Donald Trump

Obama On Rioting: Republicans Can Continue To “Stoke Raging Fires” Of Trumpism Or They Can Chose America

From former President Barack Obama: History will rightly remember today’s violence at the Capitol, incited by a sitting president who has continued to baselessly lie about the outcome of a lawful election, as a moment of great dishonor and shame for our nation. But we’d be kidding ourselves if we treated it as a total surprise. For two months now, …

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Advisors: Pence Won’t Interfere With Electoral Result

Reuters reports: Despite growing pressure from President Trump to help overturn his election loss, Vice President Mike Pence plans to stick to his ceremonial duties when presiding in Congress on Wednesday, advisers said. Pence plans to make clear in his statements that he backs the president but will stick to the constraints of his role, a former White House official …

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Scottish Leader To Trump: Don’t Even Try To Come Here

The Scotsman reports: Speaking at Tuesday’s daily coronavirus briefing, Ms Sturgeon said that she “has no idea what Donald Trump’s travel plans are” but that she hopes that the only immediate plans he has are to exit the White House. She went onto say in her answer: “We are not allowing people to come into Scotland, without any central purpose …

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Kinzinger Sorry For Backing Trump, May Leave GOP

Yahoo News reports: Describing President Trump’s phone call with Georgia’s top election official as “frightening,” an Illinois Republican congressman suggested that he now regrets his vote for the president and might even be open to a third party if his GOP colleagues continue to echo baseless conspiracy claims about a stolen election. In an interview with Yahoo News’ “Skullduggery” podcast, …

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Axios: Trump Is Torching The GOP On His Way Out

Axios lists some of the ways: He’s trying to burn down the party’s chances in Tuesday’s Georgia runoffs, raising doubts for Republican voters by tweeting yesterday that the state’s elections are “both illegal and invalid, and that would include the two current Senatorial Elections.” He’s trying to burn down Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp — who won on the back of …

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US Records New Daily High Of 3725 COVID Deaths

The Hill reports: The United States on Tuesday broke its record for the most number of coronavirus-related deaths in a single day with 3,725 reported, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. Tuesday surpassed the country’s previous single-day death toll high of 3,656 set on Dec. 16. As of Wednesday morning, the U.S. has now recorded a total of …

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Federal Judge Calls Trump A Criminal In AP Interview

The Associated Press reports: A federal judge in Iowa who has warned against political corruption is ridiculing President Donald Trump’s pardons, including those issued to convicted Republican campaign operatives and former members of Congress. “It’s not surprising that a criminal like Trump pardons other criminals,” senior U.S. District Judge Robert Pratt of the Southern District of Iowa told The Associated …

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CNN: Trump Screamed About Mar-A-Lago Renovations

CNN reports: His mood darkened as soon as he walked into his members-only club Mar-a-Lago, three days before Christmas, according to multiple sources. The changes to his private quarters, many of which were overseen by his wife, first lady Melania Trump, were not to President Donald Trump’s liking, and he was mad about it. Several weeks in the works, the …

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How Trump’s Filthy Mouth Coarsened Political News

Axios reports: President Trump’s brash communication style — combined with a societal shift towards streaming, where there are no regulatory restrictions on speech — has forced the entire media industry to present information in a more candid and less polished way. It’s no longer uncommon to hear cable anchors use foul language or for TV or radio personalities to make …

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GOP Senator: Trump Will Be Remembered For “Chaos And Misery, Erratic Behavior” If He Vetoes COVID Bill

The Hill reports: “You don’t get everything you want, even if you’re president of the United States,” GOP Sen. Pat Toomey said on “Fox News Sunday.” “I think the COVID relief measures are really, really important.” “In my state, as in many other states, we have governors who are closing down businesses again,” he added. Toomey called it a “hopeful …

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Biden Calls On Trump To Sign COVID Relief Bill: Your Abdication Of Duties Has “Devastating Consequences”

NBC News reports: President-elect Joe Biden called on President Donald Trump to sign the $2.3 trillion government funding and coronavirus relief package on Saturday, criticizing the outgoing president for holding up the aid at the last minute and letting critical services such as enhanced unemployment benefits expire. “It is the day after Christmas, and millions of families don’t know if …

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Trump Threatens McConnell: “I Will NEVER FORGET!”

Mediaite reports: President Donald Trump has been tweeting furiously this Christmas about his quest to overturn the 2020 election, even going so far as to threaten Republican leadership he sees as insufficiently helpful. While a number of Republicans have backed Trump’s baseless claim the election was stolen from him by Joe Biden, leadership has mostly ignored his charge. Senate Majority …

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Trump Trashes GOP Stimulus Bill, Dems Agree [VIDEO]

CNBC reports: President Donald Trump, in a stunning Tuesday night tweet, called the $900 billion Covid relief bill passed by Congress an unsuitable “disgrace” and urged lawmakers to make a number of changes to the measure, including bigger direct payments to individuals and families. The relief legislation passed by Congress on Monday was negotiated in part by a senior Trump …

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Mortality Data: 2020 Was Deadliest Year In US History

The Associated Press reports: This is the deadliest year in U.S. history, with deaths expected to top 3 million for the first time — due mainly to the coronavirus pandemic. Final mortality data for this year will not be available for months. But preliminary numbers suggest that the United States is on track to see more than 3.2 million deaths …

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Civil Rights Groups Accuse Trump Of Violating KKK Act

Law & Crime reports: Outgoing President Donald Trump’s post-election campaign of “intimidation and coercion of election officials and volunteers” targets Black voters in violation of the Ku Klux Klan Act of the early Jim Crow era, civil right groups claim in a new complaint. Joining a lawsuit originally brought by the Detroit-based Michigan Welfare Rights Organization last month, the NAACP …

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Trump Cites Lincoln Project, Questions Pence’s Loyalty

The New York Daily News reports: President Trump is reportedly questioning the loyalty of Vice President Mike Pence as the commander-in-chief pushes ever more extreme measures to overturn his election loss. After another round of White House scheming with right-wing allies, Trump is focused on the vice president’s largely ceremonial role of presiding over a Jan. 6 session of Congress …

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McConnell: Senate May Return To Override Trump Veto

The Hill reports: Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) announced early Tuesday morning that the Senate will return to Washington on Dec. 29 to respond to a potential veto from President Trump of a mammoth defense bill. McConnell, speaking from the Senate floor, said that he had struck a deal with Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) for the chamber to …

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Trump Order: New Federal Buildings Must Be Beautiful

Bloomberg News reports: President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Monday making classical architecture the preferred style for federal buildings in Washington, a White House official said Monday. The presidential action stops short of mandating that all new federal buildings are built in a classical style, saying merely that they must be “beautiful.” Under the order, a “Council for …

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Trump To Hold Jan. 4th Rally For GA Senate Candidates

The Hill reports: President Trump said in a tweet early Sunday that he will return to Georgia one day before two Senate runoffs in January that will determine control of the upper chamber. At a rally for Republican Georgia Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue in Valdosta earlier this month, a defiant Trump insisted that the election was “rigged” against …

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More Wailing About The Election, Still Silent On Russia

The Independent reports: President Donald Trump has today tweeted another election result rant but continues to stay silent on claims Russia was responsible for a massive cyberattack on the US. Meanwhile, Mike Pompeo has claimed that Russia carried out the cyberattack that targeted a number of federal agencies, including the nuclear weapons agency. Mr Pompeo’s sentiments were echoed by Senator …

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