle brand Harley-Davidson on Wednesday, laying into the company on Twitter. On Monday, Harley announced that it would shift some of its production outside of the US due to Trump’s trade fight with the European Union. Trump’s decision to impose a 25% tariff in steel imports to the US had …

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Trump Attacks “Hysterical” Media And Democrats In Celebrating “Tremendous Victory” Of Travel Ban Ruling

Just in from the White House: “Today’s Supreme Court ruling is a tremendous victory for the American People and the Constitution. The Supreme Court has upheld the clear authority of the President to defend the national security of the United States. In this era of worldwide terrorism and extremist movements bent on harming innocent civilians, we must properly vet those …

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SCOTUS Upholds Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban In 5-4 Vote

NBC News reports: The U.S. Supreme Court upheld President Donald Trump’s restriction on travel to the United States from a handful of Muslim countries on Tuesday, giving the White House its first high court victory on the merits of a Trump initiative. After a series of federal court rulings invalidated or scaled back earlier versions of the travel ban, Monday’s …

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Trump Continues Attack On Harley-Davidson

CNBC reports: President Donald Trump said Tuesday that Harley-Davidson will be “taxed like never before” if they move production overseas, and that the U.S. motorcycle company was using increased trade tensions as an excuse to justify planned changes in manufacturing. On Monday, Harley said it was moving some production overseas due to increased costs from the EU’s retaliatory tariffs against …

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Fallon: Trump Lied About Me Calling Him [VIDEO]

“As you may have heard, the President of the United States went after me on Twitter. So Melania, if you’re watching, I don’t think your anti-bullying campaign is working. He said I called and said, ‘Monster ratings.’ First of all, I’ve never called this human in my life. I don’t have his number, I don’t want his number. I’ve never …

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Trump Attacks Harley-Davidson Over Backfired Tariffs

Business Insider reports: President Donald Trump late Monday went after iconic American motorcycle company Harley-Davidson after the company announced it was moving some production out of the US. Harley announced Monday that due to the European Union’s new tariffs on US motorcycles — which came in retaliation for Trump’s steel and aluminum tariffs — the company was shifting some production …

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Trump Threatens “Low IQ” Rep. Maxine Waters

Glorious Leader just effectively invited his cultists to physically attack a member of Congress. President Trump on Monday responded to Rep. Maxine Waters’ (D-Calif.) call for supporters to confront administration officials in public, saying the congresswoman should be careful what she wishes for. Waters on Saturday called on supporters to confront Trump Cabinet officials in public spaces like restaurants and …

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BRITAIN: Massive Protests Planned For Trump’s Visit, Giant Inflatable Trump Baby May Float Over Parliament

NBC News reports: A 20-foot-tall inflatable orange baby with the face of President Donald Trump could float over Britain’s parliament next month, one of many acts of protest planned to coincide with Trump’s first visit to the U.K. since taking office. Tens of thousands of demonstrators are expected to march in London, Scotland and elsewhere during his trip, which takes …

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Trump Whines: Jimmy Fallon Really Messed Up My Hair

Politico reports: Late-night host Jimmy Fallon should “be a man,” President Donald Trump wrote on Twitter Sunday night, instead of “whimpering” over criticism that stems from the president’s now-infamous 2016 appearance on his show. The dig at Fallon, the host of NBC’s “Tonight Show,” stemmed from an interview the comedian sat for last week with The Hollywood Reporter in which …

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Heckler Yells “Mr. President, Fuck You!” At Trump

The Hill reports: A heckler hurled an expletive at President Trump as he arrived at the Capitol on Tuesday. “Mr. President, f— you,” the person can be heard yelling in a clip shared by NBC’s Frank Thorp V. The president’s entourage was reportedly en route to House Speaker Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis.) office in the Capitol when the heckler, who has …

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Trump: North Korea Is No Longer A Nuclear Threat

CNN reports: President Donald Trump declared Wednesday that the North Korean regime no longer poses a nuclear threat following his summit with Kim Jong Un, even though the meeting produced no verifiable proof that the rogue regime will discontinue its nuclear program. After nearly five hours of unprecedented talks between Trump and Kim on Tuesday, the two leaders signed a …

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Trump: Very Low IQ Robert De Niro Has Brain Damage

Glorious Leader is tweeting from his very long flight home from Singapore and has finally gotten around to his predicted attack on Robert De Niro, whom he accuses of being “punch drunk.” Here’s the definition for that: “Having cerebral concussion caused by repeated blows to the head and consequently exhibiting unsteadiness of gait, hand tremors, slow muscular movement, hesitant …

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Trump On Kim: We Have A Very Special Bond [VIDEO]

ABC News reports: North Korea will denuclearize, President Trump declared in an exclusive interview with ABC News chief anchor George Stephanopoulos just hours after intense and historic negotiations with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Stephanopoulos asked how Trump could trust the brutal dictator. “I do trust him, yeah,” Trump said. “Maybe in a year you’ll be interviewing and I’ll …

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SINGAPORE: Trump And Kim Arrive For Summit

The BBC reports: US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un have arrived in Singapore for their historic summit. Mr Trump flew in aboard Air Force One, a few hours after Mr Kim touched down with his entourage. Their meeting – the first between a leader from the North and a sitting US president – will take place …

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