Donald Trump

Biden: All Trump Does Is Cower And Wallow In Self-Pity

The New York Times reports: Biden on Monday seized on Trump’s attacks on Fauci, saying in a statement that the president is lashing out at public health experts “instead of laying out a plan to beat this virus or heeding their advice about how we can save lives and get our economy moving again.” “President Trump even criticized me yesterday …

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Trump To Spend $55M In Final Swing State Ads Push

Axios reports:  The Trump campaign and Republican National Committee plan to spend an additional $55 million on coordinated ad buys in the remaining two weeks of the 2020 election, campaign manager Bill Stepien told reporters on a Monday call. The campaign and the RNC will jointly target Arizona, Iowa, Wisconsin, North Carolina, and Michigan — all considered critical swing states. …

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Fauci “Absolutely Not Surprised” Trump Got COVID, Says WH Has Blocked Him From “Many, Many Shows”

The Washington Post reports: In a striking interview on “60 Minutes” Sunday, Anthony S. Fauci, the nation’s top infectious-disease expert, said he was “absolutely not” surprised President Trump contracted the novel coronavirus after watching him flout public health guidelines at a White House event last month. The president and more than a dozen other people who had close contact with …

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Bolton: “Trump Will Not Leave Graciously If He Loses”

The Huffington Post reports: President Donald Trump won’t leave the White House quietly if he loses in November — and it will depend on the faint-of-heart Republicans to force him out, warned former national security adviser John Bolton in a CNN interview that aired Sunday. “I think it’s very troubling [Trump] has said, ‘I can’t lose unless there’s fraud,’” Bolton …

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GOP Sen. John Cornyn: Working With Trump Is Like “Women Who Think They Can Change Their Spouse”

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports: During a meeting with the Fort Worth Star-Telegram Editorial Board, Cornyn was asked if he and other Republicans regretted not pushing Trump to combat the COVID-19 virus more aggressively, or rein in some of his political stances that were unpopular or stood little chance of passing in Congress. Cornyn initially described his relationship with Trump …

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Trump Plotting Revenge On “Disloyal” Republicans

The Daily Beast reports: Over the past few weeks, Donald Trump and his allies have kept close tabs on prominent conservatives the president believes are gearing up to throw him under the bus in the event he loses his bid for re-election. Two individuals who have spoken to Trump say the president has expressed suspicion that members of his own …

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Whitmer: Trump Is Inciting Domestic Terrorism [VIDEO]

NBC News reports: Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Sunday accused President Donald Trump of inciting “domestic terrorism” against public officials working on containing the coronavirus, pointing to comments he made just days after law enforcement foiled a plot to kidnap her. Whitmer has been a frequent target for Trump during the pandemic — he’s previously criticized her state’s coronavirus-related restrictions …

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Trump Is Trying To Get Michigan’s Governor Killed

Yahoo News reports: It’s been less than a month since the FBI thwarted a plot to kidnap and possibly kill Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI), but President Donald Trump is still making fun of her. At his Saturday rally, he mocked her support of people wearing masks to help prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. The crowd began chanting, “lock …

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Republicans Distance Themselves From Sinking Trump

The New York Times reports: For nearly four years, congressional Republicans have ducked and dodged an unending cascade of offensive statements and norm-shattering behavior from President Trump, ignoring his caustic and scattershot Twitter feed and penchant for flouting party orthodoxy, and standing quietly by as he abandoned military allies, attacked American institutions and stirred up racist and nativist fears. But …

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Trump Rally Attendee Laughs When Off-Camera Man Threatens ABC Reporter: “Put A Bullet In Your Head”

Mediaite reports: ABC News reporter Will Steakin was shocked when a Trump supporter outside President Donald Trump’s Ocala, Florida rally told him “Put a bullet in your head, buddy. I got one,” drawing laughter from the woman he was interviewing. In the video, Steakin is interviewing a woman — on line for Trump’s jam-packed and mask-optional rally — who can …

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Supreme Court Will Review Trump’s Attempt To Exclude The Undocumented From Congressional Apportionment

