Donald Trump

Borat Hits Back After Trump Calls Him Unfunny “Creep”

USA Today reports: President Donald Trump called Sacha Baron Cohen “a creep” after previously unseen footage from the new “Borat” movie was shared to Twitter on Friday by Borat’s official account. While speaking to reporters on Air Force One on Friday, Trump was asked whether he was worried about security breaches after footage showed an actress from the movie apparently …

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Trump To Donors: Holding Senate Will Be “Very Tough” And I Don’t Even Want To Help Some GOP Senators

The Washington Post reports: President Trump privately told donors this past week that it will be “very tough” for Republicans to keep control of the Senate in the upcoming election because some of the party’s senators are candidates he cannot support. “I think the Senate is tough actually. The Senate is very tough,” Trump said at a fundraiser Thursday at …

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Politico: Trump Team Mired In Paranoia And Blaming

Politico reports: President Donald Trump’s top advisers have plunged into a bitter round of finger-pointing and blame-shifting ahead of an increasingly likely defeat. Accusations are flying in all directions and about all manner of topics — from allegedly questionable spending decisions by former campaign manager Brad Parscale, to how White House chief of staff Mark Meadows handled Trump’s hospitalization for …

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Trump Casts Early In-Person Vote In West Palm Beach

The Palm Beach Post reports: President Donald Trump is casting his vote this morning at the Palm Beach County main library on Summit Boulevard. It marks the first time an incumbent president votes, in-person, in Florida. Trump did vote in both the March 17 presidential primary and the Aug. 18 general primary, but those ballots were sent as absentee votes. …

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Trump Sues To Stop Count Of Nevada Mail-In Votes

The Hill reports: The Trump campaign and the Nevada GOP sued the Nevada secretary of state and Clark County registrar on Friday seeking to stop the count of early mail-in ballots in the Las Vegas area, the latest Republican effort to curtail vote-counting heading toward Election Day. The lawsuit, filed less than two weeks before the Nov. 3 elections, says …

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WaPo: Trump Organization Faces Looming Debt Crisis

The Washington Post reports: At President Trump’s hotel in Chicago, the most recent board meeting began with bad news. This year’s numbers were awful. Revenue had plunged. The hotel was just 24 percent occupied. And worse: The hotel expected next year to be bad, too. In fact, the hotel’s managing director, Gabriel Constantin, said the coronavirus pandemic had hurt the Trump …

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Water-Gate II: The Return Of President Sippy Cup

The New York Daily News reports: President Trump is flirting with his own version of Water-gate — again. For the second time in a few months, Trump struggled to lift a glass of water during his contentious interview with Lesley Stahl. Midway through the 38-minute sit-down, the president picked up a glass of water with his right hand. Instead of …

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LIVE VIDEO: Second And Final Presidential Debate

NBC News reports: Any Americans still on the fence — and who haven’t been among the hordes of early voters — will have one final chance to hear from President Donald Trump and Joe Biden in their last debate Thursday, during which the president will try to re-energize his base and close the polling gap behind Biden. Thursday’s debate in …

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NYT/Siena Poll: Trump +7 In KS (Finished +20 In 2016)

The New York Times reports: President Trump, who won Kansas by more than 20 percentage points four years ago, maintains only a single-digit lead in the state, according to a New York Times/Siena College poll released Thursday, an erosion of support that typifies his struggles in nearly every corner of the country as he fights for a second term. With …

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Researcher Claims He Hacked Trump’s Twitter Account

The Guardian reports: Donald Trump’s Twitter account was hacked last week, after a Dutch researcher correctly guessed the president’s password: “maga2020!”, Dutch media reported. Victor Gevers, a security expert, had access to Trump’s direct messages, could post tweets in his name and change his profile, De Volkskrant newspaper reported. Gevers – who previously managed to log into Trump’s account in …

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On What A Trump Loss Could Mean For World Leaders

The Associated Press today published a lengthy review of what a Trump loss could mean for world leaders: Perhaps none has so much riding on a Trump victory as Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. The Israeli leader, who had a rocky relationship with President Barack Obama, has praised Trump as “the greatest friend” Israel ever had in the White House. …

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Gallup Poll: 56% Say Trump Doesn’t Deserve Reelection

Gallup Polling reports: The majority of U.S. registered voters, 56%, believe President Donald Trump does not deserve to be reelected, while 43% say he does. Voters are even less likely to think “most members of Congress” deserve reelection (29%), although six in 10 say their own House member does. The percentage of voters who say Trump deserves reelection to a …

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Mitt Romney: “I Did Not Vote For President Trump”

Fox News reports: Utah Sen. Mitt Romney says he has already voted in the upcoming election, but the Republican added that he did not vote for President Trump. CNN reporter Manu Raju tweeted out a conversation he had with Romney Wednesday. Romney told Raju he had voted, but would not say whether he had voted for Joe Biden or a …

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Trump: No Regrets On My COVID Response [VIDEO]

Mediaite reports: Following his 60 Minutes interview Tuesday, President Donald Trump sat down with Sinclair’s Eric Bolling for a town hall talking about a number of issues, including the U.S. coronavirus response. Bolling asked, “With COVID, is there anything that you think you could have done differently — if you had a mulligan or a do-over on one aspect of …

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Bolsonaro Is Latest Authoritarian To Endorse Trump

NBC News reports: Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro endorsed President Trump for a second term on Tuesday, becoming the latest international leader to lend their support for the president. “God willing I will be able to attend” Trump’s second inauguration, Bolsonaro said. He added that he won’t “interfere” in the election but “it is from the heart.” First elected in 2018, …

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NIH Head: Trump Hasn’t Met With COVID Task Force In “Quite Some Time,” He Gets His Info From Fox Doctor

ABC News reports: President Trump has not met with the White House coronavirus task force in “quite some time,” the head of the National Institutes of Health said Tuesday. During an interview on NPR’s “Morning Edition,” NIH Director Francis Collins said Trump instead gets his information from Vice President Pence and Scott Atlas, neither of whom are infectious disease experts. …

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Biden +9 Over Trump In NYT/Siena National Poll

The New York Times reports: Joseph R. Biden Jr. holds a nine-point lead over President Trump amid widespread public alarm about the trajectory of the coronavirus pandemic and demand among voters for large-scale government action to right the economy, according to a national poll of likely voters conducted by The New York Times and Siena College. With just two weeks …

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AP: How Trump Burned Through $1B In Campaign Cash

The Associated Press reports: President Donald Trump’s sprawling political operation has raised well over $1 billion since he took the White House in 2017 — and set a lot of it on fire. Trump bought a $10 million Super Bowl ad when he didn’t yet have a challenger. He tapped his political organization to cover exorbitant legal fees related to …

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Microphones To Be Muted At Thursday Debate

CNN reports: Former Vice President Joe Biden and President Donald Trump will have their microphones muted during portions of the second and final presidential debate on Thursday night, the Commission on Presidential Debates announced on Monday in a decision that will likely anger the President. The decision came after the commission met Monday afternoon to discuss potential rule changes to …

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Politico: Bored Trump Halted Highly Classified Intel Briefing On Afghanistan Because He Craved Milkshake

Politico reports: President Donald Trump was in the middle of receiving a highly classified briefing on Afghanistan at his New Jersey golf club when he suddenly craved a malted milkshake. “Does anyone want a malt?” he asked the senior defense and intelligence officials gathered around him, an august group that included the head of the CIA’s Special Activities Center, which …

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