The Washington Post reports: The Supreme Court announced Friday that it will review President Trump’s attempt to exclude undocumented immigrants when calculating how congressional seats are apportioned among the states. The unprecedented proposal would have the effect of shifting both political power and federal funds away from urban states with large immigrant populations and toward rural and more Republican interests. …

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Trump Reverses On Wildfires Relief Aid For California

Sacramento’s NBC News affiliate reports: Gov. Gavin Newsom said Friday that President Donald Trump has approved the state’s request for a major disaster declaration for wildfires that have burned hundreds of thousands of acres in the state. The reversal came hours after the Trump administration had denied the bid and California officials were planning to appeal the rejection. In a …

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Report: Trump’s Campaign Manager Thinks He’ll Lose

Jonathan Swan reports at Axios: Three senior Trump advisers who recently talked to campaign manager Bill Stepien walked away believing he thinks they will lose. The big picture: The Trump campaign is filled with internal blaming and pre-spinning of a potential loss, accelerating a dire mood that’s driven by a daily barrage of bleak headlines, campaign and White House officials …

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Joe Biden +9 Over Trump In Latest Michigan Poll

The Hill reports: Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is leading President Trump in the critical swing state of Michigan by 9 points, roughly three weeks out from Election Day, according to a new Hill-Harvard poll conducted by HarrisX. Fifty-four percent of voters said they supported Biden, while 43 percent said the same about Trump, according to the poll that was …

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Joe Biden Wins Ratings Battle Of Dueling Town Halls

CNN Business reports: Joe Biden’s town hall on ABC averaged 13.9 million viewers on Thursday night, easily surpassing the Nielsen ratings for President Trump’s town hall on NBC. That alone was a result virtually no one in the TV business expected. And that’s not even the most surprising part. The Trump town hall was simulcast by two of NBC’s cable …

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Both Sides Romney Hits Trump For QAnon Refusal

From a statement issued by Romney today: The President’s unwillingness to denounce an absurd and dangerous conspiracy theory last night continues an alarming pattern: politicians and parties refuse to forcefully and convincingly repudiate groups like Antifa, white supremacists, and conspiracy peddlers. Similarly troubling is their silence regarding anti-vaxxers, militias and anarchists. Rather than expel the rabid fringes and the extremes, …

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Trump: It’s “Not Worth The Work” To Support Collins

The Bangor Daily News reports: President Donald Trump tore into U.S. Sen. Susan Collins of Maine in a Friday tweet, saying the vulnerable Republican whose race is crucial to control of the Senate was “not worth the work” over her stance against seating a new Supreme Court justice before the Nov. 3 election. Collins is one of two Republicans who …

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Trump Refuses To Disavow The QAnon Cult [VIDEO]

The Atlantic reports: President Donald Trump likes to dabble in conspiracy theories, and he does not like to contradict his base. So it should come as no surprise that the president tonight refused to denounce the warped conspiracy-theory movement known as QAnon, which posits that a global cabal is torturing children, and which exalts Trump as its savior. Yet if …

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GOP Sen. Sasse In Audio: Trump Sold Out Allies, Flirted With White Supremacists, And Cozied Up To Dictators

The Washington Post reports: Sen. Ben Sasse eviscerated President Trump during a phone call with constituents in which the Nebraska Republican accused the president of cozying up to dictators, mistreating women, flirting with white supremacists and irresponsibly handling the coronavirus pandemic. Sasse’s comments were disclosed by the Washington Examiner, which obtained an audio recording of the call. Sasse’s spokesman verified …

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Trump: Only Jesus Christ Is More Famous Than I Am

The Hill reports: President Trump said Thursday at a campaign rally in Greenville, N.C., that only Jesus Christ is more famous than he is. “Someone said to me the other day, ‘you’re the most famous person in the world by far.’ I said, ‘no, I’m not’… they said, ‘who’s more famous?’ I said, ‘Jesus Christ’,” Trump recounted, prompting cheers from …

